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    MR you will be fine. Go with your heart not what others want you to do. Some people dont get that now we are sober we have a mind that we use and that is not clouded with al. We dont have to please everyone all of the time.

    Off to see Robert today and give him his gifts, i hope he has improved from Friday.

    Take care everyone. Not long and the silly season will be over.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Don't know if I;m doing this right, but just calling out to see if anybody is out there. I am feeling very alone and as my name reflects, i have been here before, years ago when i first bought the book. it worked well for me then, about 10 or so years ago, but so much has happened since. I thought i would look up the site to see if anyone was still here and there you all are. I have had some sober time here and there but it never lasts. I am trying to work up the courage to try again and reading the posts would like to ask if someone would be kind enough to share some support and help me along. I dont know if i can do it and for how long it would last this time, but i have always had to do it alone and thought maybe with help... who knows... I will be picking up some kudzu root, as for any thing else, i will have to check with my md and councellor for med clashing. I am curious. When i started the program years ago, i got on to a prescription of topiramate. I dont seem to see that anywhere now, any input on that? anyways, hopefully someone will read this and have some answers for me - thanks for reading if you do,


        Hi, Second

        Welcome back! You posted in just the right place! This thread is not as busy as usual right now with it being a weekend and the holiday season. You could just read previous posts though - some of the characters change but the problems (and solutions!) remain pretty much the same.

        I don't know much about medications but there are threads on those topics. Many of us have done this by giving and getting support and encouragement here.

        The toolbox also is full of good tips for making and sticking with a plan.

        It's great that you're ready to try again!


          2nd, There is always someone around...This post is well-guarded.

          Good to have you back. I am sort of like you. I joined in 2009 and got slightly sober for a short time but really never quit for good, till August,2014, when I decided I'd had enough would quit for ever. And by the grace of God, some advance planning and the supportive folks here, it's worked.

          However, as I mentioned above, two important ingredients were 1) a desire to REALLY quit ( I mean totally, no thoughts of moderating or any other half-way measures), and 2) do some advance planning to insure your success in those early days.

          Assuming you are on board with the first point, the second involves several things- a) get rid of all AL in your home. b) develop a plan for plenty of non-AL drinks for you to enjoy, especially during the times when you might otherwise drink, and c) get some supplements to help your body with cravings and any withdrawals you might encounter- L-Glutamine, Vitamin B-12, a good multi-vitamin, B-complex, are good starters. You didn't mention how much you are drinking now. Depending on the quantity/frequency, you might need to anticipate a supervised detox program. In my case I was drinking up to 4 hard liquor drinks every evening, and a formalized detox was not needed.

          You might also check out the toolbox, here on MWO. I have only scratched the surface of advice, much more is contained there. And I trust others will quickly offer advice as well.

          Finally, post here in the Newbies Nest as often as you can. It has amazing therapeutic effects, which are much heralded by us who have used it to great success.

          Since you have been sober to some extent before, you probably already know that by the second day you will start feeling much better, and within about 10 to 14 days, the difference will be amazing.

          Make sense?


            Hello 2nd timer. Welcome back.

            I see you have some face to face support in a doc and a counsellor. If they are good ones, this will be useful.

            Believe me when i tell you right here and now that you can do it. You can get sober and stay sober. You will need to make a serious commitment to yourself, and you will need a simple, solid plan that is realistic, and you can handle. Have a read of our toolbox from page 1 to help get you started and focused.

            We have a few meds threads here, and there'll likely be some posts from others around their experience with topiramate.

            This thread looks like it is about the med you spoke of. Remember, we aren't doctors. Best wishes. G

            Hi everybody! This is my first post here. I'm a 44 year old woman with a long time drinking problem. I downloaded the book but haven't finished yet. English is not my first language so I read a bit slowly. ;) Anyway I started Topa yesterday. I took 25mg al 5:00pm. I started having a few SE right away. A little tingling and
            Last edited by Guitarista; December 21, 2014, 06:48 PM.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Good evening Nesters,

              Looks like everyone had a pretty good weekend - great!

