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    Gosh, Fin, what an interesting article. I had no idea that Roger Ebert was one of us! I really liked that quiz at the end. That pretty much sums it up....if you drink when you dont intend to, and then drink MORE than you intend to, you might be one of us. I really liked the part about will power, too. Addiction crosses over will-power. Once we start drinking, will power is replaced with obsession. Thank you for finding and posting that article for us!

    I hope everyone has an easy day today! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Checking in! Had some AL thoughts at end of yesterday when feeling upset - and I was VERY hungry. I've learned that being hungry is the biggest trigger for me. I drank some apple juice and felt much better. Then, I had a dream about AL last night. I was with friends and said, "What the heck, I'll have some - I'm doing so well". The dream didn't end, but I woke up remembering how easy it would be to mess it all up - to get overconfident. It felt like a reminder.

      I would definitely fall into the category of "when I don't intend to" and "more than I intend to". Good words.

      Take care everyone. Keep your plans in place and remember that drinking does NOT = happiness.

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Hi everyone, no drinking for me yesterday and none today. It's good to be back and get myself back on track. This morning I woke up around 4 and decided to take the girls to Toys R Us and we made good use of all their Christmas gift cards and money and left the store with $300 dollars worth of toys. But since half of it was lego, you don't get a whole lot. lol. Imagine that from $300? Anyway, today has been okay. After that I took them for a Happy Meal and we came home so they could play. It's -30 and too cold to do anything outside so it's a perfect day to just keep inside, stay warm, play with toys and watch movies.


          Hi Sho - Thinking of you. So sorry about your dog and your cousin. Cancer sucks. Great job in thinking this through for what it means for you and your family long term. I'm sorry about the sadness but proud of you for catching yourself. Hang in there!


            Originally posted by actiongirl46 View Post
            Hi Sho - Thinking of you. So sorry about your dog and your cousin. Cancer sucks. Great job in thinking this through for what it means for you and your family long term. I'm sorry about the sadness but proud of you for catching yourself. Hang in there!
            Thank you so much for that. It's been pretty hard lately. When my husband came home he never said anything to me, and just gave me extra attention in the morning. Honestly, I think if he would have flipped out on me I would have drank again yesterday and possibly today and I know I can't use that as an excuse but with the way I'm feeling right now I just need some positives. He gave me strength to stop myself, I am very grateful for him. So today I have been building a LEGO Mall with my daughter, playing with our new puppy and the girls and doing the large amounts of laundry that never seem to end.


              We're heading out with the friends I went on vacation with the time I very first "broke" my quit. I would be confident saying that he drinks a LOT, and might have a teensy problem (is there such thing as teensy with AL?). He always asks me why on earth I'm not drinking... I feel so much more confident this time meeting them out.

              I have noticed that I do seem to rely on things to change my brain chemistry. I was never really into caffeine - well a little after kids were born, but not a huge thing for me - UNTIL I quit drinking. I can sense that it gives me a boost - and have been drinking more of it. NS, and others who have cut out most things that affect dopamine, have you found that without ANY stimulants, the brain figures out how to release proper amounts itself - or does there seem to still be a deficiency? Just wondered if anyone knew of research regarding this.

              Have a great night everyone!

              Done. Moving on to life.


                I'm a coffee freak too Kensho! Speaking of people we haven't seen in a bit,where's Rahul?
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Checking in.
                  The easy way to quit drinking?:



                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Hope everyone had a good day

                    Thanks for the link Fin - interesting.

                    Sho, glad you are back on your plan. Enjoy your family!

                    I have been a coffee & tea drinker all my life. I even opt for decaf now, just like the flavor.
                    Too much caffeine hurts my B/P so I watch out!

                    Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Hi from the end of another busy day. Beautiful weather here which is spooky to us Californians in the middle of a drought. But we had a beautiful walk and lunch outside.

                      Sorry you are sick Enzo. Hope you feel better.

                      I talked with an old friend I haven't spoken to in a long time about drinking. So much easier now. I don't panic and more or less tell the truth. Without the "a" word. Fun I am curious about AA, too, but afraid to go in my small town. Let us know how it goes.

                      Off to bed. One more big day and then a day to rest. Love three day weekends.

                      Happy Saturday night!


                        Hello Nesters!
                        I'm up early on Sunday morning, drinking a delicious coffee and reading back to catch up with you all. I find it so difficult when I have to work and the kids to keep up here-- I've read, but haven't had the energy to post. In the evenings I often fall asleep with the girls. I seem to be low on energy, which is frustrating-- but I'm hoping it's a winter thing. And a "my body is readjusting" thing.

                        Jennie/enzo, I had such a horrendous headache Friday and Saturday, I thought I might die. Like you said, I can't believe I would choose to bring that on myself. I hope you are feeling better and can enjoy a lovely Sunday..

                        Sho, I'm very sorry to hear about your dog and your cousin. It's heartbreaking to lose someone who should still have so much life ahead of her. I hope you have someone to talk to, one on one, if you need the support. It sounds like you had a lovely day with the kids and puppy..laundry!! I'm trying to convince the father of my kids to get a puppy that we can share. What breed is yours?

                        Daisy! You are doing so well. Coming here first to post is something you've learned with time.. and you're sounding strong in your determination! Thank god you could be there for your niece. It's so scary to deal with eating disorders in young girls. I hope she will be open and receptive to the counselling.. it sounds like she wants to heal.

                        Fin, that was a great article. I also didn't know that Ebert was an alcoholic. Great idea to check out a meeting when you hit 100 days. Just see how it is.. I've always been surprised when I've gone to meetings at how comfortable I feel, no pressure, really nice and interesting people. I'm actually going to a meeting today that I've never been to.. a "meditation" meeting. No idea what to expect, but we'll see..

                        Over-it, you're doing great! I love your idea of starting something new at 30 days. I tend to start too early and then become overwhelmed. I think it's smart to take it slowly at first..

                        I loved the conversation about filling the hole.
                        I was a bit sad yesterday when I talked to my good friend on the phone. She said she thought I might be depressed without knowing it because I seem to have so little energy, little interest in going out to meet people. She knows about my problems with alcohol but not about my current relapse. When I quit in August I was very open with my 3 best girlfriends and I was successful for quite a long time in my sobriety. I have been too ashamed to tell them about what has happened since then and have instead been avoiding having much contact. Reading that article yesterday, I'm afraid I've been a dry drunk when I've been sober. Staying away from the alcohol but not dealing with underlying problems. A lot of studies say that an alcoholics problems come from drinking, and my problems have definitely worsened through abusing alcohol.. but I began drinking to escape my life, and at such a young age that I'm fairly sure I need to delve a bit deeper to really beat this.

                        ok. off to read around MWO..
                        wishing you all a very nice and relaxing Sunday!
                        I like what someone said about thinking of the weekend as a mini-Vacay. It really seems like one, a time to recharge, when alcohol isn't involved!
                        Have any of you seen, "Wild" with Reese Witherspoon?


                          I also started drinking still surprised to see an empty jar.....used to sit in the cupboard for months.
                          Lovely bright morning here.
                          Went to pick my daughter up at 2.30am......very frosty. I find it harder to sleep at weekends when my girls go out. I wait for them then feel wide awake by the time they come home. A late night for me but still much better than the way it was.
                          My girls are bringing me out for dinner today.....really enjoying dressing up more these days.
                          Found out yesterday that my wee sister hasn't been drinking for the last few weeks......really glad....
                          Had the wee baby overnight again....she is still tiny but getting so alert. Leaving her home early....need to feel some child-free space before starting tomorrow.

                          Short and sweet....need to get up and dressed for mass. Have a great day everyone.
                          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                            I would love to know the answer regarding the caffeine question too….I am completely addicted to caffeine….no need for me to skirt around that issue. I have two LARGE cups of coffee in the morning and then I drink 1 or 2 diet cokes during the day or substitute the soda for green tea. Once i have some sobriety time under my belt, I am going to quit diet coke and replace with green tea….and then I am going to replace one cup of coffee in morning for green tea….and then i will taper off the green tea… is ridiculous!! Diet coke is HORRIBLE….I try very hard to eat non-processed, mostly organic whole foods but then i throw a diet coke in the mix….that is another one of my insanities. And, I smoke cigarettes. YUK. I do these things despite seeing myself as a person who shouldn't. I don't want all that crap in my body anymore.
                            but one thing I know for sure… make being AL free work, I need patience, acceptance, willingness and time. AL is worse than the other crap I put into my body so I am dealing with that first ….. someday soon I want to be transformed into an addict free person….but this transformation is going to take some time….if I do it all at once, I am afraid of failure……

                            Pavati: you said you were interested in AA but hesitate because you live in a small town. I too had that hesitation. But here is the thing about people in AA…..unlike the rest of society, there is no judgment….people WANT you to be happy and healthy in those rooms. If you come and go and then come in again they welcome you with open arms. Now let's say your run into someone you know….are you afraid they will find out you have a drinking problem? But wait, aren't they in there for the same reason? you may be surprised to see who is in there and it might lead to deep friendships and provide you with the support you need when MWO is not doing the trick.


                              Good morning Nesters,

                              It's a very chilly & icy morning in my portion of the nest. The news is reporting so many traffic accidents due to black ice that the police are asking people to stay home ~ OK with me
                              We have plenty of firewood to burn & Netflix too!!!!

                              Enzo/Jennie, I used to be good for two Diet Cokes/day as well but I gave them up nearly 15 years ago & haven't missed them. I found I really don't handle any artificial sweeteners at all. I quit smoking nearly two months after I quit drinking. I actually felt ready at that point - do what's best for you

                              Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Not having such a good day. The guy I liked and thought there may be something between has proved to a be a bit of a dick (mildest word I could think of). It's knocked my confidence big time as I repeatedly fall for idiots. I'm determined that it doesn't knock me off track though.

                                Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

