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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    fennel;826632 wrote: Calms Fortes? I'll look into it, Nora, thanks. I was going to go out and get some "sleepy-time" tea today. I'll look up the Calms Fortes and see if I can find that somewhere, too. I have to take my mom to PT, but I'll head out after.

    Have a good day!
    Hyland's Calms Forte - available in drugstores in Canada and US. I'm not sure about overseas, but you can probably order online. Go to Home at Calms Forte for further info.


      Newbies Nest


      I already posted in the other section. I guess it was the wrong place because I was sent over here On day 4 AF and feeling pretty good about it. I chose March 20 to stop AL since it was the first day of spring (in my part of the world anyway) and seemed like a good to begin something new and good. I am finding though that I now want comfort food to replace the AL. I used to cut down on food calories so that I could drink more calories....trying not to gain weight. I used to be fine with chicken and veggies for dinner but's carbs I'm wanting. Also, I liked to have a drink or 3 while cooking dinner so maybe that's the reason why I want comfort food. What do you think? Having some sleep issues too......can't get to sleep now....maybe I'll give Calms Fortes a try:-)

      Hope everyone has a great day or night.

      NF since January 3, 1998
      AF since March 20, 2010


        Newbies Nest


        Just saw you are at 31 DAYS. Good for you - that's AWESOME!:greatjob2:


          Newbies Nest

          kitkatz10;826743 wrote: Hello,

          I already posted in the other section. I guess it was the wrong place because I was sent over here On day 4 AF and feeling pretty good about it. I chose March 20 to stop AL since it was the first day of spring (in my part of the world anyway) and seemed like a good to begin something new and good. I am finding though that I now want comfort food to replace the AL. I used to cut down on food calories so that I could drink more calories....trying not to gain weight. I used to be fine with chicken and veggies for dinner but's carbs I'm wanting. Also, I liked to have a drink or 3 while cooking dinner so maybe that's the reason why I want comfort food. What do you think? Having some sleep issues too......can't get to sleep now....maybe I'll give Calms Fortes a try:-)

          Hope everyone has a great day or night.

          Hi KitKatz - me too with the saving calories for drinks thing. Now I am putting all kinds of crap into my mouth - and I'm wanting sweet things, which I never used to. I'm on Day 9 - I've started sleeping better thanks to the CF but I do still wake up a couple of times briefly.

          About the food/calories/weight thing - I'm going to allow myself to be a little bad for another week or so, then start getting a lstern with myself (I don't want to gain a bunch of weight and have to take up smoking again!!!). I think in the beginning we have to substitute somewhat and it's OK to give in to that - whatever it takes to get through the first patch, right?

          Good luck to you - congrats on Day 4 - hope to see you around here a lot!



            Newbies Nest

            Hi Coco and Kit!

            Carb craving! Uhg! Here's my two cents on it. I take the Kudzu three times a day. I find that when I do I don't crave anything at all -- booze or carbs. BUT!!!!! If I forget to take it -- like RIGHT NOW! As I am pounding my kids' jelly beans :H Thanks for reminding me! I crave crave I am going to take my Kudzu right now, and have a cup of green tea, no sugar as will. That also seems to help? not sure why....and I am going to be strong and put this bag away!



              Newbies Nest

              Oh-- by the way ---congrats on day 9 and day 4!!!! :goodjob:

              I think I am on day...9 as well! YAY!



                Newbies Nest

                Coco-Nut;826740 wrote: Hyland's Calms Forte - available in drugstores in Canada and US. I'm not sure about overseas, but you can probably order online. Go to Home at Calms Forte for further info.
                I've never heard of it...thanks for the link, Coco-Nut! :thanks:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Coco, yep, whatever it takes to get through this. But we don't want to start smoking again. We would just have to quit again and it was too hard the first time. Don't want to go through that again. Yikes!

                  Vi, if that Kudzu really works I might try it. There are so many things out there that claim to work but don't. Day 9 is awesome.....keep it up.

                  NF since January 3, 1998
                  AF since March 20, 2010


                    Newbies Nest

                    Coco-Nut;826744 wrote: Just saw you are at 31 DAYS. Good for you - that's AWESOME!:greatjob2:
                    thanks - no one can be more amazed than i am and im not having a drink to celebrate
                    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                    Keep passing the open windows


                      Newbies Nest

                      This is a weird thing.......I am going on Day 4 AF and I didn't say anything to my husband about it but he hasn't drank either. It's sort of like an unspoken agreement. We didn't plan this. I woke up and decided it was the day and I didn't tell anyone. I guess if I don't drink he doesn't drink. So, does that makes it my fault that we drank in the first place??

