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    Good Sunday morning Nesters

    I hope everyone had a safe night in the nest!
    It is good to wake up without a hangover, nothing will ever beat that!!!!

    Pepper, good to see you & I hear you about blurting out those automatic responses
    I found myself doing the same thing & eventually got used to hearing myself decline the offer of a drink without stress or guilt. It's a good thing!

    Matt, keep that demon where it belongs - out of your head

    Kensho, glad you enjoyed your family time, it is a wonderful thing!

    Greetings Narilly, Ava & everyone!
    Have a wonderful AF Sunday!

    2000 smoke free days today - yay!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Hello Nesters,

      Its been a month of travels. Again on board the plane to Dubai I sometime wonder am I doing this to escape. Escape from routine of life or from the life it self. Am I seeking something which I dont find at home ?

      I dont mind the travel with work but it so happens that I have to travel alone which becomes a bit too much. And sometimes boring. And while during travels when I meet people from all walks of life, all stages and they all make me feel like re living life once again.

      Picture a deeply religious sales rep of an engineering company I met in a factory in Illinois who was proudly sharing the fact that his son and daughter law has left professional life and have gone to some village in UTAH to spread the message of Christ.

      Or the young cousin of mine studying in Columbia university who is exited to be there living in Manhattan in a young collage campus with people from all across the world. Kinda make you go back to campus life.

      " I am a survivor !" Exclaimed a distributer I met who acknowledged that am a functional alcoholic, gone thru 2 cancers, 3 factures, lives in false knee and still pretty active in work. As I enjoyed the lunch in his golf club I wonder how it would be to see life from his eyes.

      Then picture another fellow who migrated to Chicago few years back from India and is still adjusting to a new life in western world and missing home.

      How about a friend of mine, married to an rich new York investment banker, divorced and remarried and now expecting mom. Looking forward to anew chapter in her life with lot nervousness. Seeing her brand new apartment next to Hudson river with fantastic views of Manhattan, how different is her life.
      And here it am I on board this place off to Dubai. It know all these people and many more but one thing that I notice is being sober is that I so much enjoy meeting people ad going to new places. It is so strange during drinking the soul purpose of life had become to drink, find a place to drink, with or without anyone. Now in this new sober life I experiance everything the life has to offer !!

      Stay sober guys its well worth it !!
      Rewiring my brain ... done ...
      Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
      Rebooting ... done ...
      Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


        Good morning.

        Rahul - all the travel you do sounds both fantastic and overwhelming. You meet an interesting array of people, for sure.

        I wanted to say I slept 9.5 hours last night! I have actually been sleeping very well since I quit drinking, so this last week was different for me. I was staying up late and then waking up early. Feels so nice to wake up very well rested, but a little groggy from sleeping so much, and sit here in my living room with a nice cup of coffee. No regret and no hangover.

        Happy Sober Sunday!


          Good morning!
          Glad you are sleeping well Pav, the coffee sounds great. Yes, it is great to wake up feeling good. I cannot say it enough times but I Love waking up with NO hangover!!!
          Bring on the day!

          It is -9 C here and snowing like crazy. A great day to stay inside. Although I am going for a walk now. I just put cabbage roll casserole in the crock pot and will make banana muffins this aft. My daughter is home for a few days from University so I get to visit with her.
          Yes, life is great- being sober is awesome.

          Rahul, it is amazing what you are experiencing in your travels. So good you can take in so much because you are sober.

          Kensho when I get those cravings one thing I do (even though I don't want to at the time) is come on here and read. It helps pretty quick. It is quite amazing really. I didn't think it would work until I tried it.

          Have a great day.

          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

          AF April 12, 2014


            Narilly, that's exactly what I do, too. Whenever I have a nagging thought or go thru a 'spell' I just get my arse in this newbie's nest and read! It really does wonders!

            My hobbies are killing me....I spent all day yesterday beading. I did find some time to bake a punkin bread to take for Thanksgiving. Now I have on a crock pot of red beans for tonight. There just aren't enough hours in a weekend to get everything done, how on Earth did I find time to drink?

            Lav, are you getting the chicken's electric blanket ready for the polar vortex?

            Rahul, travel safely, you are such a different person now! So proud of you!
            Ava and Pav, sneaking up on ONE YEAR!! How can I get a cake over to Australia and California?? I better get cracking on that project~ I'll have to get a really tall candle!!!

            Hope everyone has an easy day! All good over here on the east coast! XO, Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Happy Sunday/Monday all.

              Pav, I'm glad you are finally getting some good quality sleep. Nothing beats waking up in the morning feeling truly rested. My problem these days is I can't get up in the morning. But I just got a new alarm clock that simulates the sunrise, and I think it's going to make a world of difference this winter.

              Rahul, you certainly have some interesting experiences. I think it's wonderful that you have friends all over the world. Safe travels.

