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    Good morning! Looking forward to a good last day of work before some time off with my kids. We have big plans to see a movie, make cookies, tie-dye presents for Daddy... I'm going to to be tired, but I'm really excited to have some quality time with kiddos. Shoshanna, haven't wrapped a thing here, so don't feel too behind!

    Welcome 2nd Time... nice to meet you.

    Have a good day today everyone. Make it sober, no matter what. The prize comes to those who don't drink even when they want to. It's worth it!!

    Done. Moving on to life.


      Morning, Nesters!
      Great to see everyone checking in!
      Welcome back 2nd! You're in the right place if you are serious about taking your life back! It is a fight that is well worth it. Yes, sometimes there is discomfort and agitation and we want our fix really badly, but as Ava so eloquently said, AL is the fix that fixes NOTHING. These difficult times are temporary and can be overcome and the reward on the other side is paid off 1000 times over! Remember there is NO greater feeling than being sober! All you gotta do is get thru THIS day! I know you can do that!

      Lav, it's a rainy, cold, dreary day here, too, PLUS I have to go to the grocery store! Bleh.

      So much to be thankful for.... I am trying to be mindful of all the blessings I have right here and now and not worry about all the 'what ifs' that I can't control.
      Hope everyone has a good strong PLAN for the week!

      Pavati sent a note to say she is doing well as she travels to Thailand for the holidays....she misses us! (we miss her, too) So hugs from Pav!! I told her NOT to drink the water!

      Happy Monday to all! Travel safely if you are out and about! Byrdie
      Last edited by Byrdlady; December 22, 2014, 10:44 AM.
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Greetings everyone. I really liked the conversations over the weekend with people reaching out and the support reaching back. Such good stuff especially this busy time of year.

        Welcome back to you 2nd. Great feedback already provided to you and good for you to get this underway during this time of year. There's never a lack of insight, perspective, awareness or knowledge gained by being part of this giving community.

        Before I stumbled on this site, I used to look through my bleary eyes at the progression my drinking had taken over the past few years, and in particular the increasingly fast downward spiral it and I had taken. I really felt like I was circling the drain and wanted to stop but didn't even know how to approach doing it. My wanting started in June, I quit in August and have drank one day since then. And what I see now is pretty damn clear. Removing alcohol from the equation was the simple answer that was always there as much as I fought to justify that drinking wasn't the problem. Alcohol may seem to be a solution to take the edge off or help deal with other problems, but the numbing is temporary with the physical and mental pain far outlasting it. Continuing to perpetuate the real problem will never allow you to squarely deal with anything life throws at you until you acknowledge you can't exist with it and completely remove it from your life.

        Until I started reading and then posting here, I never thought I could do that under any circumstances. Didn't know if I wanted that at first, but even if I did, never thought I could achieve it. You quickly learn that you have to address the wanting it aspect on your own and have faith that the getting there part can happen with planning, not easily at first, but as I've heard many say it gets easier over time. The voices of experience here haven't let me down yet, and they are right again that it keeps getting better over time.

        Whatever round you're on in terms of getting sober, this is an achievable path. I'll continue to follow the lead of others here and look forward to rounding out this year clear-headed and focused on all the possibilities of a great new one ahead.


          Today is the day that just keeps giving.. I bit the bullet and went visiting people and was met with open arms. I got my Uni assignment result today and the feedback was amazing.. I'm still reeling with shock! And today was 7 days AF..! I'm already in a happier place!

          Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


            Moni, Eloise will be along with your prize, but I cant help but smile from ear to ear with your great news! Well done on these 7 days as well as all the other good news! WOOOOHOOO! :yay:
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Moni.....delighted to see this glad you had a grrat day!
              I again am exhausted. The easy part was looking after the 2yr old....she slept for 3 hours!
              Cooked beef, gammon and lamb roasts, made meatloaf, coleslaw, potato salad and egg all set up for my yearlyvisitors coming for their Christmas feast tomorrow. I do this instead of giving family them a break amid the Christmas rush.
              Also made 4 floral displays for the no doubt tomorrow will be very busy but more relaxed as all is ready. Bit of last minute shopping in the morning too.
              My friend called earlier and said we would get a wee night later this week. I told her I am not drinking....she kind of laughed and said we can start in January as she needs to lose weight. She really doesn't understand....I tried to tell her how it is before but didn't bother tonight as she was heading out the door......will have to avoid her call or be 'busy' whatever night she picks.
              I don't have alcohol in the house like I normally do for the visitors so I hope they enjoy their food and go.....
              This week is gonna throw temptation right at me, already has.....need to stay focused! Sober, no matter what!
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                Just staying accountable. No time to read back. I will try to do that soon. Have a GMAE all.
                Everything is going to be amazing


                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Great to see you again 2nd Time, stay close to the nest!

