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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Evening all.

    Another busy Saturday - where does the time go when I'm sober??
    DancingOn - this is a great habit to form. I cant get enough of this place. Welcome.
    Runningwind - we have trouble with bulbs here where I live in Australia however I have found if I put them in the fridge for about 6 - 8 weeks before planting them they get that cold snap/frost that they would normally get if planting them in a cold climate. Just dont get them mixed up with food as they are poisonous!
    Tranq - shame your date was sick - it wasnt Margarita Mary was it? LOL
    Leaveinsilence - it does get better. I was the biatch from hell for the first week however she does leave and leaves for good thankfully. Especially with the help of the supps (dont even get PMT anymore!).
    Sick of being sick - just remember a journey of a 1000 steps starts with one. So it is only one step at a time that you need to do to get up that mountain.
    Hey Chooky nice to hear from you.
    Katie - dont forget you are part of our world here too. x
    Has anyone heard from Mazzie or Meech lately?

    Our visitors have gone. I actually quite enjoyed having them. I created a new history with them. They didnt know I ever drank as they never saw me drink!
    My husband is standing by his statement that he will cut down and so far has been very good. He is trying to set up a new business and is so passionate about it, he is putting all these new rules in place and one of them is not to drink so much. So kudos to him! He can moderate very well (lucky him!).
    Started my new list of "to do's" - downloaded an idoits guide to photography to my kindle which I have started reading. Am quite excited about all these new hobbies I am going to try. It's amazing what can be done with a clear head.
    Anyway going to supervise my son spray paint his bedroom wall. He is a very good artist (does what we like to call urban art which is really good graffiti in a controlled environment - He knows it doesnt get done on other people's walls or sides of trains).
    So have a good Saturday night and will catchya tomorrow.
    Lots of love
    I finally got it!
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


      Newbies Nest

      Hello Nesters!

      Right then! How are we all? *grins*
      I am doing okay, not AF,but not completely stonkered every night either..does that count?

      Took the wee chicks to swimming lessons today and had a ball. My big sister and I played with them in the pool after their lessons and a fun time was had by all! My sister is a bit depressed after a break up with her partner of 5 yrs,so I think it was good for her too.
      Isn't it weird? In the places I travel with my kids I meet numerous menfolk (single or not) who I have no inclination to seek out, yet she as a single woman in her early 40's,finds it hard to go to the right places? I said: stick with us, kids are a big draw card it would seem!LOL!
      So, KatieB..go find the single Dad's at the local swimming pool, park,playgroup..borrow a neice or nephew if you have to! If they go to these things, then you know they are probably men that are not afraid to committ!!!!
      Hey Hippy- I just did 'urban art' with the wee chicks! we did a chalk sea-theme on the back pavement before bed tonight!!!! My whale was 'to die for' lol!
      NoraC-nice to see you! What you up to girl?
      Leave- i think we've spoken previous to this,but welcome anyways! I am not always on, for certain reseasons, but I am here whenever I can be!
      I miss you all heaps!!!!!
      Lav,Tranq and Sunni...bless you folks!
      Luv Chook *heap big clucks*:h


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Everyone.

        Hippy - LoL! No not Margarita Mary! Ha ha ha. That's what's interesting about online dating -- you don't really know what you're getting into. It's impossible to really know about someone until you meet them. Hey, I took a photography class in college - back in the day we had to use a darkroom to 'develop' film. It's easier now, and I'd like to get back into it sometime. It is a fun, creative outlet.

        KatieB - Good luck on your online adventures. Wish we weren't a world apart! Maybe we could meet halfway for a date. What would that be -- Calcutta? Hmm. But I'm not crazy about Indian food.

        Hi Chooks - you little zig-zagger you! I like that metaphor! Glad you're doing well. Although the mountaintop keeps looking closer as you keep heading in the right direction - up!

        Hi to you S.o.b.s. too!

        NoraC - nice to hear an online success story! Good on you for spending q-time with your son too!

