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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters,

    Wow Papmom, your list of improvements is impressive! Good for you!

    Welcome back Mazzie, glad you did so well on your vacation & enjoyed yourself

    Sounds like everyone had a pretty good day, AF days piling up pretty high in the nest!

    About sleep problems.......pretty typical I think.
    It takes a few months for your body to catch up. Last night I mentioned an herbal product that really helped me - here is the link again in case you want to take a look: MELLODYN | Natural Sleep Remedy | Herbal Insomnia Cure

    Wishing all nesters A good night & leaving the night light on.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Folks, I've been trying since October last year with some successes and some failures. I'm following the program to the letter, although sometimes I skip the cleanse/hypno tapes. I am a CPA and am in the middle of tax season and its really hard to commit that time. I always make time for the subliminal time and the sleep learning time. Anyway I started MWO seriously the end of January. I have really high hopes. Before that I have been very involved in SoberRecovery which is a great on line group and I keep in touch with daily. Lots of good people there. I hope to get to know you all.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Everyone!

        KB - It's gotta be much worse when somebody hits on you when yoou're just walking down the street. I wouldn't know -- the only that happened to me I was in the wrong part of town and got hit on by another GUY. Yikes.

        Hi Runningwind, you can always reach out here. You know that's what this is all about. I think that retreating is okay for me sometimes to re-charge.

        Lav - oh no -- no offense taken. I understand completely. I hope I didn't sound put-off 'cause I wasn't. It is a strange new world out there. KatieB - Be careful okay?

        Coco - Ooh. I like the Kung Fu reference. Might be a first here! Your head's in a good place.

        NoraC - Egypt? I always wanted to see the pyramids.

        Hi Byrdlady! Never quit quitting. It is a journey; a process. Just keep picking up some knowledge and confidence along the way. If you can do 9 days, you know how to do it.

        Hey Excuses. No shame and No guilt okay? You're trying. That's why you're here. Believe me that I thought there was no answer for me until I found this site. Glad you're back. Another day 1 is a new opportunity. Have you tried the supplements and stuff? I think they helped me a lot.

        IslandGirlie - welcome. I just did the supplements and cds - I didn't want the meds either. Good for you for reaching out! Stick around, okay?

        Another option on the book is to just download an electronic (pdf) version. That way you don't have to wait for the mailman to bring it.

        Fennel - yeah. Once the al cleared my system, my whole outlook suddenly changed. But I'm still not sure if its the old me, the new me, or some other kind of me. But I like this me better.

        Nice going Molly! I like the sunshine you brought back in your avatar - you're lighting up the nest with that post-holiday glow. Good job on the af holiday. I'll be thinking of you on my next trip.

        Mazzie - good for you too. I don't think one pina collada is a show stopper. Nice!

        Good idea to write down your reasons LIS. Everything you can do to keep the target in your sights will help.

        Kitkatz - No need to get dramatic with your speeches. I used medical testing or meds as an excuse. I never wanted my af to be center of attention. You don't have to say anything - especially at home where you can pour your own water and add a twist or something. You might think you'll be bored, but do give yourself a chance to enjoy. You've done great so far, so...

        Hi Meech - welcome back. Glad you had a good trip. It's good you're getting back to the af routine. You know how too.

        Hi Swede and welcome. I trust you're getting some success. There a good bunch of people supporting each other here. Feel free to jump right in.

        Take care.
        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Everybody,

          NoraC, Thank-you for reaching out. I hope you are feeling better. You might need a antibiotic if your sinuses don't improve soon.

          Coco-Nut, Thank-you, I'am feeling alot better. Keep up the posting, it's better than the comic section!

          Lavende, Thank-you for your advice and words of support(I no you are a 100% right). I hope your day was enjoyable.

          KatieB, Your in my thoughts and prayers.

          KitKatz10, Well done on 5 AF days! Good luck this weekend. If you have your sobriety plan, maybe it would help to take it with you.

          Mazzie, glad your back, your holiday sounded so nice.

          fennel, :goodjob: on your AF days!

          Islandgirlie, :welcome: I look forward getting to know you.

          Mollyka, Glad your back from your holiday, sounded like yall had a great time.
          How is the fact you did'nt drink!

          Spam, I'am so glad you made it through without drinking. I know from your post you said, it was one of your hardest nights. There is alot to be said for that!

          Papmom3, Well I guess we are both "Sleepless In Seattle" tonight. Fanstastic job on 19 days AF!

          Swede, :welcome: you are going to love it here.

          TrankWilly, Thank-you for your thoughts, I agree with you completley.

          Good-night to any one else I might of missed, this nest is really hopping and that is a good thing! Hoping that everyone has a peaceful nights rest,
          The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


            Newbies Nest

            Goodnight Nesters....I had my long nap today and I need to go to bed now. Why am I wide awake?

            Looks like the nest was busy, busy while I was sleeping over on my twig. That's nice.

            Swede - WELCOME! This is a great place full of supportive people. Looking forward to getting to know you.

            Molly - your holiday sounds WONDERFUL!!

            Mazzie - Your holiday sounds wonderful too!!! My cravings started when I got back from my 2 week vacation visiting my parents too. Very strange. But, just keep at it. Now is the time to keep fighting. :goodjob:

            Leave - good idea about writing down the good parts about being AF. Being able to see it written down in black & white when we are tempted is a great idea.

            KitKatz - Amazing how many of us have trouble with sleeping isn't it? I ended up getting a prescription which I know isn't the best solution, but it did get me thru the worst part. I didn't need it for long but I'm glad that I did it.

            Jolie - How are your parents doing?

            Dancing - I had to laugh.....if the gym called you, I guess you are going to have to go. :H

            Spam - Good job on making it to school without the hangover.

