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    Red - there have been many conversations on MWO about isolation and drinking. They seem to go hand-in-hand for some of us. I was always an at-home-alone drinker, and stayed far away from others during my benders. I could always keep it under control in social situations - and would make up the difference once I got home.

    Now I make an effort to stay connected with other people, here and in my real life. But I must caution you, pick your social events very carefully in the beginning. The other conversation going on here in the nest recently talks about the difficulties of staying AF in social situations. It takes some practice. People do try to push AL on you, although I don't think their motives are evil. But that is a whole 'nother conversation. My close friends are getting very used to me not drinking now. In fact, they automatically offer me a non-AL drink. I think they would be scared if I asked for the real thing these days. Funny how that works.

    I have had a rough week, and was pulling away from everyone again. Not because I was drinking, just because it's a bad habit of mine when I am overwhelmed. I received a thoughtful, and unusual text from a dear friend about an hour ago. It was very personal, so I can't share the whole thing, but it did start with..."when wine becomes more important than friends..." She automatically assumed I was drinking because I was slipping back into isolating mode. In the past, I would have been angry. Today, I was moved by her concern. Coming out of the AL closet to my closest friends and family has been a good thing for me. They have my back. But it took me a very long time to feel comfortable doing it.

    Take care, Rednose and stay strong. You are on the right path. You'll be amazed how many people will not only respect your decision not to drink, but will support it. I've even had one friend join me on this journey. And we used to be big drinking buddies.

    Thank you everyone for the kind words regarding my brother. I appreciate it.

    xx, Moss
    Everything is going to be amazing


      It's always a treat to do a fly-by of the Newbie's Nest and see such great determination and inspiration growing within so many! Giving and receiving support is so essential in breaking free of addiction. There's incredible power in knowing we're not alone - especially in the critical early weeks of withdrawal.

      I've been thinking back to my experiences in those tender times and what made it possible for that last quit to truly be my final-and-forever-quit and one main thing comes to mind:

      I understood - and accepted - that alcohol was THE problem. Alcohol is a drug. Alcohol is a toxin. Alcohol is an addictive substance. So what if some people can take the drug and not become addicted? So what if some people's bodies metabolize the drug without too much damage? Alcohol will always be a drug. It will always be toxic. And for me, it will always be an addictive substance my body can no longer tolerate.

      This understanding and acceptance finally made it possible for me to deal with the prospect of life without alcohol in a very healthy and positive way. In the beginning, it felt a bit uncomfortable living in a culture that accepts, encourages and even celebrates the use of this drug. Now, I find it ironic that I once thought of people who can use alcohol as being "normal." And I find it even more ironic, that those who've battled their way free of an addictive substance are often viewed as flawed or damaged. Go figure.

      I have only one regret about the decision to get drugs alcohol and nicotine out of my system once and for all:

      I wish I would've made the decision a hell of a lot earlier than I did. In fact, I wish I would've NEVER used in the first place.

      I LOVE my drug free life. Having my brain fire on all cylinders is truly a heady experience. Healing takes time and it's a process that takes a holistic effort of fueling the body with whole healthy foods and healing brain chemistry. But talk about a huge payoff - I've never been healthier in my life and now have much more to look forward to in the years I have left.

      Here's the best part....everyone can have this! And it all starts with the life-changing, liberating decision to stop putting alcohol in your body. It's that straight forward. Alcohol will never change. But you can. And you can be free of this toxic, addictive and ultimately, destructive drug.
      Last edited by Turnagain; November 15, 2014, 06:42 PM.
      Sober for the Revolution!
      AF & NF July 23, 2011


        Hey Turn! It is always a treat to read a post from you!
        It really is a LIBERATING decision! Nobody said it would be easy, they said it would be worth it.....and it sure has been! B
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Wow- Turn -- Glad to see you here and great wrote a post back in August (below) that was one of the ones that helped me change my life..please keep posting when you can because it is people with knowledge and experience that helps the folks like us who need the guidance and assurance the most..Thanks

          Sorry if there is a good thread on this topic already..I searched for one but didn't find what I was looking for (if there is one please post link). I know this can vary depending on level of drinking, personal will strength, support system, physical health, etc. but I was curious what people thought (who are AF now) how many
          Last edited by See the Light; November 15, 2014, 07:25 PM.
          “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



            Good evening Nesters,

            Thanks for dropping in Turn - always nice to see you
            What's new in your neck of the woods?

            Well, I got my farm share picked up - wonderful locally grown veggies each week until April - yay!
            Got 7 50 pound bags of chicken feed so the girls are stocked up for a while.
            The battery croaked in the pick up truck today so it got a brand new battery, LOL
            Just your typical day in Lav-land & not a thought about AL ~ go figure.

            Glad to see everyone kicking butt & staying on plan. I guarantee you that is something you'll never regret!!!
            Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Originally posted by Lavande View Post
              Good evening Nesters,

              Thanks for dropping in Turn - always nice to see you
              What's new in your neck of the woods?

              Well, I got my farm share picked up - wonderful locally grown veggies each week until April - yay!
              Got 7 50 pound bags of chicken feed so the girls are stocked up for a while.
              The battery croaked in the pick up truck today so it got a brand new battery, LOL
              Just your typical day in Lav-land & not a thought about AL ~ go figure.

