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    No, I hadn't heard about it. But I just watched the trailer on UTube. Looks really good.

    When Mrs. Oko and I decide to watch a movie together after dinner on Netflix, neither of us can ever come up with any ideas for anything to watch. Thanks for the tip.


      "Sorry for all you brain damaged northerners. It was 63F here yesterday and I got my thick coat out"
      Good one Pav!
      You sound strong almost like you are close to a year of sobriety! :welldone:

      That movie Flight, a no shit good movie, I highly recommended it, although I can say it made me a bit uncomfortable when I saw it because I could so relate. I was actively drinking at the time, the wife and I went to see it. I had no idea of the story line. I watched my wife as we watched it and I could tell it made her uncomfortable as well.
      Not trying to ruin it for anyone, just saying
      That's all I have to say about that.
      Last edited by Matt M.; November 29, 2014, 12:35 PM.
      AF 08~05~2014

      There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


        Hi all, checking in again. But I'm not an idiot, I do know how easily each day could slip in to being yet another awful drunken day, so I am really really thankful. I have the dvd of Flight, I thought it was brilliant. I also love When a Man Loves a Woman, Smashed, and 21 Days for strength and inspiration. However, it was The Polar Express that my daughter chose for 'cinema night' tonight! This involves turning the lights down, wrapping up in blankets with comfy cushions, and having a chocolate treat with a film and then a book in my bed at 7.30pm and she gets to sleep in with me. Doesn't exactly work out too bad for me either! So it seems a million miles away from the mental head I had on last night, pining for a relationship that didn't work, companionship that was lonelier than being alone,and the idea that drinking might even slightly alleviate that! So so glad for 24 hours but also so aware how fragile I can be now.


          Pav - I loved your post. Yes - just admitting the truth to ourselves and others goes a long way to keeping us accountable. MWO was my first experience at reaching out to anyone for help with my drinking. So this comment really resonated with me: "there is no way I was ready for an in person meeting when I came here, so I am certain if I didn't find MWO I would still be drinking, or things would have gotten much worse."

          I vividly remember having a long discussion on MWO with a member back when I first joined. She was brave. She made the decision to quit drinking and never looked back. I don't see her here much anymore, but I know she is still sober. Anyway, not long after joining MWO, she posted on her FB page that she was done with AL. I remember being horrified. Literally horrified. In my addicted brain, she had done something inconceivable to me - she had slammed the door shut. Now if she "slipped" (translation - decided to drink), there would be consequences. I was in awe of her strength, but totally alarmed by her actions. It was a boisterous thread and looking back, I am ashamed of my posts. But at the time, I just wasn't ready to go public and was threatened by her. Now I view her as one of my role models.

          I only say this so any lurkers out there will understand that we all get it. First I needed the anonymous support of strangers, who later became friends, and finally, I was ready to reach out in real life. Most people in my life know I'm an alcoholic now. But I started out with baby steps. It really is ODAT.

          Twinkle and Oko - good job on staying the course. You both have families who love you and that is worth fighting for.

          I am going to make it a point to watch Flight soon. I need to figure out if it's on Netlix. If not, I may watch one of my all time favorites - Casablanca. I know it by heart, but still shed a tear every time. Other than that, a very quiet and relaxing day. I bought a mini-trampoline this morning and have found it to be a whole lot of fun. I needed something to keep me moving during the long winter.
          Everything is going to be amazing


            Morning one and all.

            Oh what a beautiful day. Im smiling from ear to ear and as happy as a bee in a flower. (not real good with sayings!).

            Oko i am guilty of the posting on here while having a few drinks. I was unsure, uncertain and still a drunk. I wanted to be in this world but obivously i was not ready and of course i drifted off, its hard to post sounding sober when your pissed as a newt.

            In the past year or so i struggled with the "forever" aspect of not drinking. I conned myself into thinking i loved it, i wasnt as bad as what others were, i could be the first to moderate if i did stop, i will be bored if i dont drink, i of course am the same person drinking as not drinking. Well that was all a crock of shite. I am a totally different person now, so much so that it amazes me how much i have grown emotionally in this journey. Last night i went for a power walk and i thought to myself "girl a year ago you would have been well on your way to your second bottle of wine", thinking i was witty, funny and amusing but now knowing i was sad, lonely and not myself.

            Twinkle you came on here and posted how you felt. Everything you feel and experience is a part of this journey, it does get better, some days are way better than others but just keep taking it one day at a time, that is all we alkies can do.

            Pav, pav, pav...............we are doing it girl and without you behind me and keeping me accountable this journey would have been so much harder. Today i feel like we are climbing Mt Everest and tomorrow i will be placing that flag at the summit. You had to have a wee break and will be placing your flag next to me the day after.

            Matt that movie Flight was very very powerful for me and i watched it when i was newly sober. To see and realise what al does to "normal" people was heart breaking. I also loved all the movies Twinkle said and throw in a real life alky doco and i was bought right into the reality of that was me.

