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    Well Thats day one done and oh my word I feel awful! Achey, shivery, and just downright horrible. It's not even eight o clock yet and I'm going to bed. I cannot stand another minute of this day! Looking forward to tomorrow though. No hangover!



      Love it!!!

      Happy New YOU!!!


        Good for you Trinity to make it through the day AF free!!! Congratulations!

        What you're experiencing is short term pain for long term gain. Hang in there, it will get better.

        I'm on Day 3. I've been tempted but every time I feel the urge, I sign on here and read the words of encouragement. It keeps me determined to beat this horrible addiction.

        Wasn't it nice to wake up hang over free this New Years morning? First time in a while I've not been hung over January 1st.

        You're doing great Trinity!

        I try to be the person my dog thinks I am.


          Hi Nesters! Hard to find alone moments to read. Will catch up tonight. Bravo to the sober folks! Remember - today is a new day like any other. No time like the present to begin the journey to sobriety. I had my first New Year's celebration without alcohol in more than a decade. Husband's coworkers came over and I spent time in the kitchen - enjoyed my calzone masterpieces and chocolate fondue! She asked me if I wanted a drink first thing, and I said I wasn't drinking. She looked at me with a mixture of pity and admiration - said "That's right... you're so good!" And I was good. Midnight rolled around (which I never would have seen had we not had guests), and I was with it and so glad.

          Today I have a foggy head and am feeling slooooooow - the beginnings of a head cold. Glad to be doing crafty things around the house with the kids. I love making polymer clay beads and such.

          Keep up all efforts everyone. It may take some time, but if you stay close, it will click that life isn't worth the fight with alcohol. Say goodbye and move on to a new happier you.


          Done. Moving on to life.


            Thanks Altaman!

            Well I can't sleep😣 which is no surprise. Just mulling things over in my head. All I know is I'm sick of hangovers, I've put two stone on in six months and I look bloody awful. I'm sick of standing in the kitchen every morning with my head in my hands feeling like death and wishing I could crawl back into bed. I'm sick of having a short temper with my son when it's not his fault he just wants to play but I'm shaking and feel sick. I'm sick of spending money on Al, running to the shop to get more just because I can't stand the thought of it shutting and running out of Al. One day at a time!


              Trinity, hang in there, we gotta get thru it to get over it. Your post reminded me of a picture in the Tool hox, I will go see if I can find it.....I felt like that so many days. The good news is that in the future, tpyou never have to feel that way again!

              Fin, so proud of your 30 days, and Daisy's too....dont forget its tradition to ask for a speech! How'd you do it!!! GREAT job yall two!!!

              Watching The Twilight Zone marathon and LOVING it! I could get used to not working!!
              Wishing everyone a peaceful evening! B
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Trinity, found it.
                What a powerful image...
                Attached Files
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Wow that pic is certainly food for thought. Thats how I've been feeling lately. Going to try and get some sleep now ....again! I'll post tomorrow. Night all x


                    Nighty! Try counting backwards from 100, really helps me!! B
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Happy 2015!! It finally arrived. This past year has been a bit trying for my family, so looking forward to better new year. I woke up early today, and smiled. Way too many hangovers on January 1st in the past. But not today. In fact, I got a lot done this morning. Then I visited my mom. Thankfully, she is feeling a bit better. This pneumonia knocked her for a loop. She has been down for weeks. But at least there is improvement.

                      I've made a couple of resolutions this year and one is going to be challenging, but I'm up to it. I have decided to buy absolutely nothing that I don't need throughout the month of January...only necessities. I'm trying to simplify my life, and this is the first step. I de-cluttered my apartment over the break and was shocked to realize that I have already fallen back into the mindless process of collecting stuff again. I did a massive purge when I moved here two years ago. So I've decided to just stop. Wish me luck. I have a feeling this will be harder than I think.

                      Altaman and Trinity - I haven't had a chance to meet you yet, so hello and welcome. You will never regret your decision to give up AL. I can see that you are already getting expert advice, so I am just lending my support. The Nest is a nice, comfortable and safe place to hang out when you are feeling bad. Trinity, hang in there. It's rough in the beginning, but it gets so much better. xx

                      Have a good night all.
                      Everything is going to be amazing


                        The picture Byrdie posted is one of the most powerful items in the toolbox, the other ones too,the mom with the barf bucket by her bed and the daughter is standing at the door,the guy who can't enjoy the picnic, sad,I can never remember which page they're on
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Hi There I am a newbie ?
                          I went to the Rose Parade today with my teenage daughter with a hangover - i told myself
                          that i would not make the next Rose Parade if I continue with this horrible lifestyle
                          so here I am


                            Hi Blue and welcome. I think that most of us here can relate to greeting the new year with a hangover. Stay with us and end the madness. Tell us a bit more when you feel ready. You can do it.
                            Everything is going to be amazing


                              Hi Blue and welcome. I drunk my way through so many celebrations that i ran out of puff. Drank everyday ending in a Y so xmas, new years, all of those was another day hitting the repeat button. Thank god i found mwo and the people that understood me and helped.

                              Hey MR Happy New Year. Hoping 2015 is much cruisier than 2014. xx
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Welcome BlueEyedBrit. You've come to a safe place with other nesters who have been there, done everything a person who drinks can do. You'll receive lots of support from other nesters plus the site has fantastic resources.

                                Don't hesitate to lean on the nesters. There are many successful members who have been kind enough to help the newbies.

                                Something I found helps me is to check back on the site every time I feel like a drink.

                                Great choice you made to start 2015!

                                I try to be the person my dog thinks I am.