              SoftFocus, isn't it nice to have extra cash on hand? For me, that's one of the major rewards of not drinking. Not only are my bills paid on time now, but there's usually a bit left over for some fun.

              Nar, I can't believe it's already snowing in your part of the world. Although, I think Cowboy mentioned the same thing yesterday and I believe you are in the same area. I just saw on the weather channel that winter starts here tomorrow...snow, cold, wind...the whole shebang. So I'm going to adopt your good attitude about it. Yep - going to be much easier dealing with it minus the hangover.

              I like your musings, Matt. Thanks for sharing.

              Kensho, glad you stayed strong.

              Pepper, thanks for the laugh. I really want to use that line just once.

              Ava - the carpet comment was priceless. I sure do remember those days. Enjoy the time with your son.

              Lav, I am so happy for you. 2,000 days smoke-free. Yippee!!!!!!!!!! I'm still going strong - 13 months, 2 weeks and four days. But who's counting? LOL.

              Byrdie - I never could get the hang of beading, but it looks like fun. It is going to be a long winter, so may have to give it another try.

              I spent most of today replenishing my supply of homemade cleaning supplies and skin care products. Dropped a bundle at the health food store, but oh well - at least I know what I'm putting on my body, and using to clean my home. Much, much better than spending a fortune at the liquor store, right?

              Wishing you all a peaceful MAE.
              Everything is going to be amazing



                It is surely true being sober I see world with a new set of eyes. Its like if earlier I was wearing dark set of Sun glasses and walking in dark . Seeing only bright lights but missing all other details. Now with the shades out I am enjoying the beauty of sky, night, city etc etc.

                If some would ask me how am I controlling myself. As right now I sitting in Bar in Dubai listening to"Happy " being sung by this south eastern band. Am I contrrolling myself ... Absolutely not !! The secret is not about control . It's not about making myself miserable , it's about changing the aattitude towards AL. How I see it now is the way I smoke.

                On my long flight back home from Chicago I ordered roasted goose from the in flight menu it turns out the chef was New and could not cook it. The flight attendent was so apologetics apologetic she offered me the half bottle of expensive champaigne . It felt so great to disappoint her as I said "I don't drink !"

                Everyday feels so great and it's all about this. Seeing the life from this side do I want to go back ? No way no fucking way.

                "No women no cry ... " as the bang sings to the tunes of Jemi Hendrix in their own south eastern English accent. I felt like singing "I AL no cry !!"

                Man it feels good ...

                I sometimes cannot believe myself being a daily drinker for past 10 years ... And I am here enjoying diet coke and ice and absolutely loving it.
                Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                Rebooting ... done ...
                Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Another weekend done!
                  I survived visits from my grandsons two days in a row, Ha Ha! They even tried my Polish version of stuffed cabbage tonight

                  Rahul, are you going to maintain this level of travel for business? Is there any possibility of being home more often in the near future? Just wondering. Glad you are feeling solid in your quit

                  MR, thankfully QuitNet does the counting for me - I'm a bit too lazy anymore! I'm so happy I gave up the smokes but hate how often they enter my consciousness. I almost never think of AL - confusing.
                  Good for your counting your time!!!!

                  Byrdie, my chickens survived last winter's polar vortex & they were just toddlers then. I suppose they will be just fine this winter

                  Narilly, sorry about the early snow. Be careful out there.

                  Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Good Night, Nest.

                    Holy Cow, Narilly - it was 75F here today. I can't imagine that cold. But we're also dying of thirst over here, so I guess there is that.

                    Keep those chickens warm, Lav.



                      Happy Monday guys- nice thread!
                      A bit hard for me to catch up as I am always behind 6 hours.
                      Starting another week and apart from the pain in my neck all is pretty okay.
                      Sending you all positive energy.
                      One short comment- after my 1 st Friday out since I stopped drinking I am realizing how easy it could be take all this for granted and have Just one glass of wine.
                      Thankfully because of all the reading and Bubble Hours I know there is simply no such thing as one. And, I can only depend on myself not to tske that step.
                      The world wants us to drink, why not?no harm in just one.... Thank god we know better!
                      What a huge effort it was to stop drinking. I dont want to have to do that ever again!
                      (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                        Good Morning, Nesters!
                        Eloise, you have just stated what Lav, NS, PAVa (how's that for the twins?) and I say about support! If we didn't have this place, we would be brainwashed into thinking there's NO harm! After all, EVERYONE else does it! I am now a believer after seeing it time after time after time after time after time....well, you get it. People so the HARD work of getting sober for ___ # of days, they wander off into our drinking society and the rest is history. There are a few exceptions, I can think of 3....(and the game ain't over yet). I was looking back over someone's history yesterday after I saw a post and I went back as far as 2012 and I saw so many names of folks who were having success...and then wandered off....I wonder what is happening in their lives now. I CAN imagine. If AL is in it, they are in a living hell.

