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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    NoraC -- Sorry to hear about the sinus infection. I have struggled with them for years, and actually have one right now (yuck!) -- but about a year or so ago a friend suggested I get a Netti Pot. I though eeewwww how gross! Nasal irrigation? Ow! I tried it only because I remembered that years ago a fellow nurse who suffered from them was instructed to do it by her doc and it changed her life.
    Anyways, it has made a world of difference for me, and a lot of Docs are now recommending the use of these things -- big article in our pape the other day about the things. Basically you are just washing out all of the pollen, dirt and nasal discharge so that you can heal. They are available at Walgreens, Bed Bath and Beyond and at any health food/natural products type place. You might think about it?
    I don't bother with antibiotics unless it gets real bad anymore, I just drag this thing out and force myself to use it 2-3 times a day.

    Just a thought.



      Newbies Nest

      Just stumbled on this website

      Hi, I recently started taking Naltrexone after finding the Sinclair Method book. I mustered my courage and asked my primary doctor for the meds and she looked it up and prescribed it for me. I shelled out 100 bucks since I knew my insurance wouldn't cover it anyway and didn't want them to know my "secret."

      With much anticipation I took half a 50mg pill -- and very soon was sick in bed with all of the side effects: headache, dizzyness, nausea, funny feeling in my arm, like I was having a stroke or something. I was thinking, what have I done to myself? After a while, I felt a bit better and figured I better have a drink to begin "untraining" myself. But geez, of course if I associate feeling horrible with having a drink, it won't take long to quit.

      The next day I was still feeling slightly nauseated. I took 1/4 pill (really bitter stuff), felt almost ok, then took the other 1/4. Felt fairly bad. It makes me re-think whether this will work for me.

      I went searching for a Naltrexone support site and (after perusing an AA site, which is very different) found this one. So I plan to read up on this other medication and supplements. But I'm afraid to approach my doctor with a new request -- I just feel a bit like a leper or something.

      This sounds like a similar process, where the cravings are slowly extinguished. I'm just not sure what to do today, before "happy hour." Try to take the Naltrexone or try to abstain, or try to have only one or two. I'm still hopeful, though. It seems that there are choices between out-of-control drinking and total abtension. Thanks, all.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi TMB,
        Welcome to our wonderful home, come stay with us, our family here is wonderful and very supportive! I do not have experience with Nal, but some here might. How quickly are you looking to reduce or abstain from al? A lot of us here have come to the conclusion that we cannot reduce and control our consumption so we are staying away from it alltogether. Anyway, I would say that if you want to continue with nal, you should probably try to continue taking it to get the desired outcome. If you were hoping to get away from AL as soon as possible, than there are other meds and supplements here. I am taking baclofen and have managed to stay away from AL for over 45 days with no desire to drink again. Good luck, keep posting!


          Newbies Nest

          Let's get real...

          I've been one of the strugglers here. On Jan 31st got busted by my husband....I was doing a paint by numbers picture and he came out to check on me....I thought I was doing a great job, but the look of horror in his eyes when he looked at the painting said it all to me. I took him to my closet where there were 3 empty 5ths of vodka, 3 full ones, and a couple partials hidden around. I took him to my purse where I pulled out the small flask I had. I told him 'enough'. he poured it all out. The next day I looked at that picture I was painting and it looked like a psyco had painted it....not even close to reality. I swore then and there to stop, and that's when I found this site. I went 9 days and decided I was doing so well and felt so happy that I would give moderation a try, with wine. It didn't take long before I was hiding wine in my closet, around the last week in Feb., he busted me again and I once again led him into my closet to disclose the paper boxes of wine, filled, empty and partial....I then went 2 days AF. We were visiting my dad for his birthday, and that evening he said I'm going to ask you something I didn't think I want a glass of wine? What do you think I said? So since that time, I have been TRYING to hold it to 2 glasses, but I'm topping it off behind his back. AND I'm really struggling to hold it at that. I've got to look myself in the eye like Lav has done and say that I'm an alcoholic and I simply can't moderate. It sucks, but I remember those wonderful 9 here again for the third and hopefully last time.....Day 1. God give me strength to beat this thing....
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Byrd - Thank you for sharing! We are here for you. :l Remember those wonderful 9 days. Stick to this site. Read & post, read & post, read & post. Get your L-Glutamine powder and be sure to keep it in your system. It has worked wonders for me! When the cravings are bad, put some under your tongue. Hang in there! We are here.

            TryingmyBest - I am on Topamax. I don't have any experience with Nal. But, just stick around here. I know many people do. Looking forward to getting to know you.

            Violet - Thanks for the info. I actually don't have a Netti Pot, but I've been doing the salt water up my nose thing for years. :H I always told you I was weird. I just put some salt in a cut with warm water and then sniff it up my nostril one side then other side and then repeat. Been doing it for 30 years. I guess I should go out and get a Netti Pot.

            Hello to all the Nesters. I've got to run. I overslept for some strange reason. :H
            Coffee is on......Bagels this morning and Diet Coke is in the fridge.
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Newbies Nest

              Congratulations to you all, just for being here. I personally believe this is one of the most awesome, helpful threads on the site, and I recommend it every chance I get! You all ROCK!
              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                Newbies Nest

                NoraC;827555 wrote: Hey Runningwind - You were up past your bedtime too. There are going to be some of us dragging tomorrow.
                Oh - I did get some antibiotics. Thanks. I've taken so many pills today that I'm slap happy. :H
                Oh NoraC, am I ever dragging.............. It's this sleep issue that is effecting so many of us.
                Glad to hear you got some medication, sinus infections can be so painful. Hey, if you have time, read the new thread by rubywillow. It's under "General Disscussion", titled "Effects" really informative. Have a good day NoraC ,
                The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Morning All,

                  Thanks so much for the words of encouragement. I don't feel as positive about the quiting as I did last time but I know it's something I have to do. About 2 weeks ago after I started again I was drinking with my sister, who knows how to stop after a few and when I asked her to grab me another one ( I think it was around my tenth) my daughter went in the kitchen and asked my sis to not give me another that I didnt need it. I thought we were all having fun playing board games etc but I guess I was obviously showing signs of being drunk and my daughter could see it. That breaks my heart, I can't shake this feeling of sadness. The good part is I know what I have to do and I am honestly going to give it a real try again. I can do this!

