I wondered if anyone had thoughts about the spouse support thing. My husband brought up the "open bar" at a hotel we may be at and I looked at him and said, "Your wife doesn't drink. She shouldn't drink." He has always thought I am a hypochondriac, and he thinks I'm "not as bad as I think I am". I gave him a few examples of how I was "that bad" - chugging from a bottle in the kitchen while he watched tv, obsessing about much more than one after that one. He said he's seen me have only one plenty of times, and I reminded him that's only the ones he saw. Is he in denial or did I just hide it that well? He said he fully respects my decision not to drink, but that he feels I am not an alcoholic and that there are "far worse" cases out there. I told him I need his support - but what I think would be really helpful is if I had his belief. Not sure where to go from here.
Keep up the great work everyone. It's not feeling easy with the holidays and short days here!