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    glad to see more action in the nest.....been quiet. Welcome back OverIt.
    back to work for me today too Ava. Kind of glad to get back to some sort of routine. The kids missed us......was lovely to see it. The 7 yr old kept telling us she loves us and missed us but to keep it a secret from her mum because her mum thinks she loves us cute!
    Finally got back to the gym tonight. Went at 6.30 after the kids went home. I used to go early so this is a big change for me. But when I think how I spent my evenings drinking, an hour or so at the gym, with all the benefits it gives, is definitely the better option. A wee kick up the ass to get me out the door.....
    I do feel better and should sleep better after it.
    Pav, go you and your 400 days!
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      Hi everyone. Not in much of a mood to expound on things between hankies but just wanted to share this with you....
      Disrupt your environment!
      How long does it take for a new habit to stick? Dr. Sanjay Gupta shows the stages your brain has to go through to keep that New Year’s resolution.
      Go as far as you can see.
      When you get there, you'll see further.


        Mywayin-I'm sorry you're down.

        Here comes the bewitching hour :egad:
        The easy way to quit drinking?:


          Hang in there peeps! The only thing waiting for you in that bottle is regret and a hangover!

          Done. Moving on to life.


            You got that right, Kens. One drink only leads to another.
            That was a wonderful link, MywayIn. So true, too.
            Over it, great to see you! Our new emoticons doesnt have a bag over the head . I've missed you!
            At the first sign of trouble, I used to cave in. Initially, I thought I just wasnt trying hard enough, but then I really started tryong and I would still succumb. It became a mental thing! I started to think that a craving could NOT be overcome. I couldnt have been wronger (as we say in the South). Cravings CAN be overcome, they are simply thoughts. WE contol our thoughts. If you start getting a thought PUSH it out. Name the 7 dwarfs. List your cousins, looks up the lyrics to Louie, Louie, do anything to change the direction of your thoughts. At least thats what I did and it worked. The Tool Box is so full of information thats where I always turned if no one was around. Plus we have chat, if you want to chat, say something!
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day! Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Congrats Pav on your 400 days! Not to mention your first trip abroad AF, that is fantastic!

              Welcome Overit, Velcro yourself right here, lots of laughs, great advice and together we can win the battle against AL.

              Daisy, it does feel great to work out, no pain, no gain. Once you get into your new routine it will be like second nature.
              Last edited by open halo; January 5, 2015, 08:09 PM.


                Good evening fellow Nesters!

                Hope everyone had a great AL free day.

                I marked day 7 AF today and it's my birthday. For the past 30+ years I've barbecued a steak on my birthday, often a challenge in a Canadian winter, and it was always accompanied by several glasses of Merlot. I wasn't going to barbecue tonight because of the -22C wind chill but I decided enjoying some fine Alberta beef on the grill was worth enduring a bit of cold. The steak was wonderful and it was all done without AL. It feels great,

                The next challenge is ahead though, 10 days at an all inclusive resort in Dominican Republic. I booked this trip a few months ago and know there will be AL everywhere, including our room. Actually, one of the things that I liked about this place back in my drinking days, was the mini bar and in room liquor tree. Oh well, guess the resort will make a bunch of money off of us!

                Hope everyone has a good night in the best!

                I try to be the person my dog thinks I am.


                  The easy way to quit drinking?:



                    Hi, Nesters:

                    Welcome back, Overit! I lurk down on your thread sometimes to see if you're around - I am so glad you've come back to rid yourself of this beast once and for all. Surf the urge during this witching hour - you can do this! Make sure that velcro is on tight.

                    Altaman - What is it about you Canadians and bbqing in the snow? Nar was just talking about doing the same thing recently. BBBBRRRRRR. I had alcohol handed to me at every turn this trip - I am wondering if you're going with a significant other who you can have a heart-to-heart with about making sure that when you say "just one, just for the holiday" you don't really mean that...

                    Kensho - I hear you about getting in that situation without a plan. I wound up at a party without an extra car once. I emailed for support from the bathroom of the bar, but I was so mad at myself for violating a Cardinal Rule - Thou Shalt Never NOT Have An Exit Strategy.

                    Hope everyone had good re-entry days now that "the holidays" are over. What a GREAT feeling to be coming off of this vacation without feeling that I need another vacation to recover.

                    Beachy - I love the Marston quote.

                    Daisy - Glad the kiddos are so excited to see you. Must be a fun place...