            Papmom - I keep meaning to tell you that I love your signature about 'Since I've become AF: My skin is clearer...I have more energy...etc.' That is great!
            (Hey.....did I write that to you yesterday? Oh no- I'm having one of my menopause moments.:H At least it's a menopause moment and not an alcohol moment)

            Meech - Welcome back. Good job - Day 3.

            Tranq - Speaking of Egypt, my son has a whole Europe trip planned for this summer. Just found out that his friend might not be able to go. :upset: One of her classes for grad school won't transfer and she might have to take it during the summer. They have been playing this for months. He is still planning on going alone. Hopefully, she'll be able to work something out. He was going to meet up with her in Cairo where she was going to be visiting family.

            Lav - One more day!!! You are an inspiration to us all!!!!!

            I better try to sleep. I must get back to work tomorrow. Night all.
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Newbies Nest

              Hey Runningwind - You were up past your bedtime too. There are going to be some of us dragging tomorrow.
              Oh - I did get some antibiotics. Thanks. I've taken so many pills today that I'm slap happy. :H
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Newbies Nest

                Those last few posts were showing as around 3am. Have you all been up all night, or did you get up when you couldn't sleep?

                I must be the only weird one. With alcohol I could fall asleep at 9.30pm but would be wide awake at 2 or 3am and not be able to go to sleep again. I'd wake up tired. Now, I stay up until about 11pm and go straight to sleep and sleep all through, but it is SO hard to get up in the mornings.
                Mind you, I love that I can stay up and watch stuff or play games with my kids, whereas before I was trying to shoo them to bed at 9.30 so I could collapse.

                Can I bear to go to the gym early tomorrow morning? Groan. Yes, I can.


                  Newbies Nest

                  well - i'm in California so it's still before midnight. I am making myself go to bed NOW! It is 11:45. I must go to bed. I never stayed up this late when I was drinking. I was passed out. When I drank last weekend, I missed my evening. Look what I've missed all these years.
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi everyone.
                    Dancing on - we are all around the world. The times shown on your site will be the local time so everyone will be different.
                    Maz, Meech, Mollyka - welcome back. Glad the holidays went well. You have encouraged me to book that holiday we have been talking about for a while but I have been hesitant as I have never had a sober holiday.
                    Tranq - I too didnt mean to offend you or Katie about the online dating. I was tossing up whether to post or not about it because I know it is my issues with trust that I was putting forward. So I am glad you didnt take it the wrong way. There are lovely people out there and I suppose I only ever take notice of the disasters.... Sorry. It is hard to find someone else. I was a single mum for years and it was only when I stopped looking and searching that I realised that I had fallen in love with my best friend (whom I am now married to).
                    Byrdlady and Excuses - please dont ever feel embarrassed or ashamed about coming back to us. We all agree - there is no judgement here just people who want help and want to help. Glad you are both back.
                    Islandgirl - I havent taken any meds along my journey. I did buy the topamax however have never used it. I find the supps, CD's and this site are what I need to stay focused. Good luck and welcome.
                    Fennel - I havent seen my "old self" in 30 years so I wonder what I will be like (I was 16 when I started my journey to hell and I am 45 now....)
                    Hi Swede and welcome to you too.
                    Lav - only ONE day to go. I feel like staying up til midnight just to send you a message cause we there before you do! (probably wont though so dont get too excited..)
                    Hi to Jolie, Nora, Runningwind, Pap and everyone else who pops in.
                    Got to go bye for now.
                    I finally got it!
                    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi All,

                      Well, I thought this evening was going to be tough but it's been fine. At around 3.00 pm, I began thinking how nice it would be to have a glass of wine this evening. But I couldn't risk having one glass as it would end up being a lot more. I took some L-Glut and that was the end of the AL thoughts.

                      Son has to be at school early in the morning and I didn't want a hangover; didn't want to risk a DUI or worse.

                      I like that my vocabulary has changed - I used to say "well, I got through today with a hangover therefore I can get through tomorrow." This afternoon I just said "I have an early start in the morning, drinking is not an option."

                      Hippy - I liked what you said about realising you were in love with your best friend when you stopped looking. I met my hubby at a time when I said that I was not going to date for two years. I had only just started those two years when I met him. I knew immediately that he was "the one."

                      Hope everyone is having a good AF Thursday.

                      Spam xx


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning, nesters!
                        Nora, I hope you finally got to sleep last night! Spam, good on you for not taking that drink!

                        I made it through night number four, and slept like a log...things are really starting to look up around here.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning all! (and evening?)
                          Still flitting about the nest here. Good to see that Molly and Mazzie had excellent holidays. You both so deserved that! I do know the return of cravings once home. Terrible the way an environment can set you off. Be strong.
                          Spam and Hippy -- My Mum always told me that you will never find love when you are looking for it. It will appear when you stop looking. She was right.
                          Spam -- Good job on staying strong --
                          Fennel -- great job on making it to day 5!
                          Things are going well here. I am day 11 or something like that.
                          Hope you are all doing well --


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning all Nesters!

                            Busy, busy here

                            Meech, welcome back, glad you had nice vacation!

                            Jolie, good to see you too! Hope all is well with you & your parents.

                            Hi & welcome Swede! Grab yourself a comfy twig & settle in with us
                            Looking forward to getting to know you!

                            Tranq, we are finally snow free! As soon as the mud dries up I'll be happy! Going to 65 degrees today.

                            runningwind, you sound better - good!

                            Nora, I feel so fortunate that I haven't had a sinus infection for several years.........they are so nasty. Sending you healing thoughts!

                            Greetings dancingon & Spam! HC, don't stay up too late on my account

                            Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday, make the most of it!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi fennel & Violet - cross post
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning Everbody...
                                no news here...just checking in
                                at work....will check in later
                                everybody sounds great!!
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

