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    Great work Kensho, I know how you feel, my family would always have rum and eggnog and bailey's and coffee during this time of year. But we are on a different path now and I think really and truly knowing this helps us stay strong! Love your tag by the way "Done. Moving on to life." simple and such an inspiring statement.


      Good job Kensho. Exactly, throw those thoughts away, you don't drink.
      OHalo, all that AL around can drive us crazy, glad you are moving on

      Goodnight everyone.

      Sho, big hug to you, glad you are not drinking.

      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

      AF April 12, 2014


        Into Day 4. Glad to have gotten through yesterday. Next challenge is the weekend, esp this one. Have even managed not to email the guy I like back and hopefully redeeming myself a little in that respect.

        Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


          Hi nesters

          Daisy if you have those thoughts of relapse get your arse on here 24/7 if necessary. Once the thoughts start they start to build one on top of each other until you get the "fark its", just one will be okay.

          Sho sorry to hear about your dog. My 12 year old maltese had pancreatitis at the beginning of the year but lived and i know when she dies i will be devastated. i love her as much as my human kids (not so human sometimes).

          Happy birthday Lav, i hope you have a wonderful birthday with your real family and us cyber ones! You are a special woman.

          Mon, great work on day 4 and the weekend is just the weekend. I was so pleased when i did my 1st weekend, i always drank on everyday ending in a Y.

          I had my xmas lunch today and there was wine and i was asked if i wanted a drink and i said i had to drive. Nothing more was said and it was easy to say no. I was more into seeing how much others were drinking and trying to pick a fellow alky. Everyone seemed very civil and i know that would not be me, well it would be in public but in private i would be guzzling to get that high that never came.

          I went to visit robert and it seems as if he has sepsis now. Its a never ending battle for my lovely friend but he is in hospital. I spent a lovely few hours with him after lunch so it was a good afternoon.

          Now i am totally exhausted but am on holidays for 2 weeks so life will even out. Still looking for that xmas tree and shopping so that will keep me occupied for a day or two.

          Take care
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Take care of yourself Ava.

            Good job Kensho. We don't drink and we don't need booze to feel high and enjoy ourselves and others company. The natural high is pretty amazing in itself. :thumbsup:

            Is it your birthday Lav?! Happy birthday my friend. We love you! Have a bewdy mate.

            Keep it going folks. Get through this weekend no matter who no matter what. For me, i remember to give myself plenty of self care and self luurve, take a step back now and then, and breathe fully and deeply. Take it easy y'all. G

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Good morning Nesters,

              Thanks for the birthday wishes - yep, today is the day
              We're heading out early to go visit cemeteries & leave some holiday greenery for those have left us.
              Not the most exciting way to celebrate your birthday but I'm grateful to be alive, well & capable of remembering the elders.

              Kensho, don't let those thoughts linger in your head. Remember that we all have similar memories of what we used to do but don't do any more. You have lots & lots of company The holidays go just fine (even better) without AL.

              Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Happy birthday, Lav!

                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Morning everyone, Day 2. Last night I barely slept at all. My husband didn't get home till midnight and I was still awake which is not like me as I get to bed when the kids do. Tossing and turning. I'm going to pick up some Melatonin today, Ive been getting headaches and I don't know if it's from stress of just my body getting used to no AL or both. I lost my Christmas spirit and for the sake of my sweet kids I'm trying to get it back. I wish I could have laid her to rest other then around this time of year, but I was going to keep her suffering any longer so I could have a better Christmas. Anyway, I'm not very chipper this morning. Sorry. Taking the kids to see Santa tomorrow and a Christmas party for them, so hopefully that will help. I'll blast some Buble, Sinatra and Elvis Christmas music on the drive there.


                    Sorry Lav, I missed that. Happy Birthday!


                      Originally posted by KENSHO View Post
                      I had a few fleeting thoughts of AL tonight when my mom talked about their hot choc. and schnapps, and then about how they were going to the liquor store. It was so celebratory. Unfortunately, I cannot drink that way and it would turn into a nightly thing that I regret. So I threw those thoughts away because I don't drink. They can do it how they want - I'm just not a part of that group. So I'll do it sober and continue feeling wonderful about that.
                      Interestingly, we are REALLY sensitive about this issue. Being part of a group is something we, as a species, want very much....we travel in packs after all! Now, after some time and distance have passed, I look at this AL thing like I do a couple other things that go on in my life. I live at the beach, but I can't swim. I don't eat seafood. I never go down to the beach because I don't want the sun. This makes me a rather unique bird around here. Anytime people come down they want to go eat seafood. Of course I go, but I get something else. When their orders come and they are talking about the delicious dishes they got, I feel sort of left out, but I'd rather eat dirt than eat a slimy fish!!!!'s just the way it is! Same way with AL, everyone else is ordering drinks and I get water. It doesn't bother me anymore because it is what it is. It's OK to be a little different!! I just embrace who I am and go with it. And you know what? I'm 1000 times happier as a result! Who CARES WHAT THEY THINK!!!!! Ptuey!

