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    Newbies Nest

    TranqWilly;825029 wrote:
    Coco - no drooling on the keyboard! Pavlov indeed. You know your post reminded of something I read about the grieving process - they say you go through a bunch of stages and one of them is 'bargaining'. I think that's what happens when I have thoughts about 'holidays' or something like that - if I only do this, then it'll be okay - like I'm negotiating with myself for an inch - before taking the mile. Don't know if that makes sense - just thinking out loud. Coco - ur a Nut! Don't smoke - enjoy that clean taste.

    Bargaining with myself is about it! Just this morning, congratulating myself for once again being at Day 8, I began calculating AF days out of Days Total, as I've seen on some other posts - ah ha - 18 AF days out of 20 days! - and considering giving myself an allowance of AL days per month... Jeez... This is even more insidious than the "only after 9 p.m." or "perhaps just on vacation" crap I've tried to pull on myself. (It's a just good thing I'm here checking up on myself - no telling what I might get away with otherwise!!!):tempted:


      Newbies Nest

      Hi 4MyHealth - :welcome:
      I am taking Topamax so I'll let others help you about the supplements. I think that the L-Glutamine REALLY helps though. So I would highly recommend including that in your supplements.
      Glad to have you here.
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Everyone,
        Welcome 4myhealth, great to have you here. Am sure you will get lots of advice on the supplements. Havent used any yet myself but perhaps I should..

        Violet you sound tippity top..good for you

        Coco-nut, well done drinking tea. You're a superstar..and continue the day count, we are all cheering you along

        Ok, well haven't read all the posts yet today but just wanted to say a quick hello; will be back later..

        I tried moderating after 30 days AF last friday but moderation not a natural talent with me..if anyone has advice I'm willing to try's one I thought of..I can only drink whilst doing a hand stand..that would be limiting


          Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone,
          Hi Sophie, coco-nut, spam, lav, violet, runningwind, Norac. and to all the newbies..
          Hope you are all having a good day so far.. or evening wherever you are!
          I took my son swimming this morning which he loved! I am coping pretty well considering i have the court case coming up next mon.. i am managing to avoid too much anxiety by keeping busy and trying not to think about it.. i have my low dose valium too which has helped me to sleep whilst i have this approaching.. I also bought some yummy choc cookies to dunk in my tea as a treat..
          my online "dating" is going quite well, "met" some nice men so far.. though not arranged to meet any in person yet.. going to get to know them a bit better online before I commit to that..
          I'm doing quite well with the not drinking, though Day 1 AF again.. but the amount I drink is hardly anything anymore.. not been drunk for 6 weeks.. i've had the equivalent of 2-3 units of AL a week if you spread out what ive had the last 6 weeks.. I just dont want to get drunk anymore.. ive had enough of that.. and I will keep perservering and not let my guard down where AL is concerned or I might end up "addicted" again to getting drunk.. though I feel i do look at AL differently now, i am much more wary of it..
          Take care all,
          Katie xxx
          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



            Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            Busy as usual around here today!
            Greetings Mama Bear & NoraC - thanks for my favorite French Roast coffee!! I brew a pot every morning myself!

            Coco & Violet - congrats to both of you on 8 AF days.
            Violet - how on earth have you managed to lose 15 pounds already?????
            I didn't lose a single pound when I quit drinking last year (which really surprised me) then gained 12 when I quit smoking a few months aggravating!!! Must be my advanced age.......
            I am happy for you though

            Hi runningwind, hope all is well!

            Hi & welcome 4MyHealth! Honestly, I can't comment on the supplements either, I didn't use them. I have a lot of allergies & have to be careful & stick with the stuff I have on hand. Many, many people praise the recommended supps though. I did use (and still occasionally use) the Hypnotherapy CDs. They really helped me out a lot by clearing away all the mental garbage!

            Sophie, when I first joined last year I did so with the intention of learning to moderate. The truth is I've been afraid to try - I really don't think I can do it!
            I am so happy with all the improvements in my life - why mess all that up now? My 1 year anniversary is coming up Friday, that's more important to me than anything right now

            Wishing everyone a terrific night, be well!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi KatieB - cross post!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Everyone!

                KatieB - I think hummus is actually of Middle Eastern origin - like Arab or Egyptian. So we could hookup in Cairo instead - how's that sound? It's great that you're having fun with the dating site KB. Enjoy! It is great to know that there really some nice people out there.

