My last day of drinking was like seeing this reel of all the poor choices I've made and it couldn't have been clearer that it was so damaging in every sense. There's been no turning back after that not only because of being on the verge of losing everything I cared about yet didn't show or express when drunk all the time, but I had absolute confirmation that we were done here. I didn't quite get it the way I would have liked or recommend, but the point is you have to latch onto what cuts deeply for you.
We all have a great many reasons to quit, but I can't echo enough how acceptance that you can't drink is the way. It is work to change your mindset and to find new ways to push through daily life sober. Normal shouldn't be a challenge but after some time that new normal is how it's supposed to feel. It comes step by step over time and is without question worth every bit of effort you put into it. If your starting point post-acceptance is that you don't drink, then you can fight through any stress or challenge and come out on top since the reasons you quit will matter far more.
Let's all keep at it.