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    Hello Nesters,

    This sober life has its set of ups and downs as well as make you realise new things everyday. Today my 4 year son who is quite naughty as usual crossed limits and I became quite upset with him. Kinds you know have their own way of expressing feelings. Guilt, anger, love etc. I could see range of emotions flow thru him. First anger, then guilt, then sadness or disappointment for he could not have his father to read him bed time story as he did something wrong. I too felt all this and realised how much I love him and how much I would love to go and make him forget all that but then I stayed on to make him realise and also experience these emotions.

    But then I am also my fathers son. He is a really sweet man, someone who never gets angry, patient as a mountain, calm like a river. Unlike he drinks like once in a month that too on occasions. He is a hardcore workaholic and even at age of 64 he works from 8 in morning to 8 in evening. He is the work who started the business and which I am notpw working to grow.

    Thing is just like I knew my son was upset, angry feeling guilty etc. he knew all along I had a drinking problem. He asked me so many time, hinted so many times that I should seek help. He knew all along my struggles even though we hardly talk about it. Then past few months during the complicated stage of PAWS I had become an irritated fool, with emotions sky rocketing, and he could sense some was wrong. Then now a days I have been very harsh him by telling him that I don't like work anymore. He stays quite I guess disappointed at time and helpless. I know it's not work but this feeling of flatness and lack of interest in everything which I feel from time to time. Then problems with my wife too ther at back which he does not know (or maybe he does ).

    Strange I never thought about it until this encounter with my son today felt like writing this post.

    Being sober now I do realise there are so many people who care about you. Whether kids who wants your attention and company or your parents, partners and other well wishers who wants to see you happy always.

    Like shows new colors everyday and when I was drinking it was as if my eyes were covered with darkness and all what I see was drink. I recall not so long ago just about 200 days ago.
    My daily routine used to be coming back drink and collapsing by 10:30 pm. Sad mechanical life it was then.

    I feel bad for people around me whom I have left so isolated and I myself got so isolated in that process.

    Take care and here's one to all the people who care about you want you to be happy, sober and satisfied. Love them, accept their love, advice. Coz they can be right ... Especially when they say ... "You need help !"
    Rewiring my brain ... done ...
    Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
    Rebooting ... done ...
    Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


      Hey all

      I have had mixed emotions regarding some of the relapses and advice given.
      (Mixed emotions~ When your mother in law drives off a cliff in your brand new car)

      Serious now.
      When I read of people in our family going back out I am floored by the range of emotions that I personally feel. I'm not going to lie, at first it pisses me off and I get that feeling of " this person or that person just isn't taking this serious enough" Being a chronic relapser, I know I have no room to talk. It's an emotion
      Then I find it makes me sad because starting over sucks. And I know it will be hard and I don't have a crystal ball but I know deep in my heart of hearts there may not be a next time.
      At the end of the day my main feeling and emotion that sums up the whole range of emotions when people we genuinely care about fall victim to AL is FEAR for me anyway this scares the absolute dog shit out of me. It solidifies the intensity and massive strength of the mind fuck that AL has.
      I'm a "man" hell even better a " fireman" macho tough guy (descriptions are examples only) and this MotherF#! AL can put me in a corner sobbing like a bitch..

      We all have our beliefs and ideas and we need that here. I read the comments from all and I graciously take what I want and browse over the rest.

      ABC COWBOY~ Keep your toys on on this playground, you play well with others. I appreciate you in the Nest.

      ** Newbie and Oldies Please take some advice that has been so helpful for me.
      Latch on to people in here you seem to relate or feel may offer help or that you could help. Develop an extended relationship/ friendship.
      I cherish mine and consider them a LIFE LINE.
      I am always willing and would love to be that friend for anyone. Shoot me a PM and I'll send you an email
      AF 08~05~2014

      There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


        Well, Matt, I'm a MIL so... :disturbed: ! (Actually, I wish my MIL were still alive - I would be a much better DIL now that I understand what it's like to be on the other side).

        When people who have been AF for awhile choose to drink, I feel sorry for them because we all know how that feels, frustrated that we're not communicating successfully, annoyed that they don't understand what we're trying to say, hopeful because they've come back, and concerned that it is going to set off relapses in others.

        But really, there should be no "domino effect". I'm not at all glad when someone chooses to drink but when they do, I try to learn from what happened to them. It is an opportunity to make it less likely that I will relapse. Yesterday, Frances helped me by sharing her story from last week (Thank you, Frances).

        Just be sure to hang out with people who share your goal; if you hang around people who think relapse is inevitable or no big deal or who aren't the kind of role model you need, that will start to affect you.

        A little healthy fear, especially in the early days, probably isn't a bad thing. But please don't let it paralyze you or actually drive you away from the NN and MWO, which I have seen happen. We need to be vigilant and alert but not in a negative way - just in a mindful way, like we are about many potential "threats" in life. We can take some simple precautions, like checking in with our support system each day, that reaffirm our commitment and enable us to go about our AF lives without nagging worry or fear.

        You're doing great, Matt. NS


          There are so many great posts here. NS, Pav, Byrdie, Matt, Lav, ALL of you.

          Nice to read your post Daisy.

          I have a healthy fear of drinking. And it helps me too to read of how easy it can be to relapse if we are not vigilant. I find sometimes too that I think "oh f'it, if he/she drank, I am gonna too!". I guess that is the hard part of fighting this and we ALL have to be mindful like NS says.

          I am so happy to be sober and I want to stay this way. It gets easier in some ways. My friends don't offer me wine, I automatically go for the Perrier or Soda Water without thinking about it. At the beginning of sobriety I had to change my habits and it took a little while but now the habit of drinking wine is gone. The craving is still there sometimes but not the habit, and that helps a TON.


