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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Ok - seriously - I am going to go to work now. This is ridiculous. :H
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Newbies Nest

      Good Saturday Morning Tweetie Birds
      Sounds like everyone is fairly happy and content.....
      Katie......don't puppies attract men????? oh that women at the beach?????:H
      I finally got my paycheck two weeks late from my tool of a boss and then he had the nerve to call at 8 this morning (my day off) with a list of things to we are a full 2 weks behind on payroll right now....whatev.....
      Welcome Rived....climb on into the nest....i will move over and and make some room
      Topa seems to be working...I can drink if i want or not....not this crazy, overwhlming need, but i am working toward being AF as I continue to up my dosage
      Have you all been reading the thread about the funny places we used to hide our booze? Funny Stuff!!
      Where is Meech???? have not heard from her...hope she's ok
      good to see you chooks, nippy, and nora....panno where are u
      hi tranq....sorry margarita mary stood u up:H:H:H....prolly cusse she could drink you under the table!!!! That's a good thing
      Happy Gardening Lav
      Bravo Spam on your strength....have you considered meds? Just a thought....
      Smooches from Sunnier Florida
      Love you all!!!!!!
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning/evening everyone.

        KatieB, I hope you have a great weekend. I can't believe your on day 6 AF already. :goodjob: Sending you lots of hugs from the big state of Texas. :l:l

        NoraC, It sounds like you and your son had a very nice evening. It's amazing the endless positive things AF brings to our life.

        Hippy Chick, thanks for the tip, it makes perfect sense. You'll have to post some of your pictures once you get your photography hobbie going. I'am excited for you!

        Coco-Nut, have you ever considered stand-up comedy? I love your post throughout the day.

        dancingon, 500 pages of post :wow3:

        ChickenNumber3, Glad you have been popping in the nest.

        Rived, :welcome: and :goodjob: on day 1 AF.

        Lavende, I hope you and your grandson have a great day! Did you take some extra vitamin B?

        Spam, I'am glad you won that battle. I think it is great that you have 5 AF days already!

        Anotherday, I'am glad you joined us!

        leaveinsilence, one thing about emotions, they do even out over time.

        sick of being sick, I'am still finding new places too. Glad your back!

        papmom3, glad everything went well with dinner at your dad's. Your right though, you have to figure out the sleep issue.

        TranqWilly, it sounds like you have a very busy but wonderful life. I hope your girlfriend is feeling better soon.

        Well, wishing everyone a safe and productive weekend.
        The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


          Newbies Nest

          Hi mamabear, glad to hear at least they payed you. Hope this week turns out better. Have good weekend.
          The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


            Newbies Nest

            thanks everyone for the well wishes. I'm glad my dinner with dad went well too. I'm off to visit my brother and his family for the afternoon. It's such a gorgeous day and they live on such a pretty piece of property.
            I had a much better nite's sleep last nite. Took benedryl and a different heartburn med that does have some drowsiness properties. took me a little while to fall asleep but much faster than the past week. One of the dogs did wake me up at around 3 but as soon as I got up he jumped back into bed. not sure what that was all about. the alarm went off at 5(forgot to turn it off LOL) but we went back to sleep until about 7. I feel very good. Very energetic. I think the All One really helps with the energy. I've already taken the dogs for a great 1/2 hour walk!!
            I hope everyone has a great day and those of you living in the NE, have an especially great day on this first day of spring. It couldn't be more perfect!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Newbies Nest

              NoraC;825296 wrote: Ok - seriously - I am going to go to work now. This is ridiculous. :H
              NoraC, I agree this stuff is addictive... but a good one. I got so tickled when I saw your post. OK, OK, I have to go too. I have to do laundry.... what is laundry?
              The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                Newbies Nest

                Hi everyone!
                Lots of new faces! Welcome everyone -- you have come to an amazing, supportive place. I don't know if I could to this without the support I get here! Back to day 6 myself -- just one slip this month and a fairly minor one, I think. Anyhow, welcome! I wish you lots of strength and willpower!
                Busy busy nest! You all sound alive and thriving! Great! I am doing well. Finally at the tail end of the headcold. Working on the stair project again today. (never ending...especially now that the BIL is involved... BUT it is at least getting done.
                Not thinking too much about AL, so that it good.
                Glad to see everyone doing so well! Be back later!
                PS Lav-- We have snow and 32 degrees today! LOL Mother nature is reminding us Michiganders where we really do live!!!!! My poor daffs are going to be a bit frizzled on top I am afraid...


