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Newbies Nest
MR, good work on not going into that store! Hope you get things sorted with your friend
Another sober gig tonight, looking at it now, half the drinking I did when I'm playing is just to fill the time up between sound check and stage time. And I was never better off for it. Thats two Fridays in a row!
Still a bit worried about tomorrow night, people are trying to get me out doing something, but I'll make sure it's some thing without all, maybe a movie. But you guys are right about not letting people walk all over us. When I'm drinking I'll do anything for an easy life, as long as those drinks keep on coming. I guess I'll have to put my foot down for once in my life.
Bloody tired out again today, and thats after a 10 hour sleep last night. Madness.
I'll be back in the morning to check in and make a plan for the evening.
Have a cool night (or morning, g!) guys.
Thanks everyone for your concern. All is going to be ok in my world. It may be awkward for a while, but nothing is permanently damaged. I did it!! I handled a very delicate situation sober!! Yes. I would like this to be the norm going forward. So glad I didn't give in.
Originally posted by MossRose View PostThanks everyone for your concern. All is going to be ok in my world. It may be awkward for a while, but nothing is permanently damaged. I did it!! I handled a very delicate situation sober!! Yes. I would like this to be the norm going forward. So glad I didn't give in.
One day at a time Mossy, you can do it! We won't let you drink. Tomorrow morning you will be grateful for being sober!
I am in my pjs watching tv.
Sober Friday!
Talk laterNarilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Good evening Nesters,
Great to see so many checking in here today ~ it really helps
MR, you just found out something about yourself - you are a lot stronger than you think! Actually we all are & don't know until we are pushed beyond our comfort level. I sure found that out about myself too. Consider it a wonderful side effect of taking back complete control of your life. Good for you!
Lizann, stay warm in Boston - cold out there
Byrdie, I don't even see my remaining two brothers anymore so there is nothing to fight or bitch about, LOL
They don't want to be a part of an extended family anymore & there's nothing I can do about that. Wishing you as much peace as possible next week.
Wishing a safe & comfy night in the nest for all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
I'm happy for you MossRose. Sounds like you are happy with the result. Way to be brave! It does seem that the more hard things we do sober, the more confidence we gain that we can carry on without alcohol.
Pinecone, I love how positive you always are!
Lots of posts in the past few days that I will refer to on my trip. I am among wise, strong, funny, friendly people and I am lucky for that. Ava, Pav, I am inspired to reach the year mark.
One more late night for me, and then I'm sleeping for a solid week!Kensho
Done. Moving on to life.
Hi Ican. Leaving Sunday - driving all day. You up late tonight? We finished our music-themed dress. Awhile back I asked for advice on how to get holes into guitar picks - the drill worked great. I forget who said that, but it worked wonders!Kensho
Done. Moving on to life.
Cool about the drill. Yes, I am up late waiting on family to return from a football game. I've been sick all week so didn't want to go. I had a very relaxing evening at home watching Revenge re-runs. I know you are going to do great this week. Just keep telling yourself, "I don't drink"....So when the thoughts hit you - like, he/she is driving me crazy or ugh they can drink and I can't just keep saying, "I don't drink so what can I do right now instead of drinking since I don't drink?" I did this on a girls' beach trip last year that I was terrified of going on and it worked wonders. They supported me and wouldn't even let me touch it when I said, "Man, I could use a drink".....I know sometimes it is harder with family. It was on my family trip that I had my relapse, but I really hadn't planned my behavior or mind-set. I had too much confidence from the other beach trip where I did great and didn't put the proper thought into it. YOU HAVE put the thought into it, and I know you are going to succeed. Enjoy your first sober Thanksgiving!
Thank you. Especially about the "what else can I do right now"... re-direction. It's like dealing with a toddler.Nice that you relaxed! I've only caught a few of the Revenge airings - I like the main character. And who can beat Madeleine Stowe? All of these movie actors going to tv makes some great viewing!
Done. Moving on to life.
Morning all from a grey and soggy UK! I had a rubbish 5 hours sleep, the incessant mind-chatter is back so I gave up and by 6am, I was having a DIY facial! So I may be tired but my skin will look great! I spent yesterday mainly watching Friends re-runs and feeling crap about myself. I think it was Resolve who said I should see my f#ck-up on Thursday as a "relapse" - believe me, I wasn't sugar-coating it for myself or anyone else, I am my own harshest critic at the best of times. But to me, a relapse would be more reverting to my old ways of 2+ bottles of wine, every day. So as G-man said, back on the horse. So I went out for dinner with a friend last night - I drove so no temptation, came home and watched some TV, and today I am spending the whole day out with my mum. Then I'll be back on mummy-duty myself tomorrow and will aim to get to a few AA meetings next week. Still not sure how much I buy in to that but it certainly brings me a sense of calm that being left alone with my thoughts does not.