          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

          AF April 12, 2014


            It should't be a "f'it". What I did was stupid and dangerous. Many people who don't take addiction seriously enough never make it back. Learning it on your own is one way to do it, but in hindsight, I think it's pretty stupid, and probably pretty rarely successful. I am grateful that I am here and I promise I will ask for help next time I have "thoughts".

            PS. I hate Day 1. It's so much easier to post and problem solve than arrive back at day 1.
            Last edited by KENSHO; December 9, 2014, 04:33 PM.

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Drunken Monkeys

              MossRose..just reading back a bit since I have missed so much recently...prayers out for your brother today

              In other news...Someone sent me this article earlier today...I'm always interested in the impacts of AL on the brain, so I appreciated it...but I found the part about the drinking vervet monkeys in St. Kitts especially interesting and kinda funny in a way (there is a link to a PDF in the article with more of science details if you are a geek like me) ... we can learn something from Drunken Monkeys I think...

              Alcohol – The Biology behind the Buzz

              Most vervet monkeys drink in moderation; so-called “social drinkers”. Roughly 5% -given the open bar that is the lab – will readily drink themselves into a coma. 12% are steady drinkers (unlike the alcoholics, they know their limits), while one in ten is a teetotaller – indulging in soft drinks only.
              This distribution is strikingly similar to what we observe in humans. And the similarities run far deeper than that. Like humans, the social drinkers will avoid alcohol before noon and prefer their alcohol mixed in sweet drinks, while the heavy drinkers like to start their day with a drink – and prefer it straight
              “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



                Some great posts , really honest and true. Especially reading Alcohol-The Biology behind the Buzz, I'm not sure about all the monkeys, but in my life I have never been to an open bar and drank in moderation,that makes me in the 5%, a definite wake up sign to avoid AL at all costs...Keep warm and happy nesters!


                  Fin, congrats on your 7 days! Eloise will be along with your moon, but just wanted to say ATTA BOY! Great job!

                  Hey Halo! Yep, I am definitely one of the 5% too. Open bars were bad news. B.
                  Last edited by Byrdlady; December 9, 2014, 08:20 PM.
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Hi friends, I've really appreciated the discussion today on relapsing. I feel like I never know what to say when it happens to members that we all care about. Anyone else get that? I'm not really sure why that is.

                    Shoshanna, great job on your five days!
                    Embrace, sending you support.
                    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                    AF 11/12/11


                      Good evening Nesters,

                      The nest seems to buzzing this week
                      I'm really glad to see that, especially now in this pre-holiday time. This is the best time to get some important & honest thoughts out in the open, exchange ideas & remind everyone - we can all do this! Success comes when you really want to be sober more than you want to continue to drink! It's takes a strong commitment & a good working plan & a little help from your friends

                      Great to see everyone & wishing a safe & comfy night in the nest for all!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Hello everyone. Been reading, good stuff as always. Been having issues on my drug use, small urges and stuff. Thanks to you all I've stayed strong. I'm gonna make it all the way through my 3rd mo. This time.+ have safe and sober evening. Nite nite


                          I enjoyed the article on the monkeys.
                          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                            I wasn't going to post tonight, because I'm tired and stressed. But I can't sleep. So I wanted to join in the conversation. I know the nest has been a bit cantankerous over the last few days, and I haven't helped. I guess when it comes to relapse, we all react emotionally. I know I do. Matt, I agree with you. Much of it is fear. At least, it is for me.

                            I found Pinecone's post to be extremely interesting. How to respond? hmmm....that made me think, because I know I respond differently to different people. I think it's semi-intuitive. Some folks may respond better to gentle chastisement and encouragement, while others need a virtual two-by-four upside the head. I needed both at different times on this journey. Thankfully, there always seemed to be someone here who said the perfect thing at the perfect time. I don't know if that makes sense. But it has gotten me to this point and I'll be forever grateful.

                            My brother made it through the surgery. It was a very long day, and I am exhausted. Heading to bed. I will check in tomorrow. xx
                            Everything is going to be amazing


                              Mossy, glad your brother made it through. I be you are tired.
                              Big hug from me.

                              Hey Mr. B, I knew you could do it! Way to go! You have been through a lot and are doing so well. I am proud of you

                              All this talk about relapse. It is always disappointing when there is a relapse but it is part of addiction. Addiction/relapse, but as we get on further in this journey our relapse occur less and less and eventually a large percentage of us bcome abstinent forever (scary word, I know)
                              Hang in there anyone who is struggling. Don't drink today and keep posting. We will get there.

                              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                              AF April 12, 2014


                                Hi, Everyone:

                                Matt, your post resonated with me, and yours, too Pinecone. Trying to figure out how to react is a tough one, and we all do what we can.

                                Cowboy - I like your nest presence, too. Come back - you're contributions in the nest have been valuable.

                                Mossy - Sorry about your brother, and glad he is ok. I'm not sure I'd call it cantankerous here, maybe just raucous. It is like I imagine British Parliament to be - a lot of shout outs from the chorus.

                                Ava - Glad Robert is ready to leave the hospital, even if his partner is good for nothing. With you there, I'm sure he'll get the care he needs.

                                As for Byrdie and Lav - I think they stay here because they care, but I also think (if I may be so bold as to presume) that they might be here because it is part of their own recovery. Many different recovery groups talk about service as an important part of what they do. You can start serving others in recover from DAY 1 - there will always be someone behind you who you will be helping to guide. You will also be sharing experiences that will make others realize they are not alone. Contribution is key to your own sobriety.

                                Kensho - Your last day one!

                                Daisy - Sounding strong.

                                Fin - One week - excellent.

                                Mr. B - Glad we can help - keep sticking around. Those cravings turn into weaker thoughts eventually.

                                Everyone - Good going - stay strong!


