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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Everyone!

    NoraC - Falafel? Cool. Where do we have to go to get Falafel? Hope your sinuses get better soon!

    Jackal - I have no experience with a litre of vodka per day. I was more of a binger. Jackie Claire has been around a while and is giving some pretty good advice. Good on ya for being strong. There is some really good support here for anyone willing to give it a go.

    Hi Coco, Lav, Fennel, Panno, Mollyka - welome home!

    Welcome Kitkatz - I wouldn't worry about calories while your quitting al. Your body is going to tell you what it needs. Al is carbs, and your body is going to crave them. I think L-glutamine is supposed to help reduce carb cravings along with Kudzu. Kk - you can whine, rant and rave as much as you want. We're all easily entertained here! No one judges - we just try to help each other. Stick around.

    Coco - al is a simple carb. They all convert straight to sugar. That might explain the mysterious sugar craves.

    I never found a good sleep aid - but mercifully the sleep interuptions didn't last too long.

    Spuddle, Overit - Great job on 30+ days. Woooooo! Hope you feel proud of yourself - 'cause you should. Way to go!

    KatieB, HC, Lav - not everyone doing online dating is a cad. I've met some very nice ladies via an online site. I agree that you have to be careful, but I'm not sure what alternatives there are to meet people. I'm not going to hang out in a bar to meet women, and there's just not a big crowd in the library. I find it a nice alternative.

    Hi Rived. Nice going overcoming the demons. Now you know you have the strength to resist. That was huge! Glad we could help. Just think of all us little birdies sitting on the shoulder opposite of the beast chirping away!

    Hippy - hope you had a great workout.

    It was nice here - almost 60f with sunshine, so I left work early and got some golf in. Finally starting to feel like spring.

    Take care all.
    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone, the nest looks so busy and happy. That is a good thing!
      I hope you all have a peaceful nights rest.
      The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


        Newbies Nest

        TranqWilly;827021 wrote:
        KatieB, HC, Lav - not everyone doing online dating is a cad. I've met some very nice ladies via an online site. I agree that you have to be careful, but I'm not sure what alternatives there are to meet people. I'm not going to hang out in a bar to meet women, and there's just not a big crowd in the library. I find it a nice alternative.

        I agree Tranq - i'm not going to be hanging out at bars either - and I dont know how else im supposed to "meet" a nice man - I cant' exactly go up to strangers in the street and ask them out! also when walking around at weekends I find most ppl are in couples; plus I work from home so I dont get to meet many people either as I dont commute or anything.. I will not give up and keep on with the online stuff, but il be careful and just delete anyone who turns out to be just after one thing..
        Take care all, quiet day at work today hence why i've been all over the site today! lol
        Katie xx
        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



          Newbies Nest

          Hi All,

          Hope everyone is having a good Wednesday.

          I'm struggling a bit this evening. I keep thinking that one glass of wine would be nice but in reality I have never stopped at one glass. I've got a busy morning tomorrow - I am helping out with a school sports event and I don't want to be hungover or smell of AL.

          In some ways, I am "enjoying" this evening's battle as I know I will win and that will make me stronger. And I HATE losing!

          I'm a bit grumpy this evening and I'm looking forward to son going to bed. He's being a bit dopey today which adds to my annoyance. He'll be going up in a few minutes.

          I think I am going to make myself a cup of tea and watch some brainless TV.

          I'll report in before I go to bed.

          Spam xx


            Newbies Nest

            Good Morning Family
            All is well here.....Hubs cooked me dinner after an awful day at work.....thaat little bit of stress reduction erased all thoughts of AL....interesting,huh?
            MOLLYKA!!!!!!! Welcome Home Hunny Bunny!!!
            Spam...hope u survived......
   Spam would say....."Good on You!!!!!"
            Hugs and Kisses to everyone else...have to hop in the shower and go to work at Hell!!!!!
            will check in later.....
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              Newbies Nest

              Thanks, Mama, I am surviving. This is the worst night I have had so far...

              Might have a bit more L-Glut.


                Newbies Nest

                Happy Humpday Nesters!

                The sun is out - looks good

                HC, you sound like me......the neighborhood drug pusher!!!! When I find some nice, safe herbal supplement that helps me I just have to spread the word. I really don't care much for Rx meds, they cause me more problems than I need.

                Welcome back Molly, can't wait to hear about your trip!

                Tranq, please don't be offended by my comments. I'm sure there are decent men (like you) looking for friendships on online dating sites. I just don't want Katie or anyone to get hurt. I've lived with a cop too long - I don't trust anyone or anything any more!

                Greetings Nora, runningwind & Katie, hope you are having a good day.

