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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    ChickenNumber3;828270 wrote: showing my ignorance here,but units equals what in mils?
    Showing my ignorance times two, because I don't know what a "unit" is!!!

    (Excuse me, Chook dear, but I think you've got a little something in your hair)


      Newbies Nest


      I've been putting off doing this as it seemed too much of a commitment - but I have just added my "quit" dates to my signature. Now I really can't blow it or I'll have to come back here with my tail between my legs* and cross the date out!!

      *no mean feat for a penguin


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning, nesters! I hope everybody had a good night!


          Newbies Nest

          Each bottle of wine has about 12 units of alcohol in it...guess its a british thing...
          Anyway,think i will just go back to reading
          Good luck everyone


            Newbies Nest

            NOooooo! Not quite a swan..don't leave us!!!!!!



              Newbies Nest


              Glad I'm nolt alone, I don't tend to read the bottles *sigh* what is a unit in spirits then,cause I don't tend to drink wine on a whole???
              Would like to know, so I can scare myself silly!

              Swan...where r u...don't leave us?
              Chook *clucks with gusto*


                Newbies Nest

                Oops Coco- I also meant to say "what don't you like my new style? it's the in-thing?"
                Chook LMAO


                  Newbies Nest

                  Stick around Not Quite a Swan,

                  I know what you mean about British Units. I'm a Southern Softy living in Australia.

                  Day 11 AF (alcohol free) so far, that's the best in about 9 - 10 years.

                  Come and have a chat.

                  Spam xx


                    Newbies Nest

                    ChickenNumber3;828300 wrote: Oops Coco- I also meant to say "what don't you like my new style? it's the in-thing?"
                    Chook LMAO
                    It's fabulous, dahling - I'm just envious. I'd never be able to pull off that look myself; be too afraid of being attacked by my own hair!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Spam;828302 wrote: Stick around Not Quite a Swan,

                      I know what you mean about British Units. I'm a Southern Softy living in Australia.

                      Day 11 AF (alcohol free) so far, that's the best in about 9 - 10 years.

                      Come and have a chat.

                      Spam xx
                      Yay on 11 days!!! I know what you mean - I am right there with you on Day 12 and previously the only AF periods of time for me were when I was pregnant and didn't have a choice in the matter, the last of which was 10 year ago. (Oh my aching liver...)


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters!

                        I see a lot of happy fledglings here

                        You know I'm happy - never, ever thought I would be celebrating 1 year of total freedom!
                        It is the best feeling! Thanks for all the good wishes. Each & everyone of you can do it too

                        Violet - I have quite a tea collection going on myself. It's a hell of a lot cheaper, right??

                        Tranq, we discussed this before - if I'm president then you have to be vice president - OK??

                        rived - 1 week is a milestone, good for you! I'll be here in 51 weeks to celebrate your anniversary with you!

                        Chook, I always smile when I hear you clucking
                        Congrats on your 4 AF days, stick with it - turn it into a week. Enjoy that quality 'alone time' with your girls - I do understand all that!!

                        Nora, Mazzie - greetings! Coco, good for you putting your quit dates up - I think it's empowering!!

                        Hi & welcome not quite a swan! The nest is a great place to be, find a twig for yourself & get comfortable! Congrats on your 90 days - terrific! Now we just need to find a way to help you feel happy & proud of your accomplishment! For me, filling in my old drinking time with healthy behaviors helped a lot. I'm back to reading good books (and remembering them), painting & redecorating my house, gardening, walking my dogs, etc. Most of all I have spent some serious quality time with my first grandchild this past year and nothing could possibly be better than that!!! Think about the things you like to do, things that used to make you happy & revisit them.

                        Well, I should try to get a little work done today..........
                        I'll be back later to party some more.

                        Wishing everyone a terrific AF Friday!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi spam - cross post!
                          Good for you on your 11 days
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi everyone.

                            Trying my best - welcome. Stick around and post often.
                            Byrdlady and Excuses - I am so glad you keep come back to us. Please dont quit quitting. It is worth it.
                            Molly - I am pleased you asked how to go back to posts while posting as I write things down and sometimes cant work out what I meant. So thanks Maz for tellilng us how...
                            Islandgirl - Friday is my hardest day too. I had quite a few thoughts about drinking today. Luckily I was busy at work so the thoughts didnt start until I finished work. My collegues asked me if I want to join them for a "wee half". I have always said to them that I can still come for a chat even if I dont have AL in my glass. But tonight I couldnt do it. I wanted a drink. I dont know how I can go thru every other day of the week and not even think about a drink. Yet when it comes to Fridays, I really struggle. It's not a physical craving. i just want the habit of a glass of wine to finish my week.
                            Rived - well done on your week AF. Keep up the good work!
                            Katie - You will be fine on your court case. Have a good birthday tomorrow and enjoy the aquarium. I went there years ago but I am sure it must have changed. I love Taronga zoo too.
                            "President Lav" - hmmm sounds good!
                            Coco - I put my quit date on my signature for that same reason. I certainly dont want to come back here with my tail between my legs.
                            Hi to Nora, Running, Tranq, Spam, Chook, Fennel, Notquiteaswan (does that mean you are a cygnet?), Jolie, Meech and everyone else who pops in.
                            Take care and lets to Monday AF!
                            I finally got it!
                            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Morning Everyone
                              Too Many peeps to greet personally but much support and love sent to all......
                              welcome Swan....we are here for you
                              at work...will check in later
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning Nesters!!! I'm actually going to get up & try to get to work at a reasonably hour so this is a quick post.

                                To all our newbies - Please find your twig and keep coming & post, read & post and read & post. That is how each one of us started. Scared. Shy. Feeling so alone on this journey. This nest is for all of us to comfort each other. Please pull up a twig & get comfortable. We are going to do this. :l

                                Ok - breakfast is on. French Roast Coffee for Lav.........
                                Place your orders here.......

                                PS - As you are typing a post. Do not forget to periodically use the ALL IMPORTANT A (select all) and C (copy)
                                Then when you accidentally lose everything you can do a V (Paste) on a new post and it will have everything from the last time that you have saved.
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