                  Moni, CONGRATS on 7 AF days - yay!

                  I got the grocery shopping done too Byrdie & picked up a few gifts cards I still needed.
                  My son stopped over for a visit shortly after I got home. I opened the door & saw him walking out of the chicken yard & thought UH OH! Just as he was pulling into the driveway he witnessed a hawk murder one of my Stellas! Hawks are cold blooded killers here :sad:
                  The last time I had a predator in the chicken yard it was an owl. Poor chicken.

                  Sorry about that news - wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest. Keep your eyes open for predators!!!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Daisy she can start in January, you have already started. I would avoid her like the plague at the moment. I had to tell my sil that my dog was sick so i did not see her as she was my best drinking buddy in the world but i knew in my heart and head that i would drink if i seen her and i had to protect my quit with my life. I told her many months later and she thought something was up and said to me that she would not have forced me to drink. I know she would not have but i was wobbly and it would not have taken much for me to have the "fark its".

                    I never stopped people from drinking in my house if they bought it but i tipped it out as soon as they were gone or told them to take it with them. Now i have half opened bottles in the fridge and they annoy me as they take up space. Even this xmas i have bought no al whatsoever and i wont. Its their poison not mine now.

                    Keep on here and dont let a wobble become a fall.

                    Moni congratulations on everything, well done on those 7 days.

                    MR hope all is well.
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Ava, following Lav's lead, I made a vow to myself not to buy or drink any more AL and I havent! If people want to drink, they will have to provide it themselves. Today when I was at the grocery store I did something today that I did not realize.....I intentionally did NOT go down the wine aisle. I was in the back of the store getting my turkeys, I turned around and was heading to the front of the store and the booze aisle was right there, I AVOIDED it and went down the next one. I guess this is just something I have done since I quit. Why put myself into that temptation when there is another aisle?

                      I am an alcoholic. I do whatever it takes to protect my quit. I dont give a spit what other people think about my not drinking, that is THEIR problem, not mine. I have to live with me, they do not!

                      Stay strong everyone! We are walking the walk! Hugs to all, B
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        That's a good one Byrdie, Lav. Just not buying AL for anyone. I was going to buy some at Christmas but now I will re think that.

                        Daisy, your cooking sounds absoloutely fabulous. Yum yum. I am surprised you cooked so much. I wish I could drop by

                        I took the day off work today because my MIL ended up in the hospital. I had to take car of my FIL and go see MIL in the hospital. I got her home in the late afternoon. Anyway, a whole day caring for them. Now my hubby is there and staying overnight.

                        2nd, glad your here. Don't drink today ok?
                        Moni, congrats on 7 days, yippee!

                        Talk soon,

                        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                        AF April 12, 2014


                          Sorry - just a quick check in.

                          Congrats Moni - isnt it amazing what a week can do for you. You are well on your way now.

                          Keep up the good conversations please, I love to read what everyone is up to.
                          We can do this...


                            Welcome 2nd Time. Hang close and we'll be here when you need someone to reach out to.

                            Being Good and Doing the Thing We've Set Out to Do!
                            Last edited by Fin; December 22, 2014, 10:38 PM.
                            Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                            Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                            Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                            Go forward boldly and unafraid


                              Great work Fin! On the same path as well, getting fit as hell, just another benefit of going AF..


                                Fit?! What's that? Oh yah, that thing I used to like to do. Probably time to revisit that.

                                Lots of booze flowing in my house with guests, but most everyone knows to just offer me water. I've had a few thoughts of remembering what it used to be like in this situation or that, and I had a brief craving earlier today, but I quashed it (is that a word?) because I don't drink. That was the me of the past. The thing is that once I reach a certain point in any evening, the desire is completely absent and I am just so thankful to be sober. Keep on truckin' everyone!

                                Done. Moving on to life.

