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    you deserve better moni!!!!! and no dick is worth drinking over!!!


      Moni, I drank AT and ate AT people and situations for years and all I became was a fat drunk. Take your disappointment out on something else, direct it where it should be! It's not your fault that guy is an ass-hat! You found out early! Move along!
      Hope everyone has an easy day. Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        hey Moni, just want to add my support. It sucks when you put energy into a relationship and they end up being complete jerks.. but it's true that in the long run you're lucky to find it out sooner. Do something nice for yourself. :heartbeat: strength to you!

        I made it to the 1230 meditation AA meeting and I was very pleasantly surprised.. it began with a 20 minute meditation, silent and still were the only requirements. The sun was shining and the birds were singing and I was forced to just try, in my own way, to be quiet with myself. I tried to concentrate only on my breath going in and out naturally-- it was a challenge, but got me into a great space.

        hope everyone is well..


          Daisy, what a great reason to be AF - those wee ones!

          Moni, hang in there. As you get stronger with AF time, you will begin to see yourself and others differently - you will attract good things into your life. Keep focusing on you and your quit - lots of hugs to you!

          LC, a 20 min. meditation in a room full of people who understand you sounds very nice and nurturing.

          We have lots of wind here - not my favorite! Walking the dog nonetheless, and then to the store to buy my first pair of knitting needles to try it out. Between laundry and a few other house chores, that's my day in a nutshell. Going to read with the kiddos tonight - it's amazing to me how fast they learn to read.

          Hope the day is sober for everyone. It's hard to get past the first part of becoming AF, but it is so worth it. Keep at it!

          Done. Moving on to life.


            Kensho - so true. I am only 38 days AF and I cant even remember what I did with myself before (well, I can, but care not to think of those embarrising things).

            Today I am studing for a grade 9 science test (with my son). This used to frustrate me to no end, and we would end up fighting. That is not the way I want it to go. I want learning to be a fun, life long thing for him that he enjoys. Now I can help with that in a positive way.


            Happy Sunday



              Happy AF Sunday everyone!! Football with no AL is an excellent change in habit, it's changing those bad habits one day at a time!


                Had a nice wee day....out for dinner and ate so much I came home and fell asleep.
                All this talk about diet coke and new addictions....about 4 coffees and 6-8 diet cokes....ah well, I will work on that well as the smoking! Aaaaagh!
                On the flip side, today I cleaned my fridges and filled them full of nothing but good, meat, salads, veg....a busy week of adventurous food preparation lies ahead!
                Had a pretty tough night last night and this afternoon with that oul drinking thinking....ok now. Hits me when the going gets good....more vigilance called for!
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  Good evening Nesters,

                  The freezing rain stopped & temperature rose enough to melt the icy roads but not before there were dozens of accidents in the area & unfortunately 3 fatalities, sad.

                  Daisy, keep the fire going under that vigilance pot - you won't be sorry.

                  Moni, forget the asshat & move on. Who needs that sh*t?
                  Focus on yourself & your goals, more important right now!

                  Glad to hear folks reporting the positive results of kicking AL to the curb - yay!!!

                  Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Hello Nesters,
                    I got up at 530 so that I could check in here, read a bit and be inspired before a long week of work and kids.
                    I was also thinking last night about how much more enjoyable family life is while sober.. Much more trying during the week with work thrown in.. but I will try to be bit slower and easier on myself and in general. I feel like I'm often rushing around from here to there.. is it really necessary? usually not. I'm going to take more time this week to have a look around me.. to notice the nice things. Sometimes I get down living in such a huge city--though it's a fairly green one, it's still huge and not so easy to get out of to find nature. I'm going to try to see it through different eyes. There must be more positive than I'm seeing!!

                    Daisy, to extra vigilance!! I'm with you there.

                    Wishing everyone a good jump start to the week!!


                      Night nest. My social calendar is absolutely empty tomorrow. Will check in more then.

                      You're right about AA Enzo, but I still can't get myself to go. Another reason I think MWO is so great- I think it allowed me to quit sooner than if I had to wait for the courage to go to an in-person meeting. Maybe one day...




                        Good morning Nesters,

                        Happy Monday to all
                        Cloudy but beginning to thaw out anyway.
                        Hoping my daughter is able to get here later - I promised her a lunch out to celebrate her birthday.

                        Greetings to all, have a great AF Monday!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Hoping for a thaw here as well! Right back at you Lav, here's to another AF Monday Newbies!


                            Good morning, Nesters!
                            It's a beauty of a day here. nary a cloud in the sky! I have the day off and am going into the city to do some window shopping....taking myself out to lunch and then a pedicure.
                            4 years ago today was one of the worst days of my life. I was in a downward spiral, had been 'outted' by my husband and found myself with 2 options: My husband or AL. I don't remember my last drink, or the fight we had, but I do remember crying in my bed that night and my dog cryong with me. AL was truly making me pay the ultimate price. The next day, my husband came back home to get more clothes and I convinced him ONE more time to give me a LAST chance. Many nights I sat on this very couch and didnt know how I was going to get thru the evening. I had to ACT ok, but my mind was going in 1000 directions. HOW the HELL was I going to do this? Why would THIS time work when all the other times hadnt? I had to do something I had resisted before, it was right in front of me, but I thought I knew better....I had to listen to Lav. I left my attitude at the door and I did exactly what she told me to do. I finally GOT A PLAN. I stuck to it. I vowed never to drink or buy AL again and I havent. I took the choice of drinking off the table. When I did that, I had to find another way to cope. It is amazing what you can do when you have to. Turning back to AL was not and IS not an option anymore. I have had a some trials and tribulations along the way, and I coped with them just like I did with this, ONE DAY AT A TIME. Learning NEW coping ways was the key...not panicing about having to MAKE a decision had to be learned. Getting sober is a skill and it can be learned, just like math or geography. Do whatever it takes to maintain your sobriety, it is so worth it. Did you ever wonder why the longtimers seem so calm? It's because we are not ripped apart with the decisions regarding AL. It is mind-boggling how large the role of AL plays in our lives (even if we deny it). It is constantly tearing at us. Once you get it out of the mix you will be flabbergsted at the headspace you gave it. It is just a substance. Do not waste another day of your precious life in this hell-on-earth. The power of AL is incredible, never underestimate it. Just make one more rule about AL and stick to it. NO more. It is the best decision I was ever forced to make!
                            Have a treat day, everyone!! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Wow, Byrdie.. 4 years! Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and your wisdom/experience with us. Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating your freedom! xx


                                Thank you for sharing your story Byrdie!

                                Done. Moving on to life.