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning all,
                  MB - I am very pleased you finally got paid.. I know how frustrating it is when you can't do your grocery shopping as you haven't been paid yet!
                  Runningwind - thank you, on Day 7 today! :yay:
                  Violet - congrats, Day 6 is awesome with only one slip.. i've had 3 very minor slips in 6 weeks.. so I see myself as vastly improved..
                  HC - thank you hun xxx i feel a part of this world through and through!
                  Chook - i have no nieces or nephews.. but I have my son! everytime i go to the park, i meet other women, no single dads.. besides I do not want to be embarrassed if I try chatting up what seems to be a single dad, only for his wife/partner to turn up! so i will stick to the online dating for now! :H
                  Tranq - I love Indian food.. though not sure where Calcutta is - isn't it a black hole somewhere? :H
                  Lav - I will be very careful.. I will make sure the first question I ask any potential dates is "Have you ever been charged with murder or manslaughter?" - just kidding, but I will look out for myself
                  Rived - hello and welcome! we are here for you to help you on your journey..
                  Spam - so very very well done on avoiding drinking that wine.. you seemed to put yourself to the "test" and you passed! with flying colours! :goodjob:

                  As for me, I had the best sleep I have had in along time last night! I had 10 hours, and it was a lovely, deep, refreshing sleep.. i guess i must have needed it! i'm usually up at 0600 every morning with my little boy, and he's getting more and more active and demanding every day now he's nearly 2 - he exhausts me! Have a great day all, back later..
                  "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                    Newbies Nest

                    Today is 3 AF day for me! I was still all gloom and doom this mornng after my recent drinking experience, until I picked up a book and actually read half of it today, "The easy way to quit drinking" by Allen Carr. Awesome book! Made me realize some stuff about myself and offered alot of hope. Don't you just love blackberry phones - the ones your family members can send you pics? My daughter, brother and sister have been sending me pics all day of their drinking party at the st patrick's day parade. On the tables dancing, trying to hold their drinks up to toast me and looking like they are all having so much fun! But I know the truth, they are all going to feel like hell tomorrow, so I'm thankful I missed out on "all the fun".
                    I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
                    but I'm sure not who I used to be!

                    There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



                      Newbies Nest

                      That's nice of them (NOT!!!) - if they knew you had a drinking problem or not (i dont know if they do) -but sending someone pics of "having fun" where you cant be is just plain cruel!
                      But at least YOU know that they will be having dreadful hangovers, making fools of themselves, full of remorse and possibly depression the next day - being out in drink filled places also increases your risk of being a victim of assault or gaining other injuries.. so you haven't missed out on anything at all.. in fact, your mind and body are in a much better state than their's will be for a long time to come!
                      Katie xx
                      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                        Newbies Nest

                        Evening Nesters,

                        Happy to report I have survived my day with my grandson - so far so good, hope he sleeps thru the night! I think I will

                        Violet - snow? I'm sorry to hear that! I won't tell you about the absolutely gorgeous day we had here......... I know we are expecting rain on Monday.

                        Mama Bear, runningwind, SOBS, KatieB, Tranq (my old buddy) & everyone -
                        wishing you a safe & cozy AF night in the nest.
                        AF rocks!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest


                          Oh boy! This place is so busy......

