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    GMAE everyone...TGIF

    Hey Twinkle- a slip is a slip, but don't turn it into a relapse..
    The fact that is was spur of the moment and you automatically regretted the decision is a good sign that you still intend to get and stay sober. Next time though...send it back or give it to someone else!

    Elvis- been there man...I've even been caught by my neighbors moving my liquor bottles lower in the garbage bins under other stuff so the garbage collectors didn't "judge me"

    And also in the line of stupid stuff we do when we drink, I went to get a winter coat out of my attic last night (because its dam cold here) and when I grabbed it “clinked”...I go and check the pockets and find about 10 mini bottles of vodka (empty thank God) from who knows when...I makes me wonder where else I still have stashed my leftovers...and makes me feel like a criminal

    Let's get ready for a positive, stress-free and alcohol free weekend all.
    “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



      I'm glad those bottles were empty STL but for some reason I can't stop laughing at the hiding posts.... I think I used every garbage can in every room to hide empties wrapped in toilet paper lol - thank god they are not strict w recycling here bc I stuck that stuff everywhere


        There are a few older threads about all that ridiculous hiding that are
        1. amusing
        2. good for not feeling like "the only one".

        Had a little relapse about 2 months ago and am almost clean again after about 2 years sober. Lots of introspection as usual. Keep coming back to one thing, why the heck do i like to hide the booze? The obvious answer is not to get caught. So i figured maybe i'd start a fun thread as a reminder to NOT do this behavior. 1)

        In my laptop bag next to my computer!!! Always in another room. It gave me an excuse to a little out of hours work. Really I was working the bottles. Where did you hide the booze?

        Hi everyone, Since this is somewhere to let it all hang out, I was just wondering how far you went to get alcohol in your system. Yes, this is an embarrassing subject, but I'm coming clean here, pardon the pun. This is helping me to see how dangerously far I went, how stupid I was, how modding cannot be my plan. When I'd run

        An off-site link that is pretty good:
        Last edited by NoSugar; November 21, 2014, 10:47 AM.


          Twinkle, I guess its time to change our habits. Its a habit to order wine everytime you go out for Italian but obviously this habit has to change. Order your favorite Non AL drink, stay away from Italian food, do whatever it takes not to have a slip.
          When I first got sober I made sure I changed my routine. I went to a different restaurant so I would not be tempted. I was so used to drinking EVERY Friday, for sure and being hungover every Saturday. So now on Fridays I try and do something that does not involve AL. Go to a movie, go to Costco, whatever...

          You guys are hilarious with your hiding bottles. I never did that but I was getting there! Elvis, at least you had your pj's on!
          Byrdie, you can unload on us anytime. I am sure you will kick Triggers butt!

          Have a great sober Friday everyone!

          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

          AF April 12, 2014


            Morning! Quick check, I'll catch up reading in a bit! I have been communicating with my husband in a way that I never have before, and it's refreshing and fun. I put such a barrier between us when alcohol was my best friend. I believe you Lav, Ava, Byrd when you say that your life transforms for the better in unimaginable ways. I am very excited to see what other great things unfold as I continue to be AF. Thanks for the continual encouragement to this fact! Keep up the fight everyone!!

            EDIT: Is this your 1-year day AVA?

            Done. Moving on to life.


              A fine Friday to all. What a loooong week this has been. With my far better half away, I've had that full awareness of how busy evenings are with kids' activities, homework and all things that go into managing the household. I work hard at the office and deal with a lot of pressure there, but perhaps I've taken for granted the daily aspect of running a home and managing three kids (and I only have 2/3 at the moment). Well, I can share that thought upon her return and at least show that renewed appreciation. And for single or primary parents, hats off to you when it comes to doing it all.

              Twinkle - call it a slip or some other kinder, softer word, but form over substance, if you have a drinking problem then any drinking really is a relapse. It's not any harsher to say that, and I offer that up with complete understanding since I get it and have been there very recently. The important aspect is to limit it to yesterday and don't let that situation happen again. Our slips and falls can be deflating, especially when you've been feeling good and heading in the right direction. You seem like you're dealing with a lot so don't beat yourself up and just move forward with a renewed, stronger plan. It's always impressive to do as you did and get right back here to demonstrate your commitment, so take comfort in that.

              I'm not even going to get started about the empties...but I have experienced how breaking out the winter coats has led to all sorts of discoveries. I've found an assortment of eye drops, gum, breathstrips and sprays in my various coats in the past week and wonder why I would have even left them there to begin with (and whether I have enough breath mints now to get me to 2018 or beyond). I guess the answer is I was so adept at hiding and covering up that I had ample supply of all of these everywhere - car, closet, garage, you name it. It's good to be free of camouflaging.

              Everyone stay warm and enjoy an AF weekend. For those digging out of snow and dealing with frigid weather, I hope warm reprieve is on its way soon.
              Last edited by Resolve; November 21, 2014, 02:15 PM.