                Hi fennel - welcome to the nest! Yes, it 'sucks' at first. Give it time though. I try to moderate and am coming to believe now that drinking sucks. Once you get some af time under your belt things do change for the better.

                HippyC - of course you're welcome to join us in Calcutta or Cairo or wherever we decide to land. Maybe I can embrace Indian food with a good guide. Nice to hear your children are getting the benefit of the new you too!

                Welcome Vistamar! Hi MamaB. Lav - you're gonna need a vacation to rest up from your little pal.

                Runningwind - yes, I did get to shut down a bit on Sunday. It's funny, you made me curious so I found a Type-A test online. It turns out I scored a 32 which leans more toward type-b than a. I didn't think I was type-a. Here's part of what it said -- "The equilibrium is important, so don't let your hostile, aggressive, and competitive alter ego take over too often. Generally, you are easy to be around, and people tend to feel relaxed and comfortable in your presence. Yours is a very healthy attitude towards life." Nice to know - where has this "healthy attitude" been all my life?

                I drive a desk all week, so to me moving is relaxing - I think that's a big part of why I stay busy.

                Hi Spam. Weights are good while you heal. A runner friend always trains with weights while she preps for marathons. Are you a distance runner?

                Chicken - the stress of a new spot makes sense if the opportunity is worth it. Good luck.

                Coco-nut -- funny thought on 728 weeks. Lav is almost at 52 weeks. Shhh. Don't tell anyone it's this Friday.

                4myhealth - Hi. Good idea on the good supplement pack. I didn't do topamax or any meds, but did do the full course of supplements for the first month. I think they made a difference, along with the great support here in the nest and elsewhere on this site. I would suggest reading the various forums and hanging out, asking questions, being part of the crowd. Everyone is interested in helping here.

                Sophie - don't drink and 'handstand' -- it can be dangerous.

                Hey KB - I'm curious - if you don't want to get drunk, why bother with al at all?

                Here's a thought that came to me this morning that might interest some of you...

                Learning to live AF means learning to deal with life differently. In the past AL was the 'answer' to almost everything - being AF simply means that I need to look for different 'answers'. Succumbing to an urge is not an indicator of failure - it simply a sign-post that identifies an issue needing new and different answers.

                Take care everyone.
                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi 4myhealth,
                  I think it depends on the amount you've been drinking and your level of dependence. I couldn't really afford the package, so I chose to take Vitamin supplements and L-Glutamine from a local shop, and I started to take these a week before I tried to go AF. I think the L-Glut works well in the first weeks, although I've just noticed from some of these posts that mine is a lower dose than some are on. I've just run out of L-Glut and wanted to try Milk Thistle, so decided to go without L-Glut today and see how it is. Milk Thistle can give you a headache and affects your blood sugar, but is great support for the liver. I'm experimenting with how much to take. So far I haven't missed the L-Glut but I'm 6 days AF now, so maybe it's becoming less physical craving and more of a mental issue.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters….

                    Another of my regrets over my wasted weekend is that I missed out on all this wonderful time I could have spent in the nest. That really bothers me!!

                    Tranq – Thanks so much for your idea about typing in Notepad and then pasting. I think I’ll give that a try. Hey – Did I hear hummus?!?! I love hummus. How about some Falafel? I think I’m going to have to join you all.

                    Lav – How are you surviving the babysitting? I notice that I seem to get much more worn out now that I’m older. We are really hoping to have our 10 year old niece and 7 year old nephew for the summer. That is certainly not the same as a toddler but still can wear me out.

                    Katie – I have been thinking about you a lot. I know you are anxious to have that court day over with. You are doing great!

                    Sophie – moderating doesn’t seem to be in the cards for me either. Especially at home. I absolutely can NOT have alcohol in the house. I know that. I can’t even handstand without drinking so that would be limiting.

                    Coco – You are very wise. You are catching on to the crap that you are pulling on yourself. I am still working on that one myself.

                    Dancingon – Congrats on Day 6. Way to go!!

                    Runningwind – How are you doing? You are so supportive of everyone. How are you hanging in there? Thank you for all the encouragement!

                    Hippy – How’s your daughter? Hope she is feeling better. Glad to hear about your son. When you were talking about walking your daughter & her friend out of the pub the other night and them talking, that really hit a nerve.

                    Mama – how are you doing today? Hope it’s a better day for you!

                    Violet – Glad you got your income taxes done. Congrats on losing 15 pounds! I need to lose about 50-60. I have started losing some now so yippee. Another benefit of not drinking.

                    Fennel – How are you doing?