                      Such great people here. I feel like I can say anything and I need to be able to do that in order to get through this. I'm afraid something is going to upset me and I'm going to say screw it and go out and buy some wine. I hope no one cares if I rant and rave and whine.

                      NF since January 3, 1998
                      AF since March 20, 2010


                        Newbies Nest

                        SPUDDLEDUCK - THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hey KitKatz - This is the place to come and be able to say what you want. :l We all get it - you can rant, rave, whine. We have all been there and some of us will be there again.
                          And by the way, don't blame said
                          So, does that makes it my fault that we drank in the first place??
                          We need to stop taking the blame for everything. I am trying to learn that one too.
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Newbies Nest

                            kitkatz10;826841 wrote: This is a weird thing.......I am going on Day 4 AF and I didn't say anything to my husband about it but he hasn't drank either. It's sort of like an unspoken agreement. We didn't plan this. I woke up and decided it was the day and I didn't tell anyone. I guess if I don't drink he doesn't drink. So, does that makes it my fault that we drank in the first place??

                            I wondered the same thing myself. I would say my partner doesn't have "the bug" , as I call it...yet, she'd fallen into the habit of drinking along with me. When I woke up on Sunday morning, I told her I was tired of drinking all the time. She agreed, and hasn't been drinking, either. She was really complaining on Sunday night about wanting a margarita, though, and I wondered if I'd led her down this path! In reality, someone chooses to drink, though.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Everyone,
                              Congrats to Spuddleduck and Overit for your 31 and 30 days respectively. Way to go!!! :wave:

                              :welcome: KitKatz and Jackal-this group has been my lifeline since I went AF this month. I am taking all the supplements except Milk Thistle (I have ragweed allergies and it gave me a rash) and I really think they are helping. The first 2 weeks I absolutely CRAVED sugar!! Now not so much and I'm not eating the volumes I used to. I've already lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks so I'm pretty psyched to keep going. I hope you both will check in regularly.

                              Update on pup: I think what happened is that he irritated his foot pads. I notice that he's fine in the house but when outside, the dirt and uneven ground bothers him. He was also "worrying" one of the paws last nite and when I tried to take a look he snarled and growled at me. Hopefully they will stop bothering him by Thursday nite so we don't miss a week of agility. I won't be bike riding again with him anytime soon-that's for sure!!

                              Other than those worries I'm doing great. A little nervous about this Sunday and the big 18th birthday party for my nephew. I'm think about different strategies to try to keep from drinking even one glass of wine. Still think about it alot but don't have the "taste" for it, meaning when I think of how it used to taste, it doesn't appeal to me anymore.

                              Sounds like everyone is doing well and keeping busy. Katie B you be careful with those internet men!!

                              Have a good nite everyone and I'll try to check in after the Biggest Loser is over tonite.
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hippy Chick;826585 wrote:
                                Katie - I have to tell you that I am so worried about your internet dating. I am so distrusting of sites like that as if you have to make a judgment purely on what someone is telling you, it has the potential for trouble. Please, please be careful. I dont want to put you off but I worry for you. Take care cause we dont want anything to happen to you. (sorry if I sound like a old nag)
                                HC - you are NOT being an old nag at all! in fact, I need you guys to be there for me.. to help keep me on the straight and narrow and to remind me to have common sense! Please don't worry though.. I will be more careful and properly review these guys profile's before adding them in future.. I won't be meeting up with any in person (and there is no personal info on my profile at all, not even photo's unless I give them permission to have a look at a couple of me) until I have had several conversations and "sussed" them out. I noticed you said something about your getting along with your son better now you are not drinking - that's fantastic! your arguments with your son sounded like the arguments I had with my ex when we had both been drinking- forgetting what we were even arguing about half the time! It is much better having a clear head..
                                Lav and Nora - thank you for worrying! I will take care I promise..
                                Hi to everyone else.. hope you all have a great day - it's wednesday here now.. only 3 days til my birthday - i'm going to take my son to the Aquarium - can't wait to see his face when we go through the shark tunnell! he will be totally fascinated i'm sure..
                                Big Congrats to Spuddle for making 31 days - that's fantastic, well done! :goodjob::l
                                I have 4 days off coming up, and do not plan to drink at all.. I will make sure I keep myself busy on my days off.
                                And Lav - I have not forgotten your ONE YEAR anniversary for being AF is coming up - cannot wait to celebrate - sober -with you! :yay:
                                Katie xxx
                                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