                        Lav has asked me to apologize that she will be in short supply for the next few days. She's had a family emergency and will grappling with those and sends her apologies for being absent in the next few days. While she is the strongest person I know, please join me in wishing her extra strength for her and her family. We will be holding you close in our thoughts.

                        Make is a great day everyone! Don't let AL take one more day of your precious life! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Tough times don't last, but tough people do...and that's our Lav! Thoughts and prayers are with you!
                          Last edited by abcowboy; November 10, 2014, 08:58 AM.
                          Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                          Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                          Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                            Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                            Good Morning, Nesters!
                            Eloise, you have just stated what Lav, NS, PAVa (how's that for the twins?) and I say about support! If we didn't have this place, we would be brainwashed into thinking there's NO harm! After all, EVERYONE else does it! I am now a believer after seeing it time after time after time after time after time....well, you get it. People so the HARD work of getting sober for ___ # of days, they wander off into our drinking society and the rest is history. There are a few exceptions, I can think of 3....(and the game ain't over yet). I was looking back over someone's history yesterday after I saw a post and I went back as far as 2012 and I saw so many names of folks who were having success...and then wandered off....I wonder what is happening in their lives now. I CAN imagine. If AL is in it, they are in a living hell.

                            Lav has asked me to apologize that she will be in short supply for the next few days. She's had a family emergency and will grappling with those and sends her apologies for being absent in the next few days. While she is the strongest person I know, please join me in wishing her extra strength for her and her family. We will be holding you close in our thoughts.

                            Make is a great day everyone! Don't let AL take one more day of your precious life! Byrdie
                            Yes, I second that Cowboy!
                            Wishing you the best Lav and that this time passes as quickly as possible.

                            Really Brydie- I know we have to do all this in our own time, but what a waste of time drinking is.
                            I imagine if I drank it would take me weeks to get back on the wagon, I would feel so bad about it.

                            I was listening to the Bubble Hour again today and it talks about finding 3D support as well. I really do not have any of this, my husband maybe? It's me though, I just don't want to talk to him about it. He does get it now though and is pretty grateful I am not drinking after an evening discussion with his sister. The poor thing.
                            I let him go to his mom's again alone this week-end. I had to be selfish, I was so tired and had work to be done so this week isn't nuts. (( Note: listened to BH about PAWS 2x this week and got some good warning info.)
                            My husband talked about how it looks like his sister stumbles around the house there on her weekend visiting mother entirely drunk.
                            Better he says this than me. When I say something sensitive like 'Good lord, how does she manage to wreck the house is 36 hours?" He gets all indignant.
                            I know how it is though, when you are drunk you see less dirt!! haha!
                            I feel like I do not post so often these days except for the sugar free thread but it is just because I have to read so far back to figure out what is going on.
                            You folks are busy little bumble bees while I am fast asleep!

                            But yeah, Byrdie, we need each other to keep this all going forward. And, if I have to limit my social life these days, so be it. There won't be anyone around to help me back on track if I slip, but plenty of support to make encourage that slip is my guess?
                            So happy I am finally seeing things for what they are!
                            (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                              Rahul, I am glad you are doing so well. We started on here around the same time and I remember you struggled a lot early on, I was worried. I'm so happy that you are happy now!

                              Byrdie, I was thinking the opposite this weekend about not enough hours in the day. If you want more hours in the day, don't drink. I got a lot done and crossed off pretty much everything on my to do list, got to sleep in both days, and still had time for myself. Definitely couldn't fit in all I did this weekend if I was drinking.

                              Have a great day everyone!

                              [moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse] inkele: :applause2: :yay:


                                Hi Everyone! Sorry to hear you're having hard times LAV. Sending lots of support and well wishes.

                                Eloise, I'm glad you post even if you haven't read back through everything. WE understand when others don't - so post!

                                I was watching a reality show about people in an artistic field last night. I usually FF through the drama parts and just watch the final art stuff, but this show focused on one participant who was pissing away his chance for a huge future because he drank too much. Really painful to watch. They showed him doing the competitions drunk, and having these "aside" talks with the camera - totally sloshed. They played it off as "he is a party frat boy". At the end of the show, the main mentor said, "You have to be careful, so please cut back on your drinking".

                                I thought to myself... He drinks all day and through an opportunity that could be life changing and you think he can just "slow down"? Non-alcoholics really just don't grasp the NEED that ALKs have to drink. This guy will piss this opportunity away for booze. I only hope he doesn't fall deeper in once he's cut - but someday looks back while sober and regrets it. Another thing is that he is brilliant - top of his class. Alcoholics aren't stupid, lazy, no-good, scuzzy people (well I'm sure there are those too), but many, many very bright and talented people fall into the grasp of addiction. So much talent and life wasted - I HATE AL!
                                Last edited by KENSHO; November 10, 2014, 11:04 AM.

                                Done. Moving on to life.

