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    Originally posted by available View Post
    Well i hope he is not but us drinkers are very good at hiding our consumption to others. Just be happy and dont put any pressure on yourself. Dating sober is scary shite but much better. I dont need to fall into bed with every male now! Thank god those days are gone and i have something called "standards and respect" for myself.

    Throw that bottle away if it tempts you again. Break the bloody thing!
    The bottle will be gifted forward tomorrow!

    We only encounter each other sober as we attend uni part-time together. So, that's a good start and it's a very very slow burner.. possibly due to that. I was upset weeks ago that we 'hadn't fallen into bed together' until a friend told me to cop myself on and that if he did ask me out on the town I wasn't to drink and F it up! At least this friend is honest enough to say it straight out to me and is supportive.

    Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


      Feeling really grumpy today. Just thought I'd stop in to say hi and that I have blue fingers (tie dye) and will not drink today (though NOT feeling like I am now would be welcome). Take care and stay sober All.

      Done. Moving on to life.


        That feeling will go Kensho, the feeling of remorse will take much longer if you do take that drink and what will al actually fix? Absolutely nothing, everything will still be there the next day.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Yep, Ava, all the issues will still be there including the blue hands!
          Sober people have down, dare I say it, BLUE, days, too!
          Wanna talk about it? We are good listeners. I know sometimes its hard to put your finger on what is eating at you. I have found that 9 times out if 10, if I try to exercise Lav's gratitude attitude, I can come out of it faster.
          What did you tie dye for hubs? B
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            I've been a bit out of touch as I've been very busy the last few days with family. Today was my last day of work before the shutdown. Nine whole days off - in a row!!! I am feeling euphoric.

            I just read back, and loved the posts about how it looks to be 50+ and still drinking like a fool. That was it for me too. Getting drunk and acting stupid is never a good look. But once you reach a certain age, it's just plain unappealing and embarrassing. Ugh. There are more than a few memories I would like to erase. But I won't because I need them as a reminder to keep me on a straight course.

            Kensho - Hang in there. Ava is right - you may feel slightly grumpy today, but imagine tomorrow with a terrible hangover. Then you will feel more than grumpy. You will feel miserable. xx

            Sho - sorry that you are having such a hard time. Sending love and hugs. You can do this. It's difficult, but doable.

            Ava - love all your posts recently. As always, they are full of good advice and compassion.
            Last edited by MossRose; December 23, 2014, 07:12 PM.
            Everything is going to be amazing


              Hi, all. A wee bit of wifi and time for a quick check in. We are having a great time. I read Molly's post and that sums up what I feel. There are anxiety producing moments during travel when I have thought a beer would take that edge off but for the most part traveling sober is amazing. I feel great every morning and don't have to plan my evenings around getting a drink. So much to do see and hear.

              I must admit, I am not a big fan of Christmas and I am quite enjoying being away from it all.

              Fin and Sho, my struggle has been private, too. Sometimes I feel bad that I make it seem so easy to quit to outsiders in case someone wants support, and sometimes I feel like an in person group might be nice but I am happier staying private in my small town.

              I miss you nesters! Will check in when I can. A sober Christmas and New Year is the best gift you can give yourselves! Take care of yourselves and don't drink no matter what.



                Just checking in to say goodnight.
                Had a nice morning shopping, then met my girls for lunch. Home to feed my family....18 for their Christmas feast. I did not supply drink and noone brought any....great craic and all sober! Now that's a first!
                Actually turned out my lights and closed the curtains for a few hours so noone would know I was home....just needed a tired.
                So looking forward to the morning....big lie-in and nothing left to do.
                Feeling confident I will be ok.....It would be nice to get that 1 hour buzz (Molly's post) but I know what comes next so it is even lovelier to be sober!
                Keep it going everyone....we can get to 2015 sober together!
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  Congrats Moni! It's awesome to receive such great marks, and your right without AL it is only going to get better!

                  Daisy, my best present to myself is sobriety as well, this will be the first holiday where I will be in better shape at the end of Christmas vacation than at the beginning, working out every day, eating healthy and staying away from AL makes for better living. Wishing everyone a fabulous AF holiday!


                    Thanks for the reassurance and positive vibes Pav, ringing in 2015 AF for sure! Hope you are having an absolutely wonderful trip!


