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    Happy News Years Eve :thumbsup:
    Watch this video Anyone Can get Sober Video if you think you can't get sober


      Glad to see you're here Wylde. I'll be drinking Schweppes tonight and am looking forward to starting the New Year with a fresh mind and healthy body! Hope you are ok.
      Go as far as you can see.
      When you get there, you'll see further.


        NS, Do we get a tax break for not drinking tonight? Probably not but at least we'll get our names on the roll call tomorrow and that's worth alot!
        Go as far as you can see.
        When you get there, you'll see further.


          Originally posted by mywayin View Post
          NS, Do we get a tax break for not drinking tonight? Probably not but at least we'll get our names on the roll call tomorrow and that's worth alot!
          It's worth EVERYTHING! Without health, we've pretty much got nothing and for anyone who has found their way here, there's no room for AL in a healthy, happy life. Fast-forward a year and imagine how you'll feel then -- it is worth every inconvenience and perceived moment of deprivation you might experience. 2015 can be the happiest of new years!!


            Hi Friends! I'm glad to read the positive attitudes here.

            Weighing in on "what people think"... While I think others want everyone to partake with them - and can be relatively pushy at times, I truly believe that if they knew what pain and suffering alcohol has caused us, they would never do so. Mostly, other people just want us to be happy. I spent too much time in the beginning worrying what other people would think. As soon as I became decidedly happier without booze, others picked up on that and have been nothing but supportive. It doesn't have to be a big stigma either - just a choice I've made because I wanted to make it - for my own reasons.

            Please be happy with your decision not to drink, and be glad you are taking care of YOU and YOUR needs. Wear your self-respect proudly and have a happy New Year!
            Last edited by KENSHO; December 31, 2014, 12:35 PM.

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Byrdie, I was joking about zooming in on the picture, sorry! :congratulatory: Honestly, I don't know why it is that big. I would not make it in the IT department...I liked the name pine cone because it is something small and insignificant in nature, but it has potential.

              Alcohol wants us to feel alone so it can be our friend. If we look around here, we know that we are definately not alone. The hardest day is in the past, as long as we never pick up again. There was a lonely, but necessary day when we decided to type something into google to help us quit drinking. As soon as we post here we are surrounded by support though.

              As alcoholics/problem drinkers (whatever label you are comfortable with) we are pretty close observers of others drinking at parties and gatherings. The holiday season provides many opportunities. I've read many descriptions of watching people at parties, and then the observer will notice a person who may have a drinking problem. There are many people like us. It is just a condition that we have to manage, like many people have conditions to manage. Part of that management is giving and receiving support. I have no idea of how that works, but it really seems to! We are definately not alone! We are the lucky ones who made it to the point where we can't drink anymore. That is such a blessing because now we can get on with living. Deprivation is not part of this at all. Gratitude is, and it will really save your bacon.

              I want to sincerely thank everyone for posting here and sharing this road! Happy New Year!
              "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
              AF 11/12/11


                Happy New year everyone. Just sent the DH off to our annual family new years party (aka everyone getting smashed and too old to be doing it) by himself. I decided to stay home alone. I didn't want all the pressure to drink and I didn't want to hear questions about why I'm not dancing on the tables like last year. Yes, I was the drunken crazy life of the party. For some reason this day seems more difficult. I just didn't want to be sitting sober with 50 people (drunks). It would have been miserable (I think) and tempting. So here I sit with my Yorkie typing and reading on MWO. Feeling successful for setting myself up for success tonight. :congratulatory:


                  Chero you have given yourself the best New Years present possible. I never seen in New Years in my drinking days, passed out by midnight now i am just asleep and waking like the living and not the dead.
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Ava, true that. Last year I got so drunk I was out by 10:00. I'm happy to just be here by myself. I'm comfortable just being with me now days.


                      10pm you were a stayer! ha ha. It all depended on when i started to when i finished. Im off to lunch now with Petrel, an mwoer from a few months ago. Will b lovely to catch up and see how he is faring and to have a break from mum. Did i say that????
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        LOL, enjoy your visit.


                          hi guys.....just checking in to wish everyone all the very best in 2015........get the life you deserve!
                          Babysitting.....again! really need to enjoy these last few days before starting back to work on Monday.....feel like I haven't really had any rest time....
                          tomorrow we go to my sister for dinner and after that I am not saying 'yes' to another thing.....
                          enjoy waking up to a sober new year....I know I will.
                          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                            Daisy, you definitely need some time to rest. I'm all about my quiet time now. If I could nap during day I would do that too. :congratulatory: Happy New Year!


                              Still another hour & a half to go here but HAPPY NEW YEAR NESTERS!!!!!

                              Let's all work together to make 2015 the best year ever!
                              Feel gratitude for what we have achieved & look forward to reaching out to give someone else a hand. It's the best feeling in the world, it really is

                              Wishing everyone a peaceful & safe night in the nest.
                              Love to everyone :heartbeat:


                              PS: Chero - good for you for staying home tonight. Enjoy the peace!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                And the razzing and drunk texting starts...... Awesome! :cuss::cuss:

