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Newbies Nest
Twinkle welcome and great work on day 6. Whatever is thrown at us does not need to be drowned in a bottle, i have learnt that the hard way. Dont "hope to god you can keep your promises", "know" that you can. Day by day is all you can do and you can do it. Keep on here and eat whatever you want. I think i have shares in confectionary companies now which beats shares in vineyards. Thus far i have not drank over 800 bottles of wine. That is more than my old favourite bottleshop stocks. What normal person drinks that much?AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Evening, day 9 boxed off here.
Early night for interview tomorrow, I've only ever had two jobs, so I'm not very experienced with this sort of thing.
At least ill not be doing it with a wooly head and sound like crap on the phone. And at least I've done all my prep sober so I'll know what all the notes mean in the morning!
Night all!
Originally posted by blackflag View PostEvening, day 9 boxed off here.
Early night for interview tomorrow, I've only ever had two jobs, so I'm not very experienced with this sort of thing.
At least ill not be doing it with a wooly head and sound like crap on the phone. And at least I've done all my prep sober so I'll know what all the notes mean in the morning!
Night all!
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Oh, Bydie, you have had to endure some terrible losses over the last couple of years. Thanks for the reminder that drinking won't make all the bad things in life disappear, but will allow us to handle them as gracefully as possible. xx
Hi Twinkle and welcome. Glad you found your way here. MWO is my lifeline. The people here are the best, and I can't imagine trying to walk the sober path without them. Stay near.
Good luck on the job interview tomorrow, Black. I've bungled a few interviews in my life while trying to sound sharp while nursing a hangover. eewww. So, you are already in the lead. Fingers crossed.
It's bone-chilling cold here tonight, but I won't whine. The folks in Buffalo, NY have earned that right. It was a rather sad day at work. Our coworker's funeral was today. May she rest in peace. That's all for tonight. I need to get dinner started.
Thanks for the good lucks! One last thing before I shoot off, just seen this short animation about addiction so I thought I'd post it here:
Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.
Now I really am going to sleep. Night!
Wow, what a powerful little animation!!!! Thank you for posting! You are doing so well, very proud of you! Sleep well, B
Originally posted by blackflag View PostThanks for the good lucks! One last thing before I shoot off, just seen this short animation about addiction so I thought I'd post it here:
Now I really am going to sleep. Night!
Hi, all
Byrdie I'm sorry about your neighbor. That is truly tragic and a good reminder that life is precious.
Resolve, I'm glad you read back, and wasn't SOA indcredible?
UGh, I'm feeling insecure tonight re: "not being as good as" another woman. I don't know why this particular person bothers me. She is a good friend of mine. Anyway, I would normally drink at this an bury these feelings of insecurity, but since I don't drink, I wanted to come ask on here : what do YOU do when you feel insecure or not good enough?
Ican - I wish I could answer your question with some words of wisdom but they escape me. I know that feeling very well. It's a different situation, but my ex-husband had a long-term affair with a woman that I knew, and truthfully, I liked her. Well, at least I did before I knew the truth. She seemed to have it all together. In my mind, I always came up short. So I tried to drink those feelings away. Fail!!
These days, I'm feeling pretty "meh" about my ex, so I no longer spend time comparing myself to her. But in the beginning, it was a full-time job for me. I spent two long years feeling "less-than" in every way. It was awful. My healing involved spending time with people who loved and valued me. Friends who made me feel good about myself. Eventually, I started to realize that she was no different, no better, and (ugh, I hate to admit it), probably no worse than me.
Just know that you are perfect just as you are. We are all unique. Don't compare. Whatever you do - don't compare!! Sending huge hugs!! xxxxx
Good evening Nesters,
Another long but good day done & dusted
Byrdie, I'm sorry about your young neighbor. We never know what's around the corner, do we?
Wishing you a safe trip!
Welcome back Lizann. Get your plan together & stay put in the nest for a while.
Good luck on the interview Blackflag
Ican, learning to love & forgive yourself is a big part of this journey!
I credit the hypno CDs, guided meditations & positive affirmations for helping me emotionally move on. And I finally developed a healthy dose of 'I don't give a damn what anyone else thinks about me'! Try it, you'll see it works
Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest. It sure is cold outside but nice inside, sitting by the fire.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Byrdie, so sorry about your neighbour.
Black, that video was powerful and very sad really. I am so glad I am not drinking.
Mossy, ICan, my hubby had a mid life crisis (affair) too. It is the most painful thing I have ever experienced. I drank during that time but tried to keep it under control, that didn't always work. When I drank I felt 10 times more depressed than normal the next day. Drinking just makes things worse.
Anyway, time to sleep. Goodnight.Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Hi, All:
Byrdie - sorry for your loss. I had bad news yesterday, too. An old college acquaintance was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer (two small children), and my high school friend's husband died unexpectedly at work. So sad when people so young die. I especially feel sorry for the kids left behind. Even if we don't die from drinking, we are in essence leaving our loved ones behind as we escape down that hole. Don't drink, folks. Not worth it.
Blackflag - Amazing animation. Narilly - I'm glad I don't drink, too.
Ican - I worked on the serenity prayer - accepting things I can't change, but having the strength to change things I can. When I focus on myself (exercise, health, sleep, etc), I feel better and can better control the things I do have power over. I don't have control over how someone else is, only how I react to them. This has been a difficult change as I spent a great deal of time overly concerned with what others think of me, and comparing myself to others. I realized that I was being judgmental of myself in that, but also that I was being judgmental of others. When I stopped judging and started accepting (myself, others), life became much more satisfying. Not easy, but much more easily done sober.
Good night all,