                      Moni... it's worth repeating how great it is to control AL, rather than it controlling us. That's one of the things I hated most about drinking! MR - happy for you and your upcoming 9 days off - enjoy yourself!

                      My "blues" are hormonal. And that I stayed up late last night.... I needed time to myself so I did some holiday prep and found a good girl movie and stayed up to watch it all by my glorious self. (not me, the time alone).

                      I'm feeling a little "F-it" today - but I will not allow the drinking f-its. More like "Ok, I'll have that seventh cookie" f-it. I used to drink when I felt like this, but I know I will already have a salt and sugar hangover tomorrow - I am excited to wake up without an alcohol hangover.

                      Pavati - I could do without this holiday as well - except for the celebration of lights when it is so dark - and the giving to those in need.

                      Ava & Byrd and others - thanks for your thoughts. :heartbeat: I will make it tonight - bed is what I really need. I will save that last blanket for another month. After all, sick people visit the hospital all year long. Byrdie - we tie-dyed shirts. I'm trying to teach my kids the concept of complimentary colors and opposites. Purple and yellow or blue and red make brown when mixed - while blue and yellow make beautiful shades of green

                      Sleep well tonight everyone! I know i will!

                      EDIT: Oops... blue and red do NOT make brown. Going to bed now
                      Last edited by KENSHO; December 23, 2014, 11:36 PM.

                      Done. Moving on to life.


                        Don't drink Moni,way to hang in there.

                        Ken, I am excited to wake up without a hangover too. That is the best feeling, waking up bright eyed with no headache and wine mouth.

                        Pav, nice to hear from you. Sounds like a blast!
                        Daisy, I with you for a sober 2015, lets do it.

                        Goodnight everyone.

                        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                        AF April 12, 2014


                          Good morning Nesters, Christmas eve has arrived here!
                          I will be in the kitchen all day prepping for an early 4 pm dinner & gift exchange with the whole family
                          Lots of food & cookies on the menu, no AL!

                          Wishing everyone a peaceful Christmas eve. Even if you don't celebrate this holiday it's still the perfect time to reflect on how wonderful life is without AL. Think gratitude not deprivation this holiday season

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Hi All,

                            Just swinging by and again, feeling mighty grateful to be logging another day AF. I love the idea of giving ourselves sobriety for our holiday gift. I'm really settling into this new self after so many earlier failed attempts.

                            I made it easily through another party last night where AL in all forms was flowing at a family event. It's about a 40 mi drive back home after a big dinner, some presents for the kids / cousins, reading of various Christmas stories, etc. I was very happy to be 100% clear headed when I got on the road with the fam headed back home.

                            How many times did I put them at risk in the past after such events? The shame I now feel for those times is extremely intense. I am so lucky I never got a DUI or worse, was involved in some kind of horrible AL related accident. I can't imagine living through something like that.

                            As such, I feel like an angle has come down and rescued me from this possible fate. Bryd, that bright angel is you...along with all the other folks here who have taken to your caring wisdom and commitment to living a life AF. Thank you!!

                            Last edited by Fin; December 24, 2014, 10:11 AM.
                            Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                            Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                            Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                            Go forward boldly and unafraid


                              Merry Christmas Eve everyone! Day 2. Giving myself some positive affirmations and focusing on the positive. My kids are watching Santa on NORAD and getting excited. Food is being made and I've actually got the presents wrapped so I won't be up late tonight stressing over that. Christmas spirit is returning, and it feels good. I'm really looking forward to watching my kids tomorrow and be with all my family. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and that you're all safe and taking care of yourselves.


                                Fin, your post brought a tear to my eye....I feel that same gratitude towards Lav....instead of being a falling down drunk this year, Ive got almost 4 years behind think of all the stupid risks I took and the insane things I did, I just cringe! It is such a blessing to not be at the mercy of my next drink (not even being happy with the one I had in hand). Enough WAS enough and while it hasn't always been easy, it helps knowing there are a group of people right here doing the same thing I am! I'm not alone!

                                Enjoying my day off!!! Merry Christmas to all, there are a 1000 ways to celebrate that don't include AL! Hugs to all, Byrdie
                                Last edited by Byrdlady; December 24, 2014, 01:38 PM.
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