                Spam, little boys - as annoying as they can be do eventually grow up! I actually look forward to spending time with my grown up son these days

                Wishing everyone a terrific AF Wednesday, I'll be back later
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning ramblings from the Coco-nut on Day 10

                  1. I find myself constantly checking in with myself. (How are you feeling NOW? How about NOW? In five more minutes??? Good grief.)

                  2. Goal - short-term: to be like OverIt2007 and Spuddleduck = 30 days. Big hurdle.

                  3. Goal - long-time: to be like Lav and the rest of the "Wise Ones" here. Dragon-slayers who have really "made it" and stayed to mentor the rest of us fledglings.

                  (Kung Fu flashback: When you can snatch the Cosmo from my hand, Grasshopper...)

                  4. This isn't just going to go away in 30 days. It's been around the whole of my adult life. I will have to be on guard the rest of my adult life. (And hopefully by doing that the rest of my adult life will be longer!)

                  5. This journey is a huge challenge - why do I insist on making it more difficult by keeping this fight to myself? If friends/family knew I was battling the demon, they sure wouldn't be offering me drinks. Still... I keep silent. I admit nothing. I share nothing.

                  6. And last but not least - my nose is constantly running. What's up with that? (This happens to me when I do a few days of a detox diet. AAAAH! Bright light!! "Detox." Think I may have figured it out. (Hope everyone noted the brilliant powers of deductive reasoning just exhibited.) I'm off now to Google "runny nose + alcohol detox."

                  Back soon - cheers and a very happy Wednesday to one and all,



                    Newbies Nest

                    Spam....sending you an L Glut suppository.....eeeewwwww!!
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks, Mama, but I've already had some powder this evening.

                      Anyway, I made it. I can't say I free proud yet but I know I will be in the morning. I just feel drained from the effort. But I WON!!

                      Off to bed now.

                      Night all xx


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good on you!!!!
                        GO to bed and dream sweet dreams my friend
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning Nesters - Boy, do I love this Nest. Sure does feel like a warm hug when I need one. :l

                          Coco - I laughed out loud this morning reading your post. And hey. If you find anything on your google....let me know if it says anything about sinus infection. Grrrrr. I'm miserable.

                          Spam - WAY TO GO!!!!

                          Mama - How are you doing? Is the Topa still making you feel awful? I wish you could find a nice job where you got paid ON TIME.

                          Rived - that was GREAT getting home yesterday without the alcohol. A great big CHEEP came up from the nest. I hope you heard it.

                          Tranq - Good question on where to get the Falafel. :H I just drive a few miles and pick one up. Let me think. Maybe we'll have to go to Egypt?

                          Fennel - Tell us more about the land you are buying and the home you are building. That is so exciting to me.

                          Kitkatz - You are so right about the money that I am saving. Wow! I think I might actually be able to pay off some of these bills someday. I didn't think we would ever get out from under them. But, I think we might actually be able to pay them off.

                          Hippy - How are you doing? I sure need to get to the gym. Ok - actually....let me be honest. I just need to get up & move. :H I would not be able to go to the gym. But, I have an exercise bike sitting here (holding up some clothes at the moment) that is calling my name).

                          Panno - How are you doing today? Keep on coming by and letting us know how you are doing.

                          Molly - I guess you are still sleeping. Can't wait to hear about your holiday.

                          Runningwind - How are you doing today? You seem quiet. Are you ok?

                          Lav - Almost your anniversary!! That is so exciting. I am so happy for you. That has got to be an amazing feeling. Is it something that you even think about anymore?

                          Katie - Almost Birthday girl! Have a wonderful day getting ready for your birthday.

                          To all the nesters have a fantastic day. I am going to try to get up & actually go to work.

                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Newbies Nest

                            I continue to suck

                            I keep making deals with myself and I keep losing....a couple glasses of wine at night, what can it hurt? But I'm sneaking more and topping off. Not good. jealous of those with more conviction than I have. Part of my deal is that I say, I am doing much better than I was while drinking 1/2 a fifth of vodka a night....I want so badly to be able to moderate....It is hard...but I will keep coming back to the nest (never left, but too embarrassed to write). It will apparently take several stumbles to get it thru my thick head. My longest stretch was 9 days, why did I blow it? Arg....journey on...
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Starting over

                              Hi Everyone,

                              I havent been here in about 3 weeks. I made it to day 18 AF and then gave in and had a few that led to 7. Since then I have been drinking 3-4 times a week and not just a few, usually until I pass out. I am so embarassed. I feel so guilty and ashames. I dont know why I do this to myself. I am afriad to even say I will quit again out of fear I will drink and just prove everyone that knows me right...

                              Oh well heres to day 1.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Excuse me, NoraC

                                But we've been waiting and waiting - where's our coffee and toast?????