                          Nora, I take notes along the way so I "remember" what others have said or write down what stands out for me.
                          Pap - glad you had a better sleep. I know myself if I havent had a good sleep, I just cant handle things as well.
                          Rived - this site really is a life saver. I know where my life was heading before I found it and it wasnt a nice place to be. So I certainly consider it my life saver.
                          Anotherday - I love feeling safe here too. Sometimes I read other threads and see fights going on or someone slagging someone else off, and I get upset at seeing that. So I tend to stay in the nest.
                          S of BS - I have LOTS of photos of me drunk. Sometimes they were the only way I knew what I had done the night before. I cringe at seeing the ones my daughter and I took when we were having "fun" with "mummy being so funny"... if only she knew (more of that later).
                          Katie - one of the things that truly amazes me is the fact that I didnt get assulted or gain substantial injuries while in a black out. I have travelled around the world alot on my own and exposed myself to some potentially horrendous situations and came out relatively unscathed. I have had a few friends choke on their own vomit while passed out and now we visit them six feet under. I have certainly had something watching over me all those years. I shudder now to think of what could have happened.

                          Talking of my daughter, I was taking her and her friend home the other night from the pub where we had dinner. The licensing laws state that kids have to be gone by 9 so while my husband and friends finished off their drinks I took the girls home (any excuse to get out of that environment even for a few minutes). When we were going to the car, we passed an obviously VERY drunk guy trying to walk. I casually moved the girls closer to the road to get away from him, hoping they hadnt realised how he was. But my daughter did notice and told her friend she knew "that look men get when they are drunk" (these are 10 year old girls). They continued to list all the men that they had seen drunk - my husband who got drunk about twice (what?? Thank goodness she thought it was only twice), my daughters friend's uncles try to kiss her when they have been drinking (luckily her mum is always around). But my daughter said she had never seen her mummy drunk! OMG. She had seen me drunk for about 9 years of her life and never knew I had been plastered alot of the time. THANK GOODNESS FOR THAT. I hope my son (14) thinks the same.

                          Better go. Have been on for an hour and have so much to do today. This site really is my new addiction.

                          Take care and stay strong. YOU CAN DO IT!

                          I finally got it!
                          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good night everyone . I have just got through watching New Moon, the second installment of the Twilight movies. I know I'am probably to old to be watching these movies (but I'am hooked....whats new). I hope everyone had a wonderful day. I also, have to give my husband a big shout out for his 49th birthday. I love him so much! Wishing all of you a peacefull nights rest.
                            The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi everyone,
                              Runningwind - that's a great movie.. I watched that one at the movies, and the first on DVD - i am hooked also - it doesnt matter about your age! just enjoy..
                              Even though I bought some wine today, my aim was never to get drunk.. I dont even see it as a "slip up" as I did not get drunk.. and I still have 1/2 a bottle left in the fridge that I won't be having tonight as im about to go to bed.. so i think this site has definately helped changed my outlook towards AL.. and maybe I can moderate.. though I wont say that to myself or I may end up drinking routinely again.. but every now and then is ok for me as long as I dont get drunk, and im able to have a clear head.. I feel clear headed now already and had a fun afternoon on the dating site.. then making a lovely dinner for me and my son..
                              Have a great night all.. back tomorrow,
                              Katie xxx
                              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                                Newbies Nest

                                Running Wind and Katie,

                                I LURVE the Twilight series. I have read all the books. I am 39 and was introduced to them by a friend who is a little older than me. I am certainly Team Edward.

                                I have not seen the New Moon movie yet.

                                Katie - I have kept up with your posts over the weekend. I haven't commented yet as I did not want to do so with only a few minutes to spare. I'll pm you soon. It looks like you're still being quite strong despite your weekend woes.

                                Day 6 here and genuinely tired. Took son ice-skating. He's at that age where he thinks he can do anything but was not good at ice skating. He didn't care. He got chatting to a boy his own age and was gone. Mum was abandoned. He even took part in a game of Red Rover and I was crippled with embarrasment as he fell over, held the side and the marshalls let him off until the last few. I tried to call him off the ice but he couldn't hear me. (Son is deaf and was not wearing his hearing aids.) Then I realised the embarrassment was to do with me and my early years. If he was happy taking part then good on him. Unfortunately, my beliefs are so ingrained that I wouldn't dare attempt anything I couldn't be good at. Eventually, I was proud that he got out there, despite the competition.

                                Off to bed soon. Hope everyone has had / is going to have a wonderful Sunday.

                                Spam xx

