Thanks for the 400 day congrats over in roll call. i still have to do the date/time calculations two or three times to make sure it is right. How the hell did i ever get to 400 days is mind blowing. It always feels like it is someone else. Its hard to imagine my drinking life now but i know that door can always open and al will meander in as if nothing ever happened.
Well holiday over and time to travel home. I cant wait to see my children, my house, my dogs. I love mum but gees she is tiring! i met a friend from here for lunch twice and lunch with an old next door neighbour and she had a little tantrum about that. This time i smiled and walked away, if i had been drinking she would have started me off drinking with what she said but god i didnt need an excuse to drink. So many memories of visiting mums and it being a drink fest, well for me. I am grateful they are just memories. I can now live life as a non drinker. i dont have to plan to not drink, i dont have to explain to people why i dont drink, i just go out and dont drink.
Kensho that time will come when you wont internally fight with yourself. Time, time and more time is what you need to get to that point as long as you dont drink in the meantime as otherwise you are hitting the repeat button which i did many a time. With pure determination and grit you will get there and it will be a memory of what you are going through now. The good news is it gets easier. Oh i used to wish i could have one or two. watching mum have her two wines at night watching tv, i had those thoughts then thought "as if". She says i drink more coke zero than i ever did wine but she did not no that i hid my bottles very well for when she was asleep.
Glad everyone is great, newbies keep up the fight.