              Glad to see everyone kicking butt & staying on plan. I guarantee you that is something you'll never regret!!!
              Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

              Thanks for always being solid as rock Lav- batteries will croak, and life will happen...but its always great to hear people move through without an AL thought...
              “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



                Many strong posts over the past few days that I must say have helped me tremendously today. I'm out of town for a sports weekend and have been somewhat dreading it. The good news is it's time with my son, the bad news is it's with parents who last saw me drunk two weeks ago. I've written all about my embarrassment and all feelings negative, and today has been my humble pie walk of shame day. I didn't expect hugs, high fives or to be doused with holy water, but everyone has been gracious and made me feel far less uncomfortable.

                Out of town stays have always been a big trigger and raging party pass for me in the past. The hotel fiesta will be commencing soon, and all the posts about social situations, questions about drinking (less likely for me) and dealing with all of that awkward pressure are here and now. And not surprisingly I've had cravings and been fighting the urge to drink like crazy tonight which some started earlier between games. I've retreated to my room now "to work"where I'm posting instead because I know how this story could, but won't, end tonight. That chapter has been played out for me, and I prefer now to continue chasing sobriety. I understand all too well that removing yourself from certain situations may be what's in order when you know you're out of your comfort zone.

                In my long drive today I focused on awareness that any dread or angst I felt quite frankly didn't compare to the sadness and challenges from life, death and health issues that several of you are dealing with and posting openly about. Coming here provides real sobering perspective on life and is as real as it gets. Today has reinforced to me that people are generally supportive and non-judgmental. I don't think I expect more or less on any given day, but I'm appreciative and humbled today in particular by the thoughtfulness of others.


                  You will do this Resolve, never forget the look on your sons face that day you farked up. I remember the look of my daughter in particular before i gave up, her look of embarrassment and shame. That will never go away and that my friend keeps me sober.

                  Go to the party late and leave early, get your own drinks and enjoy yourself sober. That is the new you and believe me in a years time you wont bat an eyelid when you go into the same situation. I for one highly recommend being sober. With all the stress in my life at the moment at no stage have i craved a drink.

                  It gets better and better.
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Hey everyone, good to see everyone doing well. Super stressful day at work today, Saturday, retail and coming up to Christmas - the worst combo! After that was a family party, I was really tempted to pop out to a shop, but I came prepared knowing I was going to feel like that after an awful day so I bought AF beers before hand and made sure I always had one in hand to deflect offers of other drinks. Lesson well learned from the tool box.
                    Tomorrow is a day off, and my phone is going to be off all day. I'm going to spend it chilling out, reading and then treat myself to cooking something good. And I'll be fresh as a daisy. Not gonna lie - I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself! I'll hold onto that feeling for the next tough time.



                      Hey Turnagain!!!
                      "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                      AF 11/12/11


                        Well safely tucked in on Day 7 ... Thinking of you especially Resolve and knowing you WILL stay strong this weekend for yiur son.


                          Day 7, way to go ICan! Glad you are safely tucked in

                          Resolve, listen to Ava, she knows what she is talking about. It does get easier for sure. Tonight I went to a dinner buffet and my husband asked me if I wanted soda or water. I felt zero pressure to drink. I know when I first quit a night like tonight would have been tough.
                          Hang in there, you too ICan!

                          Way to go BF, you sound great. I know how much retail can suck this time of year. Make something yummy tomorrow

                          Sober Saturday for me!

                          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                          AF April 12, 2014


                            Hi, Everyone:

                            Happy Day 7, Ican. Way to go. Resolve - every win is a group win - we all celebrate with you. And I'd listen to Ava, too... Blackflag - glad to hear the toolbox helped. I use it all the time. You SHOULD be pleased with yourself.

                            I had a fabulous day at the ocean with a great group, and then out to dinner and a show for my father-in-law's. Dang if that AL didn't rear his ugly head in a way I haven't felt in a long time. I was here to say it DOES get better, and it certainly does, but every once in a while something happens to remind me that this staying sober is a lifelong commitment that does require attention. Coming here is a good antidote to that feeling - a good reminder for me of the support I have and a reminder to focus on the overwhelming good that has come into my life since I quit drinking. I do NOT want to go back there.

                            Another busy day tomorrow - wasn't I just saying how pleased I was that I found balance and the ability to say no? So hard to do when there are so many fun things to do... I'll sleep next weekend.

                            Happy Sober Saturday,


                              Afternoon Nesters

                              Ican congrats on 7 days, dont hit the repeat button now. I was as pleased as punch on that first week, toughest one in my life but totally doable.

                              BF the holiday season is a test for sure. I gave up al during the silly season and i survived. My first xmas sober in i cant remember how many years, i am sure i was pregnant for a couple of them. This will be my 2nd xmas sober and i am so looking forward to this time of year. Maybe an odd tug will be there and maybe not but i do know i wont drink, i dont need to drink to be part of anything and i am fun without al and confident and happy.

                              I spoke to my eldest daughter today and she was telling me a client of hers had to put her mum into rehab as apparently she was worse than me! She was saying to her friend how proud she is of me and wanted to know the name of the site i was on to pass it to this lady. I nearly lost this daughter due to my drinking and now she is telling people her mum is a recovering alcoholic and how proud she is of me. She used to feel shame with what i was and to hear this just bought me to tears and strengthens my resolve. She can speak to others first hand on having alcoholism in her life and i think hopefully help others that there is hope if a family member is addicted to al. i did explain to her about those modding thoughts and relapse just in case as i know this journey is not just about stopping drinking, its a journey of a new life and it hard sometimes. She made my day and i am proud of her for saying it as it is and not being ashamed of me now. I also figure that wearing my tracksuit pants inside out to go food shopping with my son was hilariously funny.
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                xpost - Hi, Ava.

                                What a wonderful story. Thanks. xo