                      On a lighter note! I hope the Birthday girl is starting out her day on a high note! Hope you have a wonderful birthday, Lav! Please know that you are a gift to us each and every day. Your influence has made such a difference on people's lives.....mine included. Thank you for being YOU! Hope you have a GREAT day!!! :balloons:

                      Heading out of town this weekend to see my step's her first holiday without her hubs so it will be a challenge for her. We'll get thru it. (the only way out is thru, right?)
                      I will find time to check in! Hugs to all, stay strong, it's only Friday, not a free ticket to!!! xo, Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Have a nice holiday weekend, Byrdy. Your DIL will have an easier time with you there and I imagine you're taking her some of your famous baked treats!
                        Happy Birthday, Lav, and thank you for spending another year of your life in the Newbies Nest. We need you :hug:.

                        We don't have to let our thoughts get the better of us - they're just thoughts, after all. Sometimes in meetings I think how good it would feel to stand up and yell EVERYBODY SHUT UP and when driving, to just ram my car into the totally selfish and rude driver ahead of me. Needless to say, I immediately push these short-term rewarding thoughts aside and go about my long-term business. Thoughts of AL are the same - acknowledge them briefly and move on with our so much better in all ways AF lives.


                          Happy Birthday Lav!

                          gotta go, but will chat later.

                          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                          AF April 12, 2014


                            LAV cake.jpg

                            Happy Birthday Lav~ I appreciate what you contribute here very much!

                            Guitarista, is "Luurve" a typo, or an interesting Australian word?

                            Sho, we put our chocolate lab, Marley, down at 14 years old last year the morning before we got on a plane for a thanksgiving vacation. That week was one of the hardest weeks of my life. I think I loved that dog more than humans. My husband and I cried all week, at every thought of her, on the plane, in bed, at dinner. We commented to each other that we'd never felt such pain. That dog was there with a smile and wiggly butt every time we got home. She put her head on my lap if I was sad or crying. She barked at shady people approaching us. She was one of my best friends and I was truly heartbroken. I was really on the line as to whether it was "time" - and in hindsight, we probably could have done it sooner as she was suffering for some time. I really feel for what you are going through! I think just feeling the pain allowed it to gradually lessen - time does heal. Sending you hugs and much support friend!

                            I woke up at 4am to sick kids. I HATE being woken up. But I used to be much more grumpy with a hangover setting in. Today I realized that I was lucky to be able to be there for them. I remember how much I needed my mom when I was sick! Being sober has allowed me to be so much better at every aspect of my life - and I mean EVERY. My fleeting thoughts yesterday were about memories we used to have about a way we celebrated. Yes, BYRDIE, I think the solution is to generate NEW ways to celebrate. They can enjoy their stuff, and I can make hot cider! One of my favorites - and an art if you do the cinnamon stick and cloves just right!

                            Love and support to everyone here today. I really believe that being sober is worth every effort!

                            EDIT: GUITARISTA, I think you meant "love", right? Just love the lingo differences and wondered if it was another "bewdy" of an Aussie way of sayin' stuff! (did I do that right??)
                            Last edited by KENSHO; December 19, 2014, 11:08 AM.

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Originally posted by KENSHO View Post
                              Love and support to everyone here today. I really believe that being sober is worth every effort!

                              EDIT: GUITARISTA, I think you meant "love", right? Just love the lingo differences and wondered if it was another "bewdy" of an Aussie way of sayin' stuff! (did I do that right??)
                              Yo Kensho!

                              Yep, love. I picked up the word 'Luurve' from my friend and your fellow countryman Mr. Issac Hayes.

                              Getting sober sure is worth every effort, and that's what it takes. On reflection it is a small price to pay to get back some control, direction and happiness.

                              Have a great weekend Nester's.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Wow - Byrdie and NS

                                Love the comparisons to seafood, the beach, driving thoughts.
                                I had never thought about it that way.
                                I love it- thx

                                Byrd - have a great weekend.
                                Kens - hope kiddos are a bit better
                                Lav- happy happy b day - enjoy yourself!

