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    Pav, I had heard about the bubble hour and not checked it out before......I am going to have it in my plan for 1 per week and at times of insecurity.
    My friend called in and asked how I was getting on with not drinking......I told her about last night.....she is the one friend I have not held back anything from. Surprised at just how understanding she is about it.
    Had a nice, easy day....visit to mums and home to cook dinner for the girls. Big fire and a movie.
    After last night I have decided to become more proactive in life. I sat in isolation because I drank and realise I am still pretty much doing will not arrive at my doorstep...time to get out there and see what I've been missing.
    I suppose this is where it shows it is not just one day at a time....the minutes count as well.....
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      Hi all

      Haven't been around much lately but have been reading and seeking inspiration. Am currently reaching the end of day 11. Hope everyone is feeling strong and all have a good week!
      I can beat this.
      Today is the day I start.
      1st September 2015.


        Trinity - Whoot whoot - way to go girl. I bet you feel fantastic already.

        Daisy - I can feel your happiness and zest coming through. Sooooo good.

        Lifechange - I understand what you mean about it being hard to do what is right for us. I find I try to take on too much at once. Right now I am focusing on being AF and I am trying to give myself a bit of slack on the other issues in my life. Although I did sign up for a weight loss challengne (casual friendly work thing). So being AF and low carb, that is enough for now. I am also in the final 3 months of a 2 yr course I have been taking. Yep - hubby is right. I take on too much. :happy2:

        Have a great weekend with your families.



          Hey Fella - way to go!!
          Thanks for posting and sharing with us.


            Everyone is sounding gooood in the Nest today.

            Beachy, I'm the same, taking on way too much at once. I've narrowed it down to not drinking, exercising, being brutally honest (not one little smidgen of a non-truth as this has been a huge problem for me) and I'm trying to watch my nutrition a bit. I have big plans, so many things I want to do, but I'm trying to be realistic. Good for you finishing a 2 year course!! That must feel really good..

            I'm off to hit the hay-- kids are in bed and mine is calling my name loudly.
            Hugs to all Nesters!! Thank you for being here! and see you tomorrow..


              Howdy all! I have had a really busy weekend - and my family is always on my computer! I find it hard to post on the weekends sometimes. We went out for dinner last night and everyone had a drink or three. I was "the driver". Food was great, and on the way home, I rationalized stopping at Starbucks drive through. After all, my $4 drink wasn't even a third of what my husband spent on his! I think I might like this new habit - something special for me too!

              I will spend some time catching up - I have missed a few pages! Happy Sunday night and here's to another sober week! It really does get better as time goes on! I am loving having my brain intact!

              Done. Moving on to life.


                Today I am having a very bad day.
                I'm sad, tired, cold and lonely. Stressed and depressed. But I will not drink!
                Thank you for the Bubble Hour link, it helped me tremendously.
                Go as far as you can see.
                When you get there, you'll see further.


                  Good to see you, MWI. I'm sorry you're feeling bad and for the sorrow in your country right now. Adding depressant alcohol would ultimately make it worse, as you already have figured out. I always found that posting and declaring my intentions helped. I hope it does that for you, also :hug:.


                    Thank you NS, tomorrow will certainly be better!
                    Go as far as you can see.
                    When you get there, you'll see further.


                      Good evening Nesters,

                      MWI, I hope you are OK, thinking of you :hug:

                      FF, good to see you & great on 11 AF days! Keep going, you know it's great

                      Glad to see so many thinking & planning ahead for successful AF weekends. That's how we get the job done!!!!
                      Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Good Morning (AE) Nesters!

                        Mywayin, I hope you are feeling better this morning. Good that you checked in last night, identified what was going on/how you were feeling, listened to the Bubble Hour. I'm also very sad about what happened in France. And about the entire state of the world as far as the "war on terror" goes. I can imagine it must be so very stressful for you right now. Stay close..:hug:

                        Time to get ready for work. Hope to see everyone around here later today..


                          Good Monday morning Nesters!

                          Where is everyone?
                          It's cold, rainy & icy all at the same time in my area of the nest ~ not nice at all.
                          Good day to stay in & catch up on paperwork & make soup or something.

                          Wishing everyone a good AF day!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            good morning!! schools closed today….yucky outside…..
                            KENSHO: good for you! I need to make just one comment because this is something I am working really hard on (changing my perspective and the way I think about alcohol)….you may not see it this way and that is ok …. I just want to put it out there for me… said that you went to get a coffee after dinner because you deserved something special just like your husband had something special in the form of alcohol at dinner. I am trying hard (and hopefully succeeding) in NOT Thinking this way….. Alcohol is NOT SPECIAL. It is DESTRUCTIVE to your happiness, health and body….alcohol is not special to me because it only leads to unhappiness, loneliness and depression. I CHOOSE not to drink for these reasons…..


                              That's a good way to look at it Enzo's Mom! We alcoholics do need to put booze in its proper place. However, while Alcohol isn't special nor is it a treat how we choose to support our own quit is important too. If Kensho needs to reinforce her decision to not drink by treating herself to a good cup of coffee that works for me.
                              Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                              William Butler Yeats


                                Here's a link to a TED talk that makes it clear why alcohol isn't a "treat" for anyone, and especially not an addict, who is going to consume the most:

