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    Originally posted by enzo'smom View Post
    OMG…..I have always thought about not drinking as giving it up. The article life change posted (also in toolbox) is so dead-on how I was thinking during last attempts that it almost made me cry!! I always felt like I was being punished somehow….that we were all here because we were bad and that together, we could forge ahead as a group of "bad people" who couldn't control their drinking.
    Good to see you back, Jennie. I bet Enzo is adorable. I used to have boxers and always thought the puppies were inordinately cute. What kind of markings does he have?

    One thing I've noticed is that essentially all of the people around here with a significant amount of AF time are pretty happy about their situations. I don't think I'd stay if those around me felt like we were suffering or defective. The most often expressed regret is not to have quit sooner! Part of what keeps me here is the desire to help others stop drinking and start really living, too - to join us in feeling so good.

    Recovering is an interesting, rewarding, and often fun process. I was always a pretty linear, logical, type-A sort of person (who found a break from all that with too much wine). If not for addiction and recovering from it, I'm not sure I would have ever slowed down and explored spirituality, connection, meditation, yoga, or the power and importance of gratitude. I appreciate the changes these have made in my life and believe they have made me a happier, more content person with better, more open and meaningful relationships than I would have been if I'd never been almost forced to examine my life.

    At the beginning, I tried to see "not drinking" as an interesting personal challenge - how was I going to deal with a certain event without drinking in a way that I still would have fun and hopefully not make me or anyone else uncomfortable? When my plans worked out pretty well, it was its own kind of reward. And even when it didn't go as well as I'd hoped, the fact that I'd remained AF was enough. Stopping drinking can be difficult thing you have to do or an exciting opportunity you get to have - as the writer of that article made clear, the words we use and the perspective we choose can make all the difference.
    Last edited by NoSugar; January 10, 2015, 09:11 AM.


      Good morning nest! The Huffington Post article on the link posted by LC was really good, thanks!. Puts things into perspective that the veterans here are gently reminding us of. Another article you may find interesting is linked below. A fitness expert ran an experiment with someone by showing detailed blood work before and after dropping alcohol for 30 days. The participant is probably what we would consider a "moderate" drinker, ha ha. Amazing results. Makes you think. Have a great Saturday!


        Originally posted by actiongirl46 View Post
        A fitness expert ran an experiment with someone by showing detailed blood work before and after dropping alcohol for 30 days. The participant is probably what we would consider a "moderate" drinker, ha ha. Amazing results.
        Thank you Action, this is really good to read. Nice to see the blood values improve and so quickly!
        BUT I would caution against looking at it the other way...that is, if the blood tests are fine, I am fine.......

        I drink (OOPS drank) a helluva lot more than moderately, and my blood tests were very good.....cholesterol a tad high, but liver values, everything else very, very good. And I drank heavily for a long, long time.
        AND a friend that recently died, as a result of heavy smoking and drinking, had OK blood tests too.....not "good", but not that bad either......

        So good blood tests are NEVER a sign that AL is OK...... Just MHO !
        Kicked AL to the curb November 9, 2014!


          Hi everyone.
          I'm ending up having kindof a humdrum day. Walking in circles and not quite knowing what to do with myself.
          I've been searching for a film to watch, but nothing has captured my interest. I'm reading, "Lit" by Mary Karr, which is very good. Some more of that, I guess.
          And I think I will call a friend.

          Hi to Action and New Page! You both sound to be in good spirits this Saturday..


            Trin double digits, great work and i bet you are feeling great.

            Beachy 30 days, a whole month! Fantastic work, triple digits here we come!

            MyWay 2 weeks to a great achievement. Each and everyday sober is a good day. I wake up everyday and thoughts of drinking dont thump into my head anymore. I wake up and cant imagine what i was like whent i drank, i dont drink now and time has gotten me to where i am and its a good happy place.

            NewPage, i always told myself i would stop drinking for 5 weeks and then have a blood test. Of course i could not stop drinking for one day so not sure where i got 5 weeks from. It took me ten years to have a blood test and that was after i had given up for 40 days. I LOVE blood tests! Want some blood? Yes take all you want!

            LC circles is okay as long as you dont drink, squares is also totally acceptable. I remember walking to the front door with "feck its" then walking away, then walking into each room and walking to the front door and turning around and just feeling lost and not knowing what to do, standing in my kids rooms and them just letting me or asking what i was doing. Doing 100 things at once and not completing any of them but that was ok as i did not drink.

            Speaking of which, 3/4 of my pantry cupboard is clean, 3/4 of my fridge is clean and this is after a year! Oh well, no hurry, no one ls is going to do it for me. I do need to wash as it is windy. Go away for a week, leave the boys and looks like a bloody chinese laundry when i return.

