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Newbies Nest

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    Good Morning, Nesters..
    just a quick fly-by on my way to work.

    Overit, I am also bone TIRED! I'm falling asleep at 9 with the kids and dragging out of bed at 6. I'm also tired the whole afternoon. I'm hoping it will get better with time!

    Londoner, welcome back.

    That's all I've got for now.
    Wishing you all a good Tuesday!


      hi everyone i am a sober for 5 months and still doing great ! :sohappy:


        If anyone was wondering, I'm alive, Sober and well!
        Just busy as always, mostly studying for a promotional exam, which causes me to want to punch a pony or a baby seal, or other cute little creatures. :thatswhack:

        Looks like I have a lot of catching to do!
        Very happy for my dear friend Byrd~Rockstar!
        Stay Hard my friends!
        Last edited by Matt M.; January 20, 2015, 01:08 AM.
        AF 08~05~2014

        There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


          Hello Nest

          I have not posted in a while but I'm still here! The end of last year was just chaos. Some of you might remember that my MIL was battling cancer and we lost her in early October. She was 66 years old. Needless to say, the family is going through a great period of grief and adjustment. My husband is coping with understanding WHY such a loving, giving, selfless woman would be stricken with such a horrible, horrible disease. I'm at a loss for words during these times... I can only stand by him and give as much support as possible.

          Full disclosure... I did not remain AF during these horrible days. I was doing a good job staying away from AL, but the stress and nightmares became too much and I didn't have a good plan for coping with those feelings. But "after all, tomorrow is another day". Yesterday I was a mess of mushy feelings and have decided to really re-commit to loving myself and doing what is best for ME everyday. Which means staying away from the AL. Technically I'm not a Newbie, but I get so much our of reading what is in the Nest... I think this is where I'll stay for a while.

          I'm very happy to be back with you all. Wish you all much love and strength today. ❤🌞


            welcome back main!!! I too am not a "newbie" … may remember me - f/k/a jenniech…..under that name, I am a senior member….I was even on prize patrol for a little while!!!!
            but wanted to start FRESH because my earlier sobriety was just putting my foot in the water. my attitude is different this time.

            This is for byrd::welldone::yay::congratulatory:

            I want what you have!!!!!


              This is also for our Byrdy........:heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::hea rtbeat:

              Off to sleep this end. Take care out there everyone. Strap yourselves in here if need be! G

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Good Tuesday morning Nesters
                Cloudy & chilly here, oh well it is winter!

                Byrdie, I hope you do something extra nice for yourself today. Celebrate your awesome 4 year quit! We wish you the very best :hug:

                GradeT, hello & congrats on your 5 AF months!

                Welcome back MS! Sorry for your loss but your MIL is at peace now.
                Getting yourself back on your plan is the best thing you can do for yourself.

                Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!
                Make it a great day!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  STATE OF THE UNION!

                  Good Morning, Nesters! I can't tell you how much I appreciate the well-wishes!!! It's funny that as I read the wonderful notes, I couldn't help but think, 'DAM, this could have been 5 years if I had gotten my act together!' I guess it's our nature, huh?

                  As I ask others to do, I will do myself....A Speech! (I do this as much for myself as to document where I am in time)

                  What is different at 4 years? MindPeace.
                  I tell you, when I finally DID QUIT, it was an absolute decision. I left myself NO escape clause. I had used them all. This time it HAD to work and the only thing that I hadn't done was ACCEPT that I couldn't drink matter what. In quits past, I approached it half-heartedly and with bitterness and ANGER. WHY was I being punished like this? Why couldn't I enjoy the occasional drink??? The answer was pretty simple, I am an alcoholic. Yes, the A word. How could this happen? I still don't know the answer to that, but rather than living in the past trying to unravel every wrong, I had to accept my present state and move forward. I had to OWN my situation and I had to OWN my solution. The good news is that at every milepost, I thought I was doing just great! At 7 13 (Magic #13), at 6 months and beyond. I WAS doing great, each day of AL freedom is better than the day before in some way. At one year, I was very happy, but I still had 'those thoughts' from time to time. At 2 years, I was at peace with the whole thing. 3 years, more peace, I was getting thru an entire weekend without any thoughts of 'wouldn't it be nice'. At 4 years, I feel normal. There is one big difference though: I HATE ALCOHOL. There is no romance left in our relationship, I see it as poison to me and my friends here. Just as you can see clearly after a divorce and many years have passed, I can now see what AL does to people. ALL people. If I had a beautiful orchid and poured vodka on it every day, it wouldn't take long for it to die....that's what was happening to me. It was a very hard relationship to sever...THE HARDEST, in fact, because it kept trying to LURE me back with Misty Watercolor Memories. It didn't mention the falls I'd taken, or the ass I'd made of myself or the clothes ruined, the relationships bruised...all the STUPID stuff it encouraged me to do while under its influence. I'm just damned lucky to be alive, looking back. I am SO THANKFUL to be 4 years free. It is like getting out of prison. You can't see it when you are in the grips of it, but if you get that distance you will see what a powerful force AL has been for us. I have never been happier and more well-adjusted until I stopped fighting with AL. It's a battle I lost every time and I proved that (X 1000). AL is more powerful than I am. Yes, I am a card-carrying HARDCORE ABBER and I'm proud of it. There's just no room for negotiations with this bastard! Give him an inch and he's the ruler! Not one, not ever!!!! and I am just fine with that!