              Hello & welcome Second!
              Good that you found your way back, this is a good place. I think at this point most of us have found success without Rx meds but that is something you need to discuss with your doc. You have gotten good advice already from the other members. I always advise a strong commitment & a good plan to help you meet your goals. Stick around now & we will support you!

              Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Great advice OKOREN1
                Plan plan plan.

                Once I realized I could not moderate, and needed zero AL it was like a monkey was off my back. I was at peace. Now I had a plan, and I could do it.

                The moderating was a struggle, with guilt, and Re-trys.
                This is so much better.
                Day 10 and moving forward.


                  Originally posted by BeachGirly View Post
                  Once I realized I could not moderate, and needed zero AL it was like a monkey was off my back. I was at peace. Now I had a plan, and I could do it.
                  That's the key, I think, BeachGirly. Once you've made it to this point, the struggle is gone and it feels more like an unfolding adventure - how you're going to manage certain situations, what various activities will be like sober, etc. I'm not going to say it has all been fun so far but parts of it have been and it always has been interesting and rewarding. I'm really happy for you!


                    Hi nesters

                    Welcome 2nd and snuggle in with us. For me accepting i could never drink again was hard but i knew i could not moderate. Tried that 1 million times and failed. It was either all or nothing and i was at the stage where it had to be nothing. The biggest help to me was having support which was here and my children, removing al from the house and having a plan. Nothing huge but when i had a craving i had to reach out for help and support to get me through. I reaslied I could not do this on my own and I am still on here as i still need to be accountable and i love these guys who helped me get sober. There is nothing like an alcoholic to understand another alcoholic i say.

                    Mr G how are you? Where have you been?
                    Mon day 7 is it? Fantastic news for you and be very proud.

                    Today Mia and I had a lovely 3 hour visit with Robert. Last week i was sure he was on his last legs and today he was walking and his normal charming smart arse self. He has day leave for xmas day and that is so wonderful for him. Did some more xmas shopping and today i thought it would be just wonderful to sit with a wine and relax when i got home. Oh thats what normal drinkers do isnt it? Good thing I am not normal and i had a nice cup of coffee instead and wrapped presents with Mia and came on here. My drinking days are past now and it feels great to carry on with life instead of internally fighting within myself for that fix that i know wont fix anything.

                    Take care everyone
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      2nd, I am also recently back and because I realised I needed to get back on track like before. I knew from before that I do have the will power and can go without AL but also knew I needed support and this place worked so well for me last time. Day by day is how I took it last time and exactly what I'm doing again. Good luck with it.

                      I've woken up this morning feeling like I'd a hangover. Had dry mouth, felt groggy. Then realised I just couldn't have one. It may just be dehydration in general and I did drink a lot of coffee yesterday. I'm due to get back a result on a recent college project today. Very nervous about it to be honest as I left it last minute to complete and was half drunk/half hungover doing it. It also means the guy who is 'friends' with me will be in contact and I so want to redeem myself there with a nice clever, witty, uplifting conversation.

                      Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


                        Good morning Nesters,

                        Just heard rain is on the way for most of the week, oh well.

                        Ava, I'm happy to hear Robert is rallying, that's great news. I'm sure your devoted friendship is a huge source of comfort for him.

                        Moni, keep yourself focused on today, you're doing just fine

                        Wishing everyone a terrific AF Monday!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Morning everyone, checking in. Day 5 and forging on. I don't really have a whole lot to say right now, just taking it as it comes. Hopefully get the wrapping done tonight, cutting it close again.


                            Thanks for your words of encouragement. Its a new day. Lets see how this one goes.


                              Didn't mean to come accross so short, didn't know how to maneuver around the "thread" and only saw one response, then somehow managed to see a whole bunch of your soooo kind words! Wow! I feel so much more empowered! I will definately check out the tool box and will check back with you later today! Knowing there is someone here will make such a difference! I just pray I can find you again! lol not familiar with "blogging!!" Once again, thank you so much, for giving me hope!


                                That's right 2nd, it is a new day! The advice from so many here at the Nest is extremely helpful, wishing you the best day and many more to come..

