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    Good Morning Nest!

    Jennie - I personally would go for the "lunch and movie" scenario. It is easier for me to eat lunch without an AL beverage, and I think that once you are in a movie theater and into a good film, your mind will be nicely occupied. Or... could you possibly talk your husband into a mani/pedi day? Or maybe a small shopping spree? Maybe staying away from a food related celebration will help your cravings. I completely understand your cravings... I think we've all associated food celebration or nice meal with AL.

    Moni - Oh my, I was in the exact SAME situation when I was in school. I finally got so sick of the mixed messages that I confronted the guy head on and told him "hey, I like you. Do you like me?". He gave me some BS excuse that he did in fact like me BUT he needed to concentrate on school. I of course was a bit heartbroken for the loss of a potential relationship and for the loss of a friendship, but the next month I heard that he was actually pursuing another girl. I have to agree with Byrdie, if this guys was "into you", he would make time for you and quit giving mixed signals. And if he were a good friend, he would act more like a friend! You are worth so much more than that, and I promise you that there are friends and potential loves out there that that WON'T make you feel insecure or confused! So I would suggest confronting the situation head on, or move on and find someone else worthy of you!

    Lots to do today! First I need to get my stuff packed for our two week ski vacation. We bring all of our own stuff with us so that means packing up our skis, equipment, clothing and regular clothes and toiletries. Whew! I'm glad my status with Delta is still good enough to check quite a few bags. Later this afternoon I will meet with a good friend for an overnight "slumber party". LOL. A good girlfriend of mine is flying over from Chicago for work and tonight is the only night that her stay overlaps with us both being in Germany before I leave for vacation in the US. She's staying in Heidelberg which is a few hours drive for me, so we planned and overnight stay so we can talk as long as we want and I won't have to worry about being too tired to drive home. I'm excited; it's rare that I have one of my good friends here in Germany... and I can enjoy good conversation with "no filter" and I can speak in my native tongue without having to structure sentences in my head before speaking!

    For everyone talking about exercise as a way to combat the cravings, to get into shape, to generally feel better etc., last night while I was at the gym, I attempted a visualization while I was working through my cardio exercise. I visualized that with every sweat droplet that my body produced, the toxic poison from AL was seeping out of my body. This sounds a bit crazy, but it made me feel a real sense of accomplishment which lasted long into the night AND influenced me to think of AL as something that I don't need in my body.

    Ok... time to pack! I'm wishing you all much love and strength today! :hug:


      So I think I have really lost my mind. I got up at 4:30am this morning so that I can hit the gym for the 5:20 INSANITY class. I am just getting over a really bad cold so I should be resting. but, last night I ate 4….that's right…..4 chocolate chip cookies with my tea. (don't I sound ridiculous? who cares? 4 cookies isn't that much but old behaviors die hard) So here i am up at this awful hour to try to reverse what I did last night. Am I punishing myself? Seems like it, doesn't it? THIS IS ALCOHOLIC BEHAVIOR. This is EXACTLY what i did when I was drinking. I would drink a bottle of wine + at night and then I would get up early and go do an insane workout ….. often feeling like I was going to throw up or faint, to try to "reverse" what I did the night before. It sounds like a rational idea, I guess, but it isn't the wisest thing to do since I am going to run myself completely ragged and then HALT will come into the picture and then the cravings…..experience tells me so.
      I am already up, have done some laundry and am drinking coffee so I am just going to go and do it anyway…..but I really need to think about this behavior more. All the birthday talk really had me thinking about AL more than usual last night… maybe this is how I am responding?
      I could ramble on, because my thoughts are all over the place. Instead, I am going to take a deep breath (several actually), close my eyes, and think of something peaceful so my mind can relax.
      I look forward to the day when not only my cravings stop and I NEVER think picking up a drink but I also look forward to figuring out my insane thinking. I want to be at peace with myself….I want to stop beating myself up.

      Thank you all for your great suggestions regarding my impending birthday celebration. I have formulated a plan: lunch, then movie, then pedicure WITH my husband (he is embarrassed to go but he does not know what he is missing so I am going to make him go with me ) then ICE CREAM and coffee!!!! Or maybe in a different order, but those three things. Also, I want my boys to join us for the movie and meal…that will make it easier for me and I miss having family time!!! (they are teenagers so avoid parental contact whenever possible

      I am so grateful to all of you….newbies and not so newbies :heartbeat:
      Last edited by enzo'smom; January 22, 2015, 05:05 AM.


        Enzo - could your husband treat you to a pamper day instead? Get some TLC and no alcohol in sight!

        Byrdlady- I managed to download the audio version of that book last night. It was so funny, true and I've concluded that he's just not that into me!!! I've got class again this weekend, have booked a beauty treatment for tomorrow evening and going to turn up looking fab with any romantic dreams firmly switched off.

        Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


          Good morning Nesters,

          Happy Thursday to all!
          I imagine most of yesterday's snowfall will just be a memory this afternoon when the temperature reaches 42 degrees (F). That's perfectly OK with me!

          Wishing everyone a great AF day!
          Keep your eyes on your goals & don't let anything or anyone interfere

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Gooooood Morning, Fellow Nesters!!!!
            Enzo/Jennie....I was thinking about our (as alkies) thought processes. It is really twisted.... It went something like this: 'Mexican could order an NON AL Marguerita. Humm, too many calories....and why bother? ' In my business, we call this A CLUE! Bah! Early in my quit, I got the sparkly grape juice to mimic having the wine....then I looked at the calories and said, HOLY SPIT, I'm not drinking THAT!! It didn't seem to bother me when there was BOOZE in it. I guess there is no SUGAR COATING it , I was after the booze buzz!

            Moni, that book is funny and was an easy read (or listen, in your case) but it gives a whole new perspective to the situation and it makes sense!! Good luck this weekend!

            Mein, my hat is off to you packing for a ski vacation. I'd have to take out a second mortgage to afford the extra bags!! Warm clothes take up a lot of space!! How on Earth do you pack for 2 weeks??? With all that GEAR??? I want pictures!! I am one of those who takes everything! (MIGHT need THIS!) You should have seen me pack the booze!!! Man, my bags were HEAVY!!! (and they sloshed!! UGG!) I always told my hubs it was the hairspray! *cringe*

            Pav, you are freezing in 60* weather? Pa-LEEEEZ! We'll do a rain dance for you! :hangingmonkey:

            Eloise has 250 BIG DAYS TODAY!! :yay:
            Hope everyone has a peaceful day today!!! Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Pav, right... because we don't drink.
              It is so helpful to say that out loud!

              I have an interview today for a job I am concerned could be a pain-in-the butt client - but it's a friend of the family and I can't easily get out of it. I'm going to think positive and lay the boundaries down thick. I have another interview this evening with a very large client and i'm a bit nervous for that one. Big day ahead - and still so much to catch up on from current projects. I need to work on tailing projects out as enthusiastically as I start them.

              Thank goodness the alcohol is a thing of my past. Have a great day everyone and keep heading in the AF direction. For people like us, it's the only way to live freely and fully.

              Done. Moving on to life.


                My niece is singing at an Italian restaurant tomorrow night so my girls and my sister and her husband are going out for dinner after 9. Looking forward to getting dressed up.
                My daughter is 22 on Saturday so we may do the cake while out too.
                We only had 1 child tomorrow afternoon so I contacted her mum and offered extra hours next week for a wee day off tomorrow.....will be nice to take all day getting ready.
                On the way to pick up kiddos this morning I got a flat tyre.....had to get recovery out to fix it...cost me £50 for a new tyre as I drove half a mile before I realised....
                Jennie, I used to bargain with myself that so much exercise earned the alcohol for later.....absolute madness is exercising on a weak body, taking chances with my health.
                I have always exercised but want to get back into it at a slower pace than I have done before....I can get a bit obsessive, so trying to do it in moderation.
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  Good morning everyone!

                  Question about this new sites. I see where we get notifications as far as who has liked or thanked us for a post but how do you see which post in particular it was?


                  I just figured it out, DUH!
                  Last edited by Overit-still; January 22, 2015, 12:16 PM.
                  The easy way to quit drinking?:



                    Has anyone ever done planks? I really need to do this every day girls counted me out....10 seconds and I was flat on my face!
                    Then the sliding down the wall to sitting position......I think my new bum is on the way!
                    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                      Originally posted by daisy45 View Post
                      Has anyone ever done planks? I really need to do this every day girls counted me out....10 seconds and I was flat on my face!
                      Then the sliding down the wall to sitting position......I think my new bum is on the way!
                      Daisy, it sounds like you've got NoAssAttol Disease!
                      I bought some of those special shoes to help whip your butt in shape but the only thing it made smaller was my wallet.
                      Kensho wrote in Roll Call this morning how she liked BIG ROUND NUMBERS I thought, "Well she'd love my butt!" BAH!
                      I haven't tried planking, but I will give it shot to see what you are talking about. Good luck with your butt. XO
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        daisy: i have been doing planks every day for years and I can only do 1 minute….wall sits I can do for 5 minutes and lunges I can do for much longer….those planks are a KILLER but they also work wonders to build your core. If your core is in shape, everything else follows including good posture and less back pain!! So worth it…keep it up!


                          I am in a bad mood and therefore a bad place. HALT is everywhere (hungry angry lonely tired = vulnerable to drink)….I am very very tired which is probably why I am in a bad mood. I just feel so tired of fighting the fight right now. i am safe at home so there is no risk of me drinking tonight….but I just wanted to put it out there and be honest. My plan is the feed the kids, then the dogs, then myself and then I am putting myself to BED. Shooting for 8pm with the hopes that a good night's sleep will follow with renewed vigor tomorrow. When I pause and really think about where a drink will take me, I don't want to drink… is in those moments when I am going going going and I am tired tired tired that thoughts of alcohol invade my thoughts. YUK


                            Jenni we will always have bad days. I still get them now but just bear with it. I am still bloody tired a year on, well exhausted really. But i do know i wont drink and if you realise that, which you do, then tomorrow is another day sober.

                            I heard on the radio driving to work today that Australians are drinking 29% less al than 5 years ago. this study was produced by the Australian Liquor Store Association. What a reliable source i thought and what a load of crap.
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Like Pav said the other evening, it doesn't have to be a battle. As soon as drinking isn't an option, all that's left is the peaceful choice of which of many other options you're going to do instead. You're not surrendering to alcohol when you accept that you can't drink again. You're simply turning away from the thing that is ruining your life and possibly killing you - and reclaiming your power not to let it back in. xx


                                That is the attitude I strive for no sugar!!!!! In moments of weakness (HALT) it becomes complicated when I know it doesn't have to be….yes…i am reclaiming my power. Thank you!!

