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    "It's never to late to be what you might've been" Daisy. :thumbsup:

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Daisy45-great honest post. I loved it, thank you. You are right on the money and an inspiration to me as I'm not weak or tried past my abundance, just lazy.
      The easy way to quit drinking?:


        Minstar, wishing you well, the best part is that you are here and realize that a change is needed. Have you read Wild by Cheryl Strayed, it was very inspirational, about a woman who needed to change her life path and decided to hike solo along the Pacific Coast Trail.

        I have two young children as well and reading your posts resonated with me, AL was my escapism for many years. But I knew that my kids deserved better and therefore I knew I needed a better me. An AF life is a better life. My kids deserve that, I deserve that...We all deserve that..
        Last edited by open halo; January 6, 2015, 08:47 PM.


          MinStar, welcome back and congratulations on your baby! I remember you posting from a while ago! I love it when old faces come home. What a great time to get this out of your life. I quit when my daughter was one year old so she wouldn't have to see me like I was. I know I wasn't emotionally available when I was hungover all the time and just dying to make it to the late afternoon to restart the hellish cycle again. Looking back makes me very emotional to think about all the things I might have missed! Great to see you.

          A friend who I've been open with about quitting started taking to me about wanting to quit. I was very touched. I also felt a huge feeling of gratitude towards mwo. There are people out there that truly WANT sobriety. We can be bothered by cravings, made uncomfortable. We should try to remember how hard it was to type "how to quit drinking" into a search engine or make that first post here, because that is the voice to listen to.
          "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
          AF 11/12/11


            My day turned out really crappy after all and now all I want to do is DRINK AT IT! I'm not for this minute...........
            The easy way to quit drinking?:



              Good evening Nesters,

              Guess what Overit? Crappy days happen to everyone on this planet, all the time? What do non-drinkers do on crappy days?
              I have a big list of distractions, my favorite non-AL things to take my mind off stuff. Make your list, search the Tool box for ideas. Do anything, just don't drink because it won't help anything.

              Pinecone, I've tried steering someone to MWO but he's just not ready. I wish he was because I'm afraid for his health but it's his choice. I hope your friend is at least willing to take a look

              Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest. Only had about 2 inches of snow but the temp is down in the teens. Feeling chilly!!!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Lavande, I know! But grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr............., I really need a time out
                The easy way to quit drinking?:



                  Over it- I hope you man aged to find a distraction!
                  I love reading or catching up on a tv series or movie. Eat something so you're not hungry and maybe take a long how're or bath. Any thing to distract.

                  Pinecone, Open Halo and Daisy!

                  I'm so pleased you took the time to write back. Thank you- can't find thanks button on mobile at 4am. Lol

                  Daisy- I hope that you found your distraction- think of how crao you would feel if you had to see the kids hungover.

                  Pinecone and open halo- a lot of your posts points resonate with me. I can see mothers already allowing AL to take a lot from their kids. I know when I returned to AL before gettin pregnant with my Son I did it evaluate I was sure after over a year and 3m sobriety I had kicked it. F no. It shows me. Took me many attempts and returns here and finally a pregnancy to see that i still have no control.

                  Thanks Open Halo for your book recommendation on kindle for bargain so just got it. Hope to start it later today :-)

                  I lost my strength and resolve- but I can't let this ruin my time with my kids. Daughter is much happier and content then most kids I know and I believe that's because I am 100 percent there for her and her brother and not because in hungover.

                  I also want to be able to see the amazing miracles that are my kids grow in a home free of a drinker and her problem.

                  I is it for my kid before I want to do it again

                  Ok night time feeding ramble over. Time to zzzz

                  Stay safe.
                  Last edited by MinStar; January 6, 2015, 11:23 PM.


                    Hang in there everyone! All you have to do is get through this day, to quote Byrdie.

                    Minstar, reaching for a glass felt like a treat for me too - and one that acted quickly. Until it wasn't a treat any more. Books are much better options... I can't wait to crack one open on the nights I can read. I prefer books that don't require much thinking - that are more like a ride taking me on a departure from my life. I just finished Wild and loved it, and I have been very entertained by Dan Brown & John Grisham books, as well as some of the popular trilogies like Hunger Games and the Divergent series. I also like stories of people who overcame adversity, like Memoirs of a Geisha and Angela's Ashes (makes my life seem easy). I hope you find what you love and take the time to escape through the eyes of another, rather than alcohol! Also, I think counseling is a great option for some people. However, I found that nothing beats being able to log into an always-open site whenever I need to be talked down or share something.

                    NS, brilliant thoughts all around. Thanks for your post.

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Hi, Nest:

                      Still fighting the jet lag and am off to bed...

                      Daisy - I recommend the Bubble Hour as a good meditation when you are experiencing craving. If you browse the topics, there's bound to be one of interest. Try the one on relapse prevention - there are lots of ideas.

                      Minstar - I was a "I need an escape from my children" drinker as well. What I found was that when I quit drinking I had infinitely more patience for my kids and therefore didn't get as stressed or feel the "need" for a release as much. I also found a quick walk in the neighborhood was as good a release. Not quite as fast acting (Kensho, I agree), but more effective and more long-lasting. Welcome back.

                      One thing I notice is that I don't ever have that "I need a drink" feeling any more. When I have a stressful situation I think of many other things to do to relieve my stress. I never thought that would happen - I thought I would have to deny the urge to drink forever. Good news is, it goes away! (I still think about alcohol, don't get me wrong, but I don't feel like I "need" it any more. Phew.)

                      OverIt - Good for posting here instead of drinking. I hope your anger subsided. Try reading about urge surfing in the toolbox - very helpful in those first few weeks. Glad you're feeling better already.

                      Lav, hope you warm up.

                      I think it is Tuesday, and I think it is bedtime. Can't wait until I catch up with the right time zone.



                        Daisy read the message your daughter sent you when you were passed out on the lounge, that should be enough to keep you on track.
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Thank you I thought last night, up this morning and shocked at how strong my feelings got.
                          Ava, just been back and read that post along with many others around that time. Brings back how bad things got and that I struggled to get a day AF. I am moving forward, positive and sober...Al is not an option. Really glad I posted how I felt.....
                          I am actually glad I got so bad as it has helped me by looking back and really thinking about what I want....through sober eyes.
                          My kids are in London now...their flight from NY was delayed and they missed the connecting flight to Dublin. Now they have to wait until 1.30....not happy bunnies!
                          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                            Great work Daisy im really proud of you. You are doing everything you should be when you feel an urge/craving. I was not called lunatic Linda for nothing and it worked. If we put our tools in place and use them its harder to fail. No more day 1's girl, they are harder each time. I want to celebrate your one year anniversary on my two year anniversary so i am inviting you now to join the party. 11 months to prepare what you will wear and plan the guest list!
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              haha......another excuse to buy an outfit! see you there!
                              IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                                Good morning Nesters & happy hump day!

                                Freezing cold in my portion of the nest - Brrrr!!!

                                Daisy, glad you thought it all through. That's how you get there, one day at a time

                                Greetings to everyone & sending wishes for a great AF Wednesday for all.
                                I need to get bundled up to go check on my feathered friends

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