        Lav - Weather Channel says you've got some nice weather coming today.

        Have a great weekend everyone!

        Take care!
        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


          Newbies Nest

          Day 1

          Hi everyone! I am on my first AF day, and I am very, very determined to remain AF. I plan to check in and post daily in the Nest.
          Joy to all today!
          :crazymonkey: RivEd


            Newbies Nest

            Happy first day of Spring in the Nest!!

            To be 72 degrees & sunny all day today - YAY!!
            It was a very, very long winter here.

            LIS, SOS & Chook - so glad you are all here with us! Chook, I thought I heard clucking........good for you!

            papmom, nice that dinner with your Dad went well. Anything is possible, right?

            KatieB - on line dating? I have zero experience in that department. Have fun but be careful

            NoraC & HC - nice that you can spend time hanging out with your kids doin things they like to do. I miss those days, they went by fast!

            Tranq, come to think of it - today would be a perfect golf day here

            I'm preparing to go pick up my grandson for my solo 24 hours with him - wish me luck & enough energy to keep up with him

            Have a great day one & all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hello rived,

              Welcome to the Nest! Please find yourself a comfy twig & settle right in with us

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Not sure how I got through Day 5 (Saturday) but I have.

                It's been a really busy day and tiring. We went out for an Indian meal this evening and I agreed to drive home. On the way there, hubby stopped at the bottle shop and I asked him to get me some wine. I just wanted one glass or I wanted the choice to drink or not - not sure which really. (I would never have stopped at one glass.)

                Anyway, I had soft drinks with the meal and as soon as we got home, I took some L-glut. I put it straight under my tongue as someone has suggested when things get bad. Then I told myself the wine wouldn't be cold enough to drink. I settled down with a glass of sparkling water and that is all I have had all evening.

                The wine is in the garage fridge - I haven't seen it. The thought of it gives me a headache.

                I've still got lots to do tomorrow so I am pleased I will have a clear head and plenty of energy.

                Spam xx


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Rived. Welcome. Love your determination. It's not easy but with a positive mindset like you sound you have, it is achieveable.
                  Well done and visit us often.
                  Hippy Chick
                  I finally got it!
                  "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                    Newbies Nest

                    Well done Spam. I hope you feel really proud of yourself. (Why not take the wine out of the fridge then it will remain not cold enough!)
                    Take care
                    I finally got it!
                    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all,

                      I haven't nestled in as I have a hard time following this long and ongoing thread, but mind if I join? I'll do my best to just hang out if it's ok.



                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters!!! I was going to get up so bright & early to get to work. :H Oh's Saturday and I will be the only one there. Go in when I want.

                        AnotherDay - so happy to have you join us here!!!! :welcome: I have followed some of your posts on other threads and I'm happy that you will be in the nest.

                        Rived - Congratulations on your First Day!!! Be sure to come to this forum and read & post and read & post and read & post. Ask any of us and that has gotten many of us thru some of our very hard times. :welcome: and so glad that you found us.

                        Chook - Glad to hear you clucking.

                        To all of my other wonderful nesters......I will be back-I wish that I had time to catch up on everyone but I must get going. Have a marvelous day/night wherever you may be. :h
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          So glad I found you guys! Feels like a life-saver already!

                          Love, RE
                          :crazymonkey: RivEd


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks, NoraC.

                            I can keep up with the ODAT thread but you all amaze me as you remember everything in the thread! I'll just do my best. Good to have a safe place to be!


                              Newbies Nest

                              rived;825289 wrote: So glad I found you guys! Feels like a life-saver already!

                              Love, RE
                              Hi Rived,

                              This is a good place to be and glad you found us! Everyone is great and so supportive! It is hands down the only place I have found on the Net with this many wonderful people!



                                Newbies Nest

                                Oh - you are so funny! I can't remember anything. When I make a post, it takes me half an hour because I have 10 screens open and I have to keep going back and forth between them. But, it does keep me busy. And, I do care about everyone and that is important. :l
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