            Take care everyone and have a great day.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Great conversations today!
              Its all a matter of perceptiom! To a worm, digging around in the hard, dry dirt all day is a lot more relaxing than going fishing!
              BeachGirly! Eloise will give you your major award onroll call, but I just have to give you a heary congratulations on your 30 days! Your HAT! :guy: Speech, Beach!!! How did you do it? What worked and what didnt? Great job!!
              Hope everyone has an easy evening! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                very nearly fecked it all up!
                in situation yesterday that is ongoing. came on here and with little time was wanting to post but realised there were quite a few had posted and I needed to go back a few pages, so I logged off until I had more time. bit of boredom coming towards the evening. drinking thoughts increasing. left house 'to get cigarettes' in the nearby shop. Instead drove to supermarket and bought not one, but the usual 2 bottles of wine. home, hid one in the freezer and one in the fridge so they would be good for later.
                Was waiting for my daughter to go to bed before indulging......I started thinking and thinking and the intention was still strong. She went to bed......freedom to go for it.
                Then, I thought about it some more, a lot more and asked all the questions.....if I was so serious on day 1, then surely I owed it to myself to try something out before committing to drinking.....I came here to far as I was concerned I was too far gone to post as it was going to happen anyway. But I went to the online toolbox and clicked on the bubble hour. Stayed for 1 and a half hours.....after 45 mins I went to the kitchen and retrieved both bottles and poured them down the sink....will dump the empties tomorrow. Came back and listened to the end of the talk, and so here I am.
                One of the best things I heard was about a couple who wake up every morning and their first thought is 'we are recovering alcoholics in treatment', so that they know they need to ensure they get their 'treatment'that day. Mine is MWO and I swayed......whether I have time to read back or not I will commit to any posting from now on.....there were other elements which were covered in this broadcast that also applied to me.
                Not much more to say, only that I wasn't going to admit this but then why not.....I am here to be sober.......and thank God I am! I have 'never' got that close and walked away from it before.....
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  Wow, daisy, just awesome! Way to go.
                  "Gratitude is the law of increase, and complaint is the law of decrease"

                  Always choose love.


                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Just had a busy day with my granddaughter, fun but exhausting

                    Daisy, good for you! You did exactly what we recommend & you thought it through. Always keep yourself close to MWO & the nest in particular, you'll never go wrong! Dropping old habits & developing new healthier coping skills is the way to meet your goals.

                    BeachGirly, CONGRATS to you on your 30 AF days!
                    Keep going, you'll love the results!

                    Greetings to everyone & sending wishes for a safe 7 cozy night in the nest for all!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Awesome Daisy,I've done that before, went and bought beer but then waited to open it,got distracted with something else went to the fridge and was like "wtf was I thinking!"took it out to my car and when my daughter came by I told her to get it the hell out of here! Turned out it was her bf's brothers birthday, so they gave it to him as a present, I'm glad you dumped that toxic waste
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        I know there were things I should have done before it got that far Lav, but just so relieved to at least have done what I was supposed to before it was too late.
                        Paulywogg, it is unbelievable that the intent is so strong and then when it is over it is just as unbelievable that it got so close.....
                        I found the bubble hour so helpful, so that will be a very big 'definite' in my toolbox.
                        Soooooo grateful right now to reach my 6 weeks tomorrow......
                        I am up very late....nearly 4am, but you know what, this time last week and before, that bothered me; now I realise as long as I am sober, be happy and don't sweat the small stuff. Sleep patterns, headaches and the rest will sort themselves out in their own time.
                        I know I messed up badly but I am actually feeling proud of myself right now.....if you know what I mean.
                        I have a funny feeling you will be hearing a lot more from me.....actually you will, that is a promise to me.
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          Hey Daisy,
                          Big Up for you!! I don't know you but I'm really proud of you too



                            Daisy, to have been able to turn back after taking it that far shows just how far you have come! I bet if something like this happens again, you'll be able to save yourself some money and just listen to the Bubble hour instead of even going to the store! You should be proud of yourself :smile:.


                              Way to go Daisy. That must have been hard, but it worked out in the end - that is the main thing.

                              Thank you for trusting us all enough to share with us.

                              It helps me to know how others feel, think and how they cope.



                                Good MAE Nesters!
                                I ended up going to bed around 830 yesterday and am up and feeling fresh at 7, though still a bit lost.
                                Ava, good to have the reassurance! This is one of the many terrible things about going in and out of sobriety. Having to constantly relearn how to live, how to deal. Never getting past a certain point-- which is, I think, also one of the reasons I haven't stayed quit. I've been terrified of that point. I'm trying to embrace the change, looking forward to what's to come. Though primarily I'm trying to stay in the moment.

                                Daisy, thank you so much for sharing what happened last night. Like you said, it's good for your sobriety to be 100% honest and not keep any of that stuff inside. You should be proud of yourself-- and like NS said, your actions this time will surely make the next time easier. You are retraining yourself-- and 6 weeks!!! I'm very happy for you. I guess you should be on your toes, though... spending even more time here and posting your feelings, whether or not you have the time to read back! Which podcast you listen to last night? I always forget about the Bubblehour.

                                I read a really good post in the Toolbox about the Lies alcohol tells us by Lavenderblue. How is she? Is she still at MWO?