                    Happy Monday--


                    PS - Thanks for the 400 congrats - I am a counter and I LOVE those big, round numbers.


                      Alta - way to celebrate your birthday and creating a new tradition. I think in terms of guts, grilling in that kind of temperature may run a close second to not drinking! And congrats on getting a week done, you seem like you're doing great.

                      Enjoy your Dominican jaunt. It sounds like you planned this awhile ago, and I'm sure you've given it much thought, but this sounds like it's going to challenge and test you very early on. Not suggesting you cancel by any stretch, but maybe you can request an AF room? Can't say I ever had a liquor tree which I would have no doubt drained dry in my drinking heyday. I haven't yet done a beach vacation since my alcohol cease and desist, but we're starting to think spring break so I may cross that bridge myself in a few months.

                      You've got your quit well underway so I hope your strategies and plan are ready. Hope you enjoy the warmth, hangover free sunrises and sober sunsets on the beach while you keep it going. I'm more than a little envious! Stay strong.


                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Welcome back Over it!
                        If you need extra Velcro just give us a shout!

                        Altaman, happy birthday & Congrats on your 7 AF days :yay:
                        That was a very powerful feeling for me & I remember thinking, OK maybe I can actually do this

                        Pav, Congrats on your 400 days!!!!!

                        Greetings to everyone else who dropped in today, I hope everyone is safe & warm for the night. Stay put in the nest & you'll have no regrets!!!!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Originally posted by Altaman View Post
                          Good evening fellow Nesters!

                          Hope everyone had a great AL free day.

                          I marked day 7 AF today and it's my birthday. For the past 30+ years I've barbecued a steak on my birthday, often a challenge in a Canadian winter, and it was always accompanied by several glasses of Merlot. I wasn't going to barbecue tonight because of the -22C wind chill but I decided enjoying some fine Alberta beef on the grill was worth enduring a bit of cold. The steak was wonderful and it was all done without AL. It feels great,

                          The next challenge is ahead though, 10 days at an all inclusive resort in Dominican Republic. I booked this trip a few months ago and know there will be AL everywhere, including our room. Actually, one of the things that I liked about this place back in my drinking days, was the mini bar and in room liquor tree. Oh well, guess the resort will make a bunch of money off of us!

                          Hope everyone has a good night in the best!

                          Congrats on your 7 days! And JVO!! Around here, that scores you a prize! :butt: No cracks about it, those are the hardest and they are behind you! Great job!!! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Morning all!
                            Just a quick post as I sneak back here. Been here many a time before. Given up AL for month and months and then something happens and I relapse.

                            Recently had baby boy in Oct. Obv did not drink with him or for nursing but now he is 3m and on the bottle and appears I've done the same.

                            I want to go back to a no AL life.

                            Will read and post more once I catch some zzzz


                              Morning! Welcome back minstar and congratulations on the baby!! I've only recently snuck my way back in here after months of binge drinking. Do six today and I'm feeling ok. Still can't shake the constant tiredness and the evening twitches and resulting grumpiness due to wanting a drink. The compensation for this though is not having hangovers which I haven't missed. I think I need to write out my reasons for not drinking. So I can refer to them and remember the bad times. My mind tries to play tricks making me think that Al is enjoyable and a good thing when all it really does is ruin everything
                              Last edited by trinity875; January 6, 2015, 05:40 AM.


                                Hi Min and welcome back. I truly wish i had not drank after i had children. It wasnt my worst time of my drinking career as it was a gradual process getting to the awful place i ended up. Stop now and enjoy their years, as before you know it they will be grown up and they have long lasting memories when they do, not pleasant ones of a drunk mother. I can vouch for that!

                                Trin, sleep when you are tired. i found even a 15 minute nap helped as otherwise if waited till bed time i was over tired. Be gentle with yourself, you have been poisoning your body for such a long time and it needs to heal. Al will always try and tell you that you were never "that bad". Your best friend does not want to lose you, he didnt ever mean to hurt you or your family or friends or yourself. But al did and for that you should never ever let him into your life again. I know i cant ever moderate and therefore i can never drink. Stay strong and keep your mind occupied. I have a picture of me blind drunk and one of me now. I look at that awful drunk, sad, depressed, unlovable woman to the picture of today. The picture of today is a happy, smiling, peaceful, content, lovable woman. I know which i prefer. It may seem hard now but you will never ever regret the rewards of being sober.
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

