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Newbies Nest

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    The way you feel right now, Kensho, is much better than you will feel tomorrow and for days to come if you choose to drink tonight. Sometimes this is a choice between 2 options that you don't really like. So, take a breath, be grateful to be able to make a choice, and then do the next right thing. You'll be fine. xx


      Originally posted by available View Post
      morning nest

      dog needs Metamucil as she is constipated.

      Take care everyone.
      Here's something I am an EXPERT in....bowel movements of dogs!!! :eek-new:

      Try canned pumpkin (pure pumpkin, NOT pumpkin pie mix). I always have a few cans in the pantry.
      It takes care of both constipation and diarrhea in dogs.....It is a true life saver! Just give a heaping tablespoon with dinner and all should be right in a couple of meals.....
      Kicked AL to the curb November 9, 2014!


        Thanks NS, taking breaths now. Going to focus on the music. Can't feel fabulous all the time.

        Done. Moving on to life.


          MossRose I am GRATEFUL for you opinions. I am grateful that I was called out. That doesn't happen in real life and the fact that it can happen here is very comforting… makes me think and think again and really look at myself which I have not done EVER….because of drinking. I feel like I am a child getting to know myself….
          Keep them coming!!!!


            Thanks New, i did read about that but i also read about putting an unlit match up their butt as the phosphorous would make them go. I thought that was sooooo not a good idea. If the pumpkin works i am onto it so thank you. Is homemade cooked pumpkin just as good?

            Kensho, we see a lot of people fall at 50+ days as they think they have done those days so all is good. This is a rollercoaster ride for up to 8 months and sometimes more. Its how we deal with them that matters and you are dealing with them. Al will always try and win early on.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Originally posted by available View Post
              Thanks New, i did read about that but i also read about putting an unlit match up their butt as the phosphorous would make them go. I thought that was sooooo not a good idea. If the pumpkin works i am onto it so thank you. Is homemade cooked pumpkin just as good?
              Wow, homemade pumpkin would be awesome. And trust me, it won't make them explode! :egad:
              It also works really well when our little darlings get "plump"....fills them up with low calories. Just replace 1/3 of their normal food with pumpkin......
              My dogs are working dogs, so need to keep their weights reasonable, much to their dismay!
              Kicked AL to the curb November 9, 2014!


                Hey everyone! I've only been able to read half the posts before I have to run because I hear my 2 year old giving hubby a run for his money downstairs and I'd better help out... he will be thinking I'm on Facebook... But, lovely to keep reading... this is the perfect thread to be in! So much thought going into the posts as I can read so far! Anyway... still keen to remain AF. feeling happy. Hopefully I can read more here later.


                  Oh.. and quick question... how do I do the roll call? On some days that maybe all I'll be able to post, but I want to keep posting Thanks!


                    Good evening Nesters,

                    choice, I don't use the roll call myself but I think the instructions are on the first page - check there

                    new page, I used the canned pumpkin trick for one of my dogs who has an anal gland problem - gross, you know what I mean The extra fiber helps her out I think.

                    Lovely topics of discussion here today, ha ha!
                    It is so cold we can't spend more than a few minutes outside, hate being cooped up. Waiting for Spring!!!

                    Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Originally posted by choice View Post
                      Oh.. and quick question... how do I do the roll call? On some days that maybe all I'll be able to post, but I want to keep posting Thanks!
                      Choice, just copy and paste the list to the reply and add your name at the bottom.

                      Lav, I hate your weather is so bad. Bundle up!

                      New page, great to see you!
                      Londoner, sounding strong, keep going, there is no finish line!
                      Nighty all! B
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Am working, so a quick post.
                        Last few days posts have been very good. People opening up and being themselves.
                        This is good for all of us. I have had some personal reflections by reading everyone's posts.

                        Kensho- I am just a few days behind you, so it is interesting to hear what you are experiencing. Thank you for sharing - helps me be on guard for thoughts and feelings that might come up.
                        I am feeling super strong - and that almost scares me .
                        But reading lots and aware- way better then hiding as before.
                        Break over - have a great evening and fun sumday


                          Hi, Everyone:

                          NS - I love when you go all science-y and neurological. Makes so much sense.

                          Ava - If you put a match up Poppy's butt (or is it Maddie with the problem), I want all of the details. The way you write, I'm sure it would be a fine Monty Python sketch.

                          Kensho - Google PAWS (post-acute withdrawal syndrome (or symptoms?)). When I first heard about it I though "that's not for me, I wasn't THAT bad... Well, maybe I was. Some of it sounds so familiar, and it is another thing to prepare for. I read, read, read about what will happen so that I can avoid relapse.

                          The Bubble Hour also has a good show on PAWS. I was feeling anxious today, to I went to my local "meeting" which for me is a hike while listening to the Bubble Hour. The guest today was talking about how much power there was in admitting she wasn't perfect - wow did that hit home. So much better to admit a problem and to give in rather than struggle to be "normal" forever. She also said how great it feels to be able to set boundaries and say no without feeling like she owed everyone an explanation - it takes a lot of energy to be a people pleaser. Yes! That's what I needed to hear after a month of overbooking myself has made me anxious and irritable. Taking a step back to take care of myself and my family. Phew.

                          Good night all.

                          Last edited by Pavati; February 1, 2015, 11:46 AM.


                            MossRose and anyone else who may have felt hurt…
                            Forgive me if my post sounded dismissive… that was not my intention. Generally, I do not find the nest “amusing” although sometimes it really is! I find it very helpful, heartening and resourceful. Although I am usually too busy to add to conversations in a meaningful way, I do benefit from them and am sorry if you felt that i was “spitting in the soup”. My definition of dramatic is:greatly affecting people's emotions…
                            I will keep in mind that many of us here, including myself, have heightened sensitivities, which is often the cause of drinking in the first place, and try to temper to my sometimes rough and tumble way of interacting...
                            Go as far as you can see.
                            When you get there, you'll see further.


                              Originally posted by A new page View Post
                              Wow, homemade pumpkin would be awesome. And trust me, it won't make them explode! :egad:
                              It also works really well when our little darlings get "plump"....fills them up with low calories. Just replace 1/3 of their normal food with pumpkin......
                              My dogs are working dogs, so need to keep their weights reasonable, much to their dismay!
                              Good news New, the dogs woofed (ha ha) down the pumpkin with their chicken and rice and loved it. I also have a 12 year old that is a tad overweight, well obese so the vets tell me and she just loved it, she loves any food though. Thank you.
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Good MAE Nesters!!

                                Yayyyy for a sober Sunday..
                                No big plans here. Just relaxing.

                                :hug: to you all..