                  Day 2 and hopefully many more to come!

                  Have a great Thursday everyone!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Afternoon All!
                    This really is busy today, just spent 20 mins reading latest posts! Welcome TMB - I have no knowledge of Naltrexone but loads here do so keep posting and watching - this is a great place.
                    Byrdlady, been there etc. do remember the 9 days, you did it and you can do it again, we all start stopping and starting and stuttering just keep trying and eventually it will work if you want it enough.
                    Excuses, your story reminded me soooo much of my 'lowest point' which actually started me stopping. My daughter took a drink away from me (I was pretending it was juice) and I just felt so low and yes like you, sad, yes you CAN do this Day 2 of the rest of your life!
                    Mazzie and Meech, delighted you also had good holidays, amazing the urges come back when we get home! Maybe Violet is right and its down to association with environment? I wonder could it be that we are conscious of not cocking up when we are away that we let down our defences when we get home? I was about a month off alcohol all over Christmas and then let down my guard and drank a shed load of vodka a week into January - yuck.
                    Good Thursday to everyone else on here sorry I can't go thro everyone cos I can't go back a page without loosing what I've written ( somebody here someday will tell me how to do this PLLLLLLLEEEASE!!)
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning Everyone (afternoon and evening too)

                      Well I beat another craving last night. Phew! Thought I was gonna cave but didn't.

                      I really have to TRUST that the craving will go away. I just have to ride it as many have said.

                      The AL Beast has really been trying to tell me that I'm doing just fine and I don't have a problem. Liar!

                      Today will be day 4AF
                      Good AF's to everyone.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello Everyone,

                        I just read all the post for today and I must say I feel I am in the right place, today is day 4af HOORAY!!! I am feeling good but already dreading the weekend. Fridays are so hard. I wish I were getting my CD's And supp's sooner. I guess I will stay close to you guys. I think I will go to chruch Friday night the way use to during lent and maybe I can just go to bed after that.

                        Wish me luck!!

                        sigpicIsland Girlie


                          Newbies Nest

                          Islandgirlie;827805 wrote: Hello Everyone,

                          I just read all the post for today and I must say I feel I am in the right place, today is day 4af HOORAY!!! I am feeling good but already dreading the weekend. Fridays are so hard. I wish I were getting my CD's And supp's sooner. I guess I will stay close to you guys. I think I will go to chruch Friday night the way use to during lent and maybe I can just go to bed after that.

                          Wish me luck!!

                          Islandgirlie, doing the opposite of what you have been doing, is a great idea. That is how we can learn new habits to replace the alcohol. Wishing you all the luck along your journey,
                          The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi everyone..
                            not been on here for a little while.. i have been busy on the internet dating site, trying to find my 'Mr Right" lol.. I worked last night for 4 hours and whilst working I had a lovely conversation with a man for the whole time! (well, in between answering the phone) we really "clicked".. he wants to meet up with me in person.. I will make sure I am careful with this, and have not arranged to yet, I said I would get back to him..
                            It's my birthday tomorrow and I am still taking my son to the Aquarium.. my ex said I can have my son o/n which is great (normally my ex has him on sat nights).. as that should stop me from getting depressed being alone on my birthday night.. even though he will be asleep, at least I have him at home with me.. I am now Day 4 AF and will not drink today as I have to be up early tomorrow to take my son on the ferry to the Aquarium (Sydney Aquarium btw is the BEST aquarium I have ever been to! -it has an amazing shark tunnel which is all glass and has huge sharks swimming above and around you.. its been several years since I went so I am pretty excited.. will be even more special taking my son!)..
                            The court case is also just 3 days away now.. I have been taking more and more valium to deal with the anxiety (but not drinking at least).. I am shaking now just thinking about it!.. I get such bad anxiety about even minor things so this kind of anxiety is off the scale for me..
                            Anyway, sorry I haven't had time to read everyone's posts but hi to all and have a great day,
                            Katie xxx
                            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey there!

                              Just had a thought. It is after 6. Used to be I'd be working on my second very strong beer by now...nerves calmed working on a good buzz. Just realized that my nerves don't need calming. What a good feeling. AF is very good. Gonna go back to hanging out with my beautiful girls now.



                                Newbies Nest

                                Islandgirlie;827805 wrote: Hello Everyone,

                                I just read all the post for today and I must say I feel I am in the right place, today is day 4af HOORAY!!! I am feeling good but already dreading the weekend. Fridays are so hard. I wish I were getting my CD's And supp's sooner. I guess I will stay close to you guys. I think I will go to chruch Friday night the way use to during lent and maybe I can just go to bed after that.

                                Wish me luck!!

                                You're doing great, you know anybody from church with whom you can go out for coffee after mass? Is there some sort of church fellowship event that you can spend some time with tomorrow night? Even hitting a mall or whatever might help suck up some of that time you used to spend drinking. I've been going out for walks, then watching the food channel before hitting the sack.