                  If you are struggling with AL (like I did for 20+ years and a SOLID year once I got here).....I would urge you to try what you've never tried before.... LET IT GO. You can't win this one. It is the most empowering advice I can give whatever it takes to get thru this day AF. Then do the same tomorrow. It is one of the best decisions I have made in my adult life. I wish I had taken the easier road and just quit, but I thought I knew better....I thought I was different. I thought I could BEAT alcoholism. In my own way, I have.....I don't drink.

                  Special thanks go out to my HERO, Lavande. She scraped me off the floor so many times and gave me a kick in the seat more than once. I'LL SHOW YOU!! (and I hope I have!!) THANK YOU for believing in me, even when I didn't believe in myself. You are the first person here in the morning and the last one to tuck us in at night. You are the North Star of this place. I hope you know how much I appreciate, admire and love YOU.

                  4 more years!! Accomplished one day at a time! Thank you for all of the great wishes!! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Happy 4 years Byrdie!!

                    Way to go! It is a big accomplishment.

                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      Good speech! FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS! :victorious:

                      Oh wait, that's right, it's not an election year....

                      Still, good job, you are a inspiration to many and a life saver. I hate alcohol too.

                      [moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse] inkele: :applause2: :yay:


                        Overit yes it will pass. In addition to the iron supplement start taking a good B vitamin if you haven't started already, thiamin in particular, consider taking a B-100 B-complex vitamin supplement, plus extra thiamin. Take a good C vitamin as well. The iron supplement is worthless without B and C. Eat well and exercise and get lots of rest. Available is absolutely correct your body is healing so give it extra care
                        Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                        William Butler Yeats


                          Byrdie, Happy 4th! I wouldn't be approaching 2 years if it wasn't for your kind, persistent and steady hand.
                          Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                          William Butler Yeats



                            Ahem... Well shoot, this thing is STILL not working.... I think Byrdie used it last... OK. There it is.

                            Our dearest Byrdie, in honor of you... it is with overflowing gratitude and love that we offer you this birdseed heart as a symbol of our sincere appreciation for your presence here! Your encouraging chirps (and sometimes no BS squawks) have helped so many people find their wings and take flight from AL. Let us all PUFF our feathers and give four hoots for our ABBING mother bird! We love and appreciate you more than you might imagine! HOOT HOOT HOOT HOOT! :shout:

                            On a personal note Ms. Byrd, you have changed my life. I am on a path I never dreamed existed, but that your omnipresent words promised. Life IS SO MUCH better without alcohol and YOU have given so freely of yourself so that others could see that. If you want to talk heroes... you're mine. :heartbeat:
                            Last edited by KENSHO; January 20, 2015, 11:36 AM.

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Byrdlady, I just want to add my voice to the chorus in congratulating you on your 4 years, and thanking you for being there for all of us! Like someone else said, there were a few times early in my quit when I was struggling a bit, and would find an unsolicited message from you in my inbox that would make a world of difference with regard to my resolve. You are a guardian angel to everyone here and I'm so, so grateful for all you've done for me and others! Here's to another 4 years!
                              Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


                                Great speech Byrdie - thank you.

                                Kensho - wonderful birdseed heart and thanks - so cute.

                                Have a great day all.