                    Chook – Anymore news on the job interview???

                    Rived – How did your day go? Glad to see that you are still being focused. Great way to be.

                    Spam – hope you are feeling better. Congrats on day 7. Fantastic!

                    Well……past my bedtime. Have a wonderful AF night / day wherever you may be.
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      Newbies Nest

                      :new:i have been drinking about a litre of vodka a day,about 50 units.ive drank for over 10 years now.yesterday i was in such a shaky mess i had to drink about 20 units to calm the panic down to a bearable now im not to bad,just sweating and there is still a shaky feeling but it is not manic as it was yesterday.ive had some coffee and toast for breakfast when it normally be half a dozen shots of vodka.i can handle the detox out flat but what id like to no is,,is it normal to have little nervous twitches in my legs....thank you.


                        Newbies Nest

                        I am disgusted!

                        Hi all,
                        Thanks Nora
                        Had a great day with my little boy.. i enjoy him so much more now im not drinking (hardly anything) and not hungover ever anymore.. i love him to pieces..
                        I just wanted to say how utterly disgusted I am with some of the men on that dating site! i am not naive, but still - some of these men are on there purely to have a one night stand.. i had some lovely conversations, only for them to be ruined straight away by some inappropriate, and a couple of times, disgusting comments!
                        I have not given up though.. as i know there are some nice men out there.. i just delete the other one's off pronto the moment they get insinuating! there's even married men on there saying they just want a fling! - jeez.. they should just go and look at the classifieds! i thought the site was just for ppl looking for love.. oh well!
                        Hope everyone's having a great day,
                        Katie xxx
                        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                          Newbies Nest

                          as anyone else drank as much as a litre of vodka a day?


                            Newbies Nest

                            NoraC;826419 wrote: Good evening Nesters?.

                            Another of my regrets over my wasted weekend is that I missed out on all this wonderful time I could have spent in the nest. That really bothers me!!

                            Tranq ? Thanks so much for your idea about typing in Notepad and then pasting. I think I?ll give that a try. Hey ? Did I hear hummus?!?! I love hummus. How about some Falafel? I think I?m going to have to join you all.

                            Lav ? How are you surviving the babysitting? I notice that I seem to get much more worn out now that I?m older. We are really hoping to have our 10 year old niece and 7 year old nephew for the summer. That is certainly not the same as a toddler but still can wear me out.

                            Katie ? I have been thinking about you a lot. I know you are anxious to have that court day over with. You are doing great!

                            Sophie ? moderating doesn?t seem to be in the cards for me either. Especially at home. I absolutely can NOT have alcohol in the house. I know that. I can?t even handstand without drinking so that would be limiting.

                            Coco ? You are very wise. You are catching on to the crap that you are pulling on yourself. I am still working on that one myself.

                            Dancingon ? Congrats on Day 6. Way to go!!

                            Runningwind ? How are you doing? You are so supportive of everyone. How are you hanging in there? Thank you for all the encouragement!

                            Hippy ? How?s your daughter? Hope she is feeling better. Glad to hear about your son. When you were talking about walking your daughter & her friend out of the pub the other night and them talking, that really hit a nerve.

                            Mama ? how are you doing today? Hope it?s a better day for you!

                            Violet ? Glad you got your income taxes done. Congrats on losing 15 pounds! I need to lose about 50-60. I have started losing some now so yippee. Another benefit of not drinking.

                            Fennel ? How are you doing?

                            Chook ? Anymore news on the job interview???

                            Rived ? How did your day go? Glad to see that you are still being focused. Great way to be.

                            Spam ? hope you are feeling better. Congrats on day 7. Fantastic!

                            Well??past my bedtime. Have a wonderful AF night / day wherever you may be.
                            jackal asks...i drank a litre of vodka a anyone else drank as much.??


                              Newbies Nest

                              jackal36;826498 wrote: jackal asks...i drank a litre of vodka a anyone else drank as much.??
                              :welcome: jackal

                              I don't normally pop into the newbies nest. But yes you'll find plenty of people here who have drank a litre of vodka and then some. 20 units is a hell of lot just to start to feel normal.
                              I don't want to panic you further but can you call your practice nurse or GP to get an appointment.

                              J x
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Newbies Nest

                                Half a litre was my max. I passed out after that amount. When I quit, I went to the clinic and got lorazepam to lessen the withdrawal effects. I would do the same if I were you--and be honest about the quantity you drank.
                                :crazymonkey: RivEd