            Well im off to wander around in amazement and wonder today of how the feck i got to a year. I keep thinking someone is waiting around the corner to tell me it is not real. Im ready to brick them if they try.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              x post MR, you do me proud girl.
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                MAE Nest! Still hanging in there. This cold/virus is kicking my ass. I haven't had one in years and this is the worst ever! I hear is lasts for 5-6 weeks, don't know if I'll make it. I love being alcohol free though and hope my resolve lasts through the holidays that are always tough.

                Sending good thoughts and vibes to all in the nest. XO
                AF/SF - November 23, 2014


                  Wow! Such great posts!

                  I used to come to MWO and still be drinking. I thought I was in contol but I was never in control. aL was always in control from the very first day I drank.

                  I am going to my Christmas party tonight and am not going to drink. Last time we went to my company Christmas party my hubby got so drunk and left in a jealous rage. I drank 'enough' and left later, came home, we had a huge fight. The kids heard us yelling and we got into a bit of a shoving match. It was all because of booze. How stupid.
                  Why would I ever drink?
                  Just like you guys I get such strong cravings sometimes but if we can get through those times we are OK.
                  Ava, Pav I want to join you and be in the year club, I will do it!
                  Loved your posts,Byrdie, NS,MR, Byrdie, Matt, G, MStall, Twink.

                  Have a great night!

                  Hey Cowboy, we are going to Cowbys tonight before the party, it's freakin cold here-40C windchill tonight. Yes, we must be brain damaged....Crazy anyway! It is so f'n cold outside, thank Goodness for Central heating.

                  "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                  "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                  AF April 12, 2014


                    Originally posted by available View Post

                    Oh what a beautiful day. Im smiling from ear to ear and as happy as a bee in a flower. (not real good with sayings!).

                    Pav, pav, pav...............we are doing it girl and without you behind me and keeping me accountable this journey would have been so much harder. Today i feel like we are climbing Mt Everest and tomorrow i will be placing that flag at the summit. You had to have a wee break and will be placing your flag next to me the day after.
                    Yeehaw Ava and Pav!

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Good evening Nesters,

                      I had a nice day doing as little as possible, LOL
                      Still cold out but nothing falling from the sky so I am grateful!

                      I saw on Facebook today that Byrdie has been busy baking cakes - must be for Ava & Pav's parties
                      It's so wonderful to see you girls ready to celebrate your one year AF anniversaries!!!!

                      I love seeing the nest full & busy. I love seeing people reach their goals!
                      Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest! Stay warm up the Narilly

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Hi, All:

                        A wee break on my way up Everest? I know it wasn't for a beer - must've been a giant slice of sausage and mushroom pizza. But I'm right behind you. I know I won't catch up ever, but that's all good with me.

                        Here's where we have trouble with the International Date Line. For me, it is still three sleeps away (two for you), so the best part of celebrating this milestone with an Aussie is that the party lasts for several days. Don't worry - I'll check in when my calendar says one year... And Nar - room for your flag next to ours. You must be used to the cold, but you'll still never catch up - glad about that one.

                        Mossy - You're braver than me - I still just say "it was becoming too much of a habit." I think only other alkies get it. My family members still keep offering me sips. I work in a SMALL community, and while I wouldn't mind if other alkies know, I would be afraid of being unfairly judged by others, so I keep pretty low profile. I admire those of you who sing it loud and proud.

                        Happy Sober Saturday. I hope some of you who are lurking jump on in. You won't regret it, and taking December sober is not only possible, but superior in every way to the alternative.



                          Ava, Pav, I am baking cakes for you both! So happy and proud to celebrate with you both. I can't say enough how much you both have helped me in my sobriety journey.

                          I went to the Christmas party tonight and on the way we drove by the homeless
                          shelter. There was a line up of people standing outside in the -30C weather. Probably 30 poor souls. I wondered how many were there because of AL. I bet quite a few were. I felt so bad for them. Being homeless sucks and being homeless when it's 30 below Really sucks.

                          There was a bottle of New Zealand wine right in front of my dinner plate all night. No one drank any of it and neither did I. No problems not drinking tonight but my hubby drank with another co worker, they polished off about 1.5 bottles of wine. I'm glad it wasn't me! I drove home, oh yeah, uh huh.

                          Good night everyone!

                          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                          AF April 12, 2014


                            Good stuff Narilly!

                            How about a little music? A nice version with a relevant theme to the nest i reckon.

                            Take care out there. G

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Love it Mr G and Pink is one of my favs too.

                              Damn hot in Aus land, did not walk till 8.30pm. Totally exhausted now.
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Originally posted by available View Post
                                Love it Mr G and Pink is one of my favs too.

                                Damn hot in Aus land, did not walk till 8.30pm. Totally exhausted now.
                                The big countdown! T minus 1 hr 57 mins!

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