                Hi Friends,

                NS, I remember trying to slide the garbage bag out of the can very slowly so all the beer bottles wouldn't clank together. They always did. It was the worst sound to hear in the morning with a stinking hangover. GSR indeed!

                This seems like it has been a long week for everyone. It has for me too, work wise and weather wise.

                I remember my first AF Thanksgiving. It was a little bit daunting because I had obviously been trashed for all the previous ones. I told my family ahead of time that I would not be drinking. There was no big deal about that for them. The big deal was in MY head. I got through it just fine and on to Christmas. Anyone who is early on in there quit has this really great opportunity coming up: having a beautiful AF holiday season. By the same time next year, you will feel infinitely more comfortable in your AF "skin." Byrdie said something recently about looking back on your progress in a year's time (Argh I can't remember the quote!). It really is true, but you have to find it out for yourself!

                Its great to see everyone posting here today!
                "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                AF 11/12/11


                  Top of the saturday morning from Oz y'all.

                  Kensho, Ava's 1 year anni is Dec 1st and Pav is Dec 2nd.

                  Back on the horse Twinkle!

                  I remember during my last sober stint, a magician called me up on stage. Like magic he materialised a bottle of booze from my jacket pocket. Little did he know the irony!

                  Wishing all a safe, sober and magical weekend. G

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Bad day. I got a text today that blew me away. It was out of the blue, and not very nice. I won't go into details, but it revolves around the fact that I said NO. Something I very rarely do. In the past, I would have been upset, and felt guilty for letting someone down. I would already be frantically trying to fix things, but tonight I'm just feeling angry that my boundaries were violated. I know I'm talking in a circle, but I am done being a people-pleaser regardless of what, or who, it costs me. I'm sure I will regret this in the morning.

                    Friends, I must admit, I want to drink tonight. I really, really do. I am going to use the "imagine from the first drink forward" technique. This is a biggie. I could lose a good friend over this. I stopped at the liquor store tonight. Lucky me, they just opened a new one at the end of my street. I've never been in there. Thankfully, I was strong enough to sit in the parking lot until the craving passed. Now I'm home, wishing I had bought that bottle of wine, and that is a very scary thing. I just needed to come here and vent, because my night is only going to get worse. I have to deal with this problem, and I am dreading it. It can't wait until tomorrow. And I need to be sober.

                    Sorry, I haven't had time to read back. Hope everyone is doing well.
                    Everything is going to be amazing


                      Good for you not going in to that store, Moss. Just keep reading and typing on here. No more going out tonight, OK?
                      I am so proud of you and happy for you that you are staying true to yourself. xx, NS


                        Moss, maybe you could try the live chat this evening! I'll be on later and will see if you're around.


                          Twinke welcome if i have not welcomed you. Stay here and accountable and you wont fark up. I dont like the word relapse, if i ever put a drink to my mouth it will be a monumental fark up. It doesnt matter if it is in the early days or latter it is still not what us alkies should do. We should do everything in our power to stay sober and that means reading, posting, watching alky doco's, avoiding situations that trigger those al thoughts and just stay the hell away from al, full stop. We can keep drinking if we want to, we all have that choice but none of us really want to. You can do this.

                          Kensho only 8 more sleeps for me. Im excited. My mum even sent me something yesterday:

                          "When you start doubting yourself
                          remember how far you have come
                          Remember everything you have faced,
                          All the battles you have won
                          And all the fears you have overcome"

                          MR that takes strength girl and you have it plus more. I have found a lot of people dont accept that they cant walk over me like they did before. If they choose not to accept that then so be it. Anger is my friend sometimes too but that is better that pouring wine down our throats and al being our friend. We are emotionally stunted with our drinking and i still am but i am coming into my age slowly but surely as you are Moss. Work through those feelings and if you can tell her how you feel sober then that is so much better than drunk. Remember all the drunk phone calls, texts, emails, fb. Cringe worthy moments that we luckily dont experience anymore. Keep on here and rant and rant, you know the drill. PM if you need, we are so here for you. No one is worth drinking AT.

                          Resolve think of how proud your wife will be to come home to a sober hubs and a happy family. You are proving to her that you can do this. I see a great sober future for your family and yourself and at the end of the day its the family that suffers horribly from our addiction. I have my family back now and i wont lose or jeopardise that for anything especially al.
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            NS & Ava - thank you. I feel better knowing you both have my back. I'm going to call her right now. So if I disappear for a while, it's just that I'm trying to straighten things out. Wish me luck because I can't imagine my life without her in it.
                            Everything is going to be amazing


                              I will be stalking you Moss, never ever fear that. You are an inspiration to me on this journey and i plan on us doing this as a team.

                              Hugs to you.
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                MR- sorry to hear that and best wishes for you and your friend, but try not to disappear too long...its often in times of stress that we can get lost...there are so many people here to help make sure you don't ..take care
                                “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu


