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    Hey Trinity! Hope you were able to get some quality rest.

    You commented on having gained weight. I did too but know that the weight will come off without the empty, useless calories that alcohol provided. One more motivation! Losing weight is a bonus of getting AL out of your life.

    Something I did a few years ago when I quit was to take 75% of the money I was spending on AL and committed it to a retirement savings program. In 2 years I had $10,000 saved. I made it part of my overall goal and seeing the money grow was another motivator.

    I try to be the person my dog thinks I am.


      Thanks Altaman,
      It is easy to say "that's it" when you feel like shit - i have done it so many times before..
      i have read the book over and over and did not get the meds - i have milk thistle that's it
      my skin is itchy and i have had a bad rash for months - probably liver problems;
      i will stay on here though


        Pauly, those pictures are hard to find they are about 2/3's way thru the Tool Box.
        Altaman, I was a very cheap drunk, I figure I had $10 a day habit so I have saved about $14,000! (About 4 years). Hard to image spending that much on BOOZE. The AL industry must really be missing us!! Great to see you!

        BlueEB, welcome aboard! You've landed in a great place if you are serious about getting this monkey off your back! So glad you found us!!!

        Ava, always great posts!! You sound so good! Xo, B
        Last edited by Byrdlady; January 1, 2015, 07:36 PM.
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Good evening Nesters,

          Had a busy day entertaining my grandsons & DIL, I'm exhausted. But mostly I am happy & healthy & looking forward to another AF year!

          Hello & welcome Blue!
          Glad you decided to join us. The first few days are the toughest but you'll have nothing to regret. Hang in there & check out the Tool box for some great ideas to help you put your plan together. Stick around & we'll give you a hand

          Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Morning everyone, and Happy New Year! I am happy to say I brought the new year in sober. And still am. ) I'm also fighting the flu as well which is no fun right now. I haven't had a chance to read back as yet but I hope all is well with everyone.


              Good morning Nesters & Happy Friday

              Where is everyone?

              Hope you feel better very soon Sho & congrats on your AF time!

              Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Hi all, I'm new - day 2 sober. It's probably my Quit 4029, but this is my last one. Looking for some help, and some fun so please feel free to direct me - I'm still finding my way around the site. Anyone else here in Ireland or the UK?
                Happy New Year!


                  Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post

                  Fin, so proud of your 30 days, and Daisy's too....dont forget its tradition to ask for a speech! How'd you do it!!! GREAT job yall two!!!

                  Not to be trite, but one day at a time...the mantra of "just need to get through THIS day" and posting to MWO every day. Then all of a sudden, it gets easier and easier and easier. I've also relapsed so many times after a 30+ day quit (4 or 5 times) that I now know it's not an option to even take one sip. The new found peace and liberation I now feel having finally come to this conclusion has been surprising. I feel so much joy now and the old daily guilt? Bye-bye. No more.

                  Happy New Year,
                  Last edited by Fin; January 2, 2015, 09:28 AM.
                  Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                  Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                  Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                  Go forward boldly and unafraid


                    Hi friends!

                    Welcome Blue and Marie23. Marie, there are many folks here in the UK. This is probably the busiest support thread, so you are in the right spot. Have you checked out the Toolbox thread? Look in Byrdlady's signature line a few posts back. I always looked at recovery groups as a bunch of depressing folks moping around and secretly wishing for "the good old days." Nothing could be further from the truth. For us, the saddest thing of all would be to keep drinking while secretly wishing for the sober life. It is ours for the taking!

                    Congratulations on your 30 days, Fin!
                    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                    AF 11/12/11


                      hello Nesters!!! and a VERY happy new year to you all!!! just got the heads up that someone was looking for Irish and Uk peeps --- I see it's you Marie ---- there's loads of us in the Army as well - you are very welcome to come and visit or post regularly -- not poaching from the nest of course -- this is THE best place to be -- I left very reluctantly some years back to spread my wings --- but anyway --- WELCOME!! and as I say happy new year to each and every one of you -- Molly x
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Molly, Molly, Molly....Poaching from the Nest...:no:

                        Bwahahah....GREAT to see you. Believe it or not, you can post in more than one place! Thank you for the Army introduction. I thought for YEARS you had to be in the military to join in over there, but what could be further from reality? You just have to be willing to FIGHT for sobriety! So good to see you, Molls and Happy New Year! Welcome, Marie!! (Mollyka is on my Top 10 list of all time GREAT people and role models, BTW).

                        I just found a GREAT article of Loopholes that sabotage us in the workplace...I thought I'd write one or two of them down for inspiration to myself in the new I wrote I realized they translate into OUR world here at MWO. It's a slide show and I can't figure out how to do the link, dang it. I'll work on that, but as alkies, it seems we are MASTERS at finding these loopholes! True-isms in our regular life suddenly don't count when we are talking about AL!

                        Wishing everyone a peaceful day!! Here's to a very bright 2015!! XO, Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Hi everyone! Hope everybody is having a good day! It was wonderful not having a hangover this morning it's the first time in a long time. Productive day as I took my lad out first thing which I never do as I have to wait for the hangover to lessen off first. That was why I never made plans in the morning as I could never face them, if I was working an early shift I would always be hungover. ..... and if I was on nights because I'd drink in the mornings after work...ugh. I can't believe me and my boyfriend and son were supposed to go to our friends tonight. Now that he's told them we are coming but not drinking they have called it off!!! They are big drinkers themselves so I suppose it's for the best. Too much temptation, I must admit I'm really craving it.


                            Originally posted by trinity875 View Post
                            Productive day as I took my lad out first thing which I never do as I have to wait for the hangover to lessen off first.
                            That's wonderful Trinity. I was just reading your previous post about hoping to be a better mother and was thinking that of all the things I've done in my life, raising well and loving my 2 children is by far the most tremendous and rewarding achievement. Hang in there... it's worth it! And I agree, it was for the best that you didn't meet up with your drinking friends. Hopefully you will make new non-drinking friends. I'm sure they're out there and you will discover and meet them on your AF journey. In any case, there are many here for you.
                            Go as far as you can see.
                            When you get there, you'll see further.


                              Welcome marie23 and trinity.

                              Just checking in quickly. Nothing striking me as important to say on my end. Sober and loving it. Though I do get a few fleeting thoughts here and there, I let them pass and reject their pull - which I never, ever regret.

                              Keep strong everyone!

                              Done. Moving on to life.


                                A quick weekend shoutout to everyone with it being the first of 2015! Hope everyone has some relaxing post-holiday downtime other than undecking the halls. Not sure how everyone else feels but my schedule has been out of whack, and my only real cravings are for a normal routine right now!

                                And I want to say welcome to Altaman, Trinity, Marie, BlueEyed and any new faces. You've made a great choice coming here. You can in fact achieve that new you that you want to be with the support here. Reach out often and as needed - the lights are always on.

                                Stay warm all (or cool depending on your neck of the woods)!
                                Last edited by Resolve; January 2, 2015, 04:20 PM.

