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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi all!

    Not much going on here. Got quite the migraine setting in. Not sure if I have taken my rescue med in time or not! Rats... It is a grey day, but milder than yesterday. I am going to try and push through and run some errands as my brother in law is returning to work on the stairs (while I stand by as the lovely assistant...) He is an engineer and is over-engineering it all to the max! Painful, really! I just want to scream move over, let me do it, show me how, as this is MY PROJECT, and lets get this thing done!!!!! But with the family dynamics on that side I don't dare...sad. Not the stress I need right now. Meanwhile, my poor husband who has a bad gait disturbance is having a heck of a time with the stairs....
    So anyways! I am on day 7.
    Katie -- Glad you didn't drink the whole bottle. Be strong, kiddo!
    The Twilight Series -- I bought the first book a while ago -- forgot all about it! Maybe now that I am AF I can actually read it???
    Spam - Great job on Day six. I, too,I have been guilty of projecting my childhood hangups on my kids. I am a control freak to boot, so it is really hard sometimes to let go and let them learn on their own and grow and blossom....
    Hippy -- One of my motivating factors with going AF was my little daughter talking so openly about Mommy drinking beer. Mommy has a beer with dinner, but we have milk. You drink beer cause it's good for you, right? (from my husband and his "Guinness is good for you" poster) and making coasters for us and setting them out one Sunday afternoon when we had family over for our "beers."(no one was drinking.) Could have crawled under the couch on that one... and this child is only 6....but very observant....
    S of BS -- good job on day 3 -- now 4? Keep coming here!
    And to everyone else I missed-- a happy AF Sunday! See you in a bit.



      Newbies Nest

      Hi everybody!

      Welcome Rived, Anotherday! There's no need to catch-up on old threads; things just kind of flow from day to day. Just jump right in, ask any questions and offer advice.

      Hey Nora - here's a tip for keeping track of things to post about. I keep the thread open, then I open Notepad in Windows to type into, or copy/paste quotes as I read. When I'm done I just copy and paste the finished message into the reply box.

      Hi MamaB. You're right. Anyone could drink me under the table now. I happen to like not waking up on the floor. Thanks for the smooches - can you send some sunshine?

      Hi papmom - I like allone too.

      Runningwind - Yep busy, but I like it that way. I sometimes have to shutdown and veg-out, but not for long.

      Hi Violet. It sounds like you've turned a corner in your thinking too. Nice! You're right not to let a little slip color a good month. Way to go!

      KB - Let's see, Calcutta... I think you head north to Hong Kong then turn left. Looks like they've changed the name to Kolkata? (learn something new every day!) It's where the Taj Majal is. Indian food -- if I'm not there feel free to start without me. Humus is okay - hey, ya can't beat fun with chickpeas! Honestly, I have had some pretty good Indian dishes. I'm not a big fan of curry though.

      Wow Hippy - it is 'sobering' to realize that some people don't survive being where we've been. That's another reason why it's so good to be here!

      Spam - I always marveled at my own son's 'fearlessness' in trying things. What's a little sad is that fearing mistakes gets conditioned into us. So like you said - good on him!

      Take care everyone!
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbies Nest

        Morning all....
        Mama was a very bad girl last night. Got over confident and drank more than I should have. Out to dinner for Hubbys bday.....Our Saturday night dates have FOR YEARS meant drinking, laughing, telling jokes, kids rolling their eyes....FUN!!
        Anyway....the topamax really enhances the booze....not pretty. Slurring words, etc.
        Gotta get serious about this....really do....
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Newbies Nest

          Hi All,
          Quick hello while I wait for my friend to get here. We're going hiking along a local rail trail with the dogs.
          Yesterday was awesome-weather and visit with bro and family wise. love my little 4 yo nephew-so precocious!! got home around 6 and immediately left again to go to Loews and pick up some gardening stuff. I was really feeling the psychological craving for a nice glass of wine on such a gorgeous evening. Sitting out on my deck, reading and drinking, dogs at my feet...... shopped until 8 when the craving went away. heated up a Freshetta full size cheese pizza and added asparagus and mushrooms to it. to my utter suprise, I only could eat 2 small slices. Normally, in my drinking days, I would eat the WHOLE thing!!
          Today I went to Walmart and bought my Cruiser Bike. this was my birthday gift in November from my brother and because his business was slow over the winter and his wife's job seemed to be in jepardy for a while I decided I wouldn't get it. Then yesterday before we left, he wrote me a check for it!! so I brought it home, hooked up the WalkyDog attachment I had bought in April, rode up and down the street to get my bike legs back and then took my devil dog for a ride up at the community college in the small parking lot. He seemed OK with it but I don't think he was running as fast as he could have. But then again I could pedal very fast either LOL!! When we got home I notice he was limping. God I hope he didn't hurt his leg too bad. I would be devastated if I put his agility career in jepardy. When my friend gets here she'll take a look at it too and then we'll decide if a vet visit is in order. Needless to say he won't be hiking with us today. :upset:

          Please send some positive thoughts our way that I didn't cause him any serious injury.
          Have a great rest of the day and nite. I'll check in later.
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Newbies Nest

            papmom3;825820 wrote: Hi All,
            Quick hello while I wait for my friend to get here. We're going hiking along a local rail trail with the dogs.
            Yesterday was awesome-weather and visit with bro and family wise. love my little 4 yo nephew-so precocious!! got home around 6 and immediately left again to go to Loews and pick up some gardening stuff. I was really feeling the psychological craving for a nice glass of wine on such a gorgeous evening. Sitting out on my deck, reading and drinking, dogs at my feet...... shopped until 8 when the craving went away. heated up a Freshetta full size cheese pizza and added asparagus and mushrooms to it. to my utter suprise, I only could eat 2 small slices. Normally, in my drinking days, I would eat the WHOLE thing!!
            Today I went to Walmart and bought my Cruiser Bike. this was my birthday gift in November from my brother and because his business was slow over the winter and his wife's job seemed to be in jepardy for a while I decided I wouldn't get it. Then yesterday before we left, he wrote me a check for it!! so I brought it home, hooked up the WalkyDog attachment I had bought in April, rode up and down the street to get my bike legs back and then took my devil dog for a ride up at the community college in the small parking lot. He seemed OK with it but I don't think he was running as fast as he could have. But then again I could pedal very fast either LOL!! When we got home I notice he was limping. God I hope he didn't hurt his leg too bad. I would be devastated if I put his agility career in jepardy. When my friend gets here she'll take a look at it too and then we'll decide if a vet visit is in order. Needless to say he won't be hiking with us today. :upset:

            Please send some positive thoughts our way that I didn't cause him any serious injury.
            Have a great rest of the day and nite. I'll check in later.
            Poor doggy. Sending good vibes his way! Enjoy your bike and your hike and take care of the little guy!



              Newbies Nest

              Hello Nesters - Well were not the only bad girl last night. Whew! After 35 AF days, I drank and OVER DRANK. I don't feel well is a major understatement. Bottom line though is that it really strengthened my resolve. I wasted an evening and part of my day with a hangover. I have grown to really enjoy my AF time and I don't want to throw all that away. So, I'm a slow learner but I am getting there.
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Newbies Nest

                Morning all,

                MamaB - don't feel too despondent. you are improving heaps!
                NoraC - ditto - you have shown that you can go without AL easily.. so you just need to get back on the horse..
                even though we have not remained AF, I think we are all showing vast improvement in that drinking is now not a mindless task, and the AF time is increasing and increasing! I may not have been AF, but I have only had 16 units of AL in 6 weeks! I used to have that over a typical weekend so I am v.proud of myself!
                Have a great day all, I went to bed with a clear head.. only had 2.5 drinks yesterday and had a lovely dinner, lots of water and cups of tea.. had a great night's sleep and working today and spent time with my little boy..
                Katie xxx
                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                  Newbies Nest

                  hi all. I'm a newcomer to this site. Vistamar


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning all,

                    MamaB - don't feel too despondent. you are improving heaps!
                    NoraC - ditto - you have shown that you can go without AL easily.. so you just need to get back on the horse..
                    even though we have not remained AF, I think we are all showing vast improvement in that drinking is now not a mindless task, and the AF time is increasing and increasing! I may not have been AF, but I have only had 16 units of AL in 6 weeks! I used to have that over a typical weekend so I am v.proud of myself!
                    Tranq - ah yes, i know Calcutta! i love hummus too - isn't that greek though? i dont know, it seems countries are often "arguing" as to the origins of some foods! lol.. i will definately get stuck into the onion baaji's (sp?) and samosa's if you are going to be late.. :H
                    Spam - your son sounds like he had a great time ice skating! Did you know I am also hard of hearing? i had german measles as a child, and had to wear hearing aids.. i now have a little in-the-ear one.. il be sad the day my son will just want to run off (or skate off, lol..) with his friends and not want to hang out with mummy anymore!!
                    Welcome Vistamar.. you have come to a great place for non-judgemental encouragement and support
                    Have a great day all, I went to bed with a clear head.. only had 2.5 drinks yesterday and had a lovely dinner, lots of water and cups of tea.. had a great night's sleep and working today and spent time with my little boy..
                    Katie xxx
                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      Newbies Nest

                      Got through dinner without drinking. It sucks, though!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning everyone.

                        Just a quicky before work. Got a sick little girl today.... well I think it is actually a case of "dont want to go to school-itis" so will be gently shoving her out the door in a few minutes.
                        Welcome Vistamar - come visit us often, we have a laugh amongst all the hard work we do here.
                        Nora - dont beat yourself up. You did 35 days so you know you can do it. Just work out what went wrong and learn from it so you are prepared next time. You have done so well so far, so do as Katie does and work it out over the whole AF time and it doesnt seem so much compared to when you werent AF. x
                        Hey Tranq - can I join you and Katie in Calcutta? Have been to Bombay (as a child) and my husband went to Delhi last year and raved about it. I love Indian food.....
                        Spam - I love ice skating. Takes me back to when I was 15, went every Sunday with a great group of friends. It is also something (the only thing) that I can do better than my husband! He is so competitive that he has to beat me at everything. But cant at skating. I often take my two kids and we love it. Good way to beat the heat in summer.
                        Anyway better get dressed and out that door. Take care and have a good AF day.
                        I finally got it!
                        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                          Newbies Nest

                          Fennel - it does suck... it's worth it though. Keep up the good work.
                          Hippy chick
                          I finally got it!
                          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            First chance I've had to get here today. I have survived my 24+ hr marathon watching my grandson only to find out he's returning again for the day tomorrow, Yikes!!

                            Hello & welcome to Vistamar & fennel. Just find yourselves a comfy twig & settle right in with us

                            NoraC & Mama Bear, I imagine the events of the weekend have left an impression on you both?!!
                            Jumping right back on board is the best thing you can do! Consider it a lesson learned!

                            KatieB, you're feeling a bit stronger every day, that's great

                            I'm turning in early myself tonight, wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Cross post HC - hope your girl is OK
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                nite nite all....mama is sleepy
                                Nora...hope u r feeling better
                                welcome vistamar
                                tomorrow is monday...yuk!!
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

