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    Originally posted by See the Light View Post
    welcome back blackflag- how have things been? Way to go Daisy- making great strides.

    Resolve- a little off topic, but I just noticed my avatar kinda looks like a goalie trying save a bounce off your avatar when I see them on the same page....and I'm not even drinking

    BTW STL - this didn't go unnoticed and yeah, I see what you mean! In fact I've spent time down your way in NC on some soccer fields and will be there this weekend (only rinkside watching goalies on ice!). Thanks for the off-topic moment, I needed that .


      Yo Nesters near and not so far,

      Congratulations Coney and Matt! Love your continued presence around here Pinecone, thanks buddy.

      Thank you everyone for the great posts as usual! The nest is always thought provoking and inspiring.

      All good here. Off for a swim. L8tr g8tr's.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Originally posted by available View Post
        Dont let that voice tell you that you werent "that bad". You are that bad, you are on here and you are an alcoholic.
        100% right Ava - this is why I come on here there is always something I needed to see that day. Today, this was it. Holidays are coming. Those thoughts are not going to get to me!


          Witching hours for me.

          Well here I am heading into the hard hours of the day for me. Home from working and ready for that drink.
          But if I think it through there is no just one drink for me. I have proven this to myself over and over and over.
          Once I take that first drink I am off to the races for who knows how long.
          So I am not going to take that first drink period.

          I am grateful for having day one behind me and looking forward to getting through this day AF.

          I will be back to check in with you all.

          All things in time if I am Alcohol free


            Must have missed that one stl, things have been a bit of a disaster as of late, of course caused by all the al I've been drinking. Just need to keep my eye on the prize right now, get through these early days and look forward to feeling better again. The 18 days I managed last time I was here is the longest I've gone without al in about 10 years, so I know I can do it. Just need to make sure I don't get complacent and can keep it going.


              Congrats Pinecone on a whopping 3 years, and Matt on a remarkable 100 days!! I am inspired and strengthened by your successes. Thanks for leading the way and convincing me that this can be done.

              Rednose - I'm so happy to hear that you made it through the night and are working on Day 2. I know how much strength that took. You rock.

              STL - thanks for the app suggestion. I'm going to check it out. I'm like to listen to music at work, but sometimes it can be distracting when I'm trying to concentrate, so this sounds perfect.

              NS - I was reading a bit of Dr. Milam's position paper that you posted in the What We're Reading thread and was struck by this very paragraph. I couldn't agree more. My personality definitely can take a turn towards the ugly when I'm drinking. But remove AL from the equation, and I can't imagine acting that way. One more reason, it has to go.

              G - enjoy your swim. Must be nice and warm there right now. Enjoy.

              Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I'm off to answer a message from a friend I haven't heard from in 30 years. I barely ever check FB, but today I did, and there it was. A very pleasant surprise, I must say. He and I were very dear friends back in the 80s. Lots to catch up on. Anyway, wishing everyone a peaceful night in the nest.
              Everything is going to be amazing


                Crosspost red nose, stay strong, and stay on here!


                  Red keep on here and post. I was lunatic linda for weeks and weeks but i always received help and support and if not i read and read some more. Alcoholism documentaries on Youtube are an eye opener to say the least. I sometimes would like one drink also but it is never enough for an alky and i damn know i cant moderate. Keep checking in you will get through this day and the next and the next. God im at work now and oh guess where i am? No one else is working so ............... well thats my excuse!
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Same here. x-post, Rednose. Hang in there. You are stronger than you think.
                    Everything is going to be amazing


                      Checking in. Little bit cold out here today. Another sober day. Hope everyone is having a nice sober day as well.


                        Greetings Nesters!

                        Boy have I ever missed a lot going on in the nest the past few days!

                        Welcome back rednose, Blackflag & Gardener & anyone I may have missed. This IS the place to be & yes you CAN meet your goals with a strong commitment & a good working plan. Stick around

                        Pinecone, CONGRATS to you on your awesome 3 years AF :yay:
                        Matt, CONGRATS to you, 100 AF days is terrific!!!!

                        Wishing everyone continued success & a safe & cozy night in the nest.
                        I'm sticking close to home this week, taking some time to reflect & remember that every day we have is precious.
                        Why waste your life on AL?

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Thinking about you Rednose, Blackflag and Gardener. I hope you all are sober as judges like I am....Day 4. Feeling good. TIRED. We made a fire and watched movies bc the kids had an early dismissal. I fell asleep for 2 hours. What is that? Why are we so tired when we first quit????


                            Originally posted by available View Post

                            Matt, Matt, Matt, well 100 fecking days, so proud of you and how far you have come. Love your posts and love you! I bought an electric toothbrush and a new bra to celebrate my 100 days maybe you could do the same.
                            Ava, why would Matt want to buy you a bra and electric toothbrush for his 100 day anniversary? Ehehehe...
                            Great job, Matt! Here is your prize!
                            we are all so proud of you!

                            Hope everyone has an easy evening! Just take it a chunk at a time...if all else fails, EAT or go to bed! Holler if you need us! Xxoo, B
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Well done matt!
                              Ican, sober over here, but I hear ya on the tiredness. Just got in bed and don't have to be up for 10 hours... I can't wait! And plus I'm not going to feel rough when I do need to be up. I could get used to this.


                                Hi Friends,

                                Thanks so much for all the kind words. I do appreciate it.

                                Resolve, I remember the pain of that disharmony very acutely. So many, many people here are kind hearted, generous, genuine, intelligent, funny souls. Alcohol takes all that and warps it into an unrecognizable mess. When I was drinking, day after day, I wanted to live up to all my obligations and aspirations but I couldn't even try. It is very painful to want to do good things in our life for our family, our self but instead be trapped in a repetitive drinking hell. That is not any way to live. Only after quitting can I start to take the steps to get me to where I want to be in life.

                                If you are here reading this then you are one of the lucky ones! Something inside you was strong enough to bring you here, and that is pretty remarkable! When you are an alcoholic/problem drinker (use whatever term you are comfortable with) looking for help, registering, posting, reading is like walking up hill dragging an anchor. It isn't easy at first, but if it was easy, would it be worth anything? We are probably most proud of the things that weren't easy. But since the folks that are here reading and posting took THE HUGE STEP of seeking outside help, they can definitely keep taking daily incremental steps. We are the lucky ones and we should be grateful that we are here. Getting grateful will save your bacon!
                                "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                                AF 11/12/11

