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    Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
    believe it or not, the words we choose to think or talk about this really can affect our brains - and hence our success!
    Oh sista - AMEN! There is unlimited POWER in our thoughts and words. I remember early on in my quit, LAV had shared some information on how much gratitude and meditation had helped her. I silenced my inner skeptic enough to begin practicing gratitude and meditation and WOW - it works - It REALLY WORKS! I am grateful your message got through, LAV!

    Of course, my inner Miss Science-Smarty-Pants had to know WHY. And the answer is elegantly simple: Our brains release chemicals based on the information that it receives. Any of you who were around in the early computing days knows this acronymn: GIGO Garbage In - Garbage Out. Well, these days, I prefer to operate on this GIGO basis: GOOD In - GOOD Out.

    This is the kind of brainwashing I can get behind. I sure had a lot of gunk up in the grey matter from all the years of damaging it with alcohol and the subsequent negative feelings about being addicted. I read somewhere that we have up to 70,000 thoughts a day. That's a hella lot of mind-chatter. And I realized that MOST of my mind chatter trended toward the negative. Now, I work toward strengthening neural pathways in all ways possible - from what I fuel my body with... to the thoughts I think and the words I use to convey those thoughts.

    It's not pop-psy - just basic human chemistry. And the outcome? It is possible to experience the kind of contented, natural brain buzz that we once looked for in a bottle.
    Last edited by Turnagain; February 3, 2015, 03:05 PM.
    Sober for the Revolution!
    AF & NF July 23, 2011


      Love it!!!


        Originally posted by daisy45 View Post
        Yesterday was not so great; not awful as there was not a chance that I would drink, but thoughts consumed me for most of the afternoon and I got so down.....just about anyone and everyone seemed to be going out to the pub yesterday afternoon; all having fun....just not me.
        Daisy I know in time you'll feel more comfortable about being around people that drink, but for the record, drinkers don't have a monopoly on having fun. Think about it, the act of drinking isn't what is fun, we can do that with a glass of water, no the fun is the social aspect of drinking and to be honest we don't need the drink to have fun. Dance, tell jokes, talk about a good book you just read, bitch about can do all of that without alcohol. We alcoholics don't need to hide because we no longer drink! Nor do we have to apologize for not drinking when others are. No thank you is a simple enough answer. Now with that said once you are ready and your sobriety is protected, go out and be the life of the party just be the the sober life of the party.
        Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

        William Butler Yeats


          Originally posted by Overit44 View Post
          Odat-Everyday I get a hankerin' to take my pill, and I look at the clock and it's right about 3:00 everyday, sometimes 4:00.

          I don't actually take my little white angel in the am because:
          1) I read that it can make you sleepy, so I wait until later in the day
          2) I read that it can juice up my caffiene so I wait unitl later in the day after I don't drink anymore
          3) It does give me power during that period of time when I would start to have the voices, so I pop my pill then and that shuts them up
          Huh, I wrote this. I'm going back reading some old posts of mine only because I couldn't remember what I called my "snobby, I don't drink, throw my hair out of my face, and walk away" reaction. anyway, interesting reading, like a different person.
          The easy way to quit drinking?:


            Originally posted by Overit44 View Post
            LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Here we go again. At least K9 doesn't have a bag on here head if she does hurl. Can you imagine? Thank gosh I'm not drinking anymore.

            New Day-this is so exciting! You'll have to check back in here and let us know the reaction, from your hubs that is. I haven't been in a social environment yet to be able to be stuck up and say "No thank you." I have had the talk with hubs and he's actually into it. (although he's still drinking but that's OK)

            And before anyone says "that doesn't make you stuck up" in my book it does because I'M BETTER THAN THEY ARE, even if they don't know it. THEY are controlled by the beast and I have kicked it's ass! So, just like my smoking analogy, in my mind I'm tossing my hair, turning my back, and walking away shaking what the good Lord gave me! HA! Take that!
            Here you go! I just can't remember what I called it.
            The easy way to quit drinking?:



              Originally posted by Overit44 View Post
              and remember, attitude for me regarding all things that I'm not held captive by anymore?

              That's where I have the attitude (in my head only) of rolling my eyes, flipping my hair, turning on my heels and flouncing away shaking what the Good Lord gave me!
              Sorry, finally found it.....Flouncing!

              I gotta find me another bag................
              The easy way to quit drinking?:



                Just realized if I had stuck my original quit that I came here for, I would have over 2 years now. huh......
                The easy way to quit drinking?:



                  Kensho-WOW! awesome post. Thank you so much for putting that into words. (and more than just 2 sentences)
                  The easy way to quit drinking?:



                    Ugh. I hate this time of day! I am ok, not going to drink. Just...uncomfortable ( it's 5:30 pm here)


                      Fly by check in! Doing just fine, Im so glad I have so much AF time behind me because booze is everywhere!

                      One of our speakers said today, "You get out if it what you put into it." It made me think of us here in the nest. If I hadnt worked so hard at first, I would be struggling now. It was worth it to be able to turn a blind eye to BOOZE! Be strong everyone!!! Xxxoo, B
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Made it through another day.gettin closer and closer to 1 year for drinking. I did have 1 cigarette though >< but 1 in 5 days isnt so bad.


                          Hang in there Hanna! You're almost through your witching hour, if you're not done with it already. Cravings don't usually last too long, give it some time and the cravings go away. Distract yourself from thinking about alcohol. Do anything, surf the internet, read MWO, watch some TV, read a magazine, go for a walk, cook dinner, whatever you can do to get through it.

                          [moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse] inkele: :applause2: :yay:


                            Good evening Nesters!

                            Wow, what a busy nest

                            Welcome back Gambler Dave, great to see you!!

                            Kensho, I loved reading your thoughts in full detail!
                            I don't know why I tend to consolidate my words so much - after all they're free, ha ha!

                            Hanna, we generally feel the first three days are the roughest. Just hang in there, I know you can do it too.

                            HBE, you sure do have a lot going on! If there is anyway you can talk to someone in person about your plans & goals you really should. It's always good to get some perspective. You are, by the way doing very well so lets think about taking things one day at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself, focus on doing the best you can do today

                            Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest. I am parked in front of a warm fire so I'm happy.

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Just a thought....any Dubliners about? We have relatives staying at Dunboyne hotel over Valentines is booked up that night...anyone know if there is accommodation nearby?
                              IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                                anyone have that Dr Phil link that was posted the other day? Thanks.
                                The easy way to quit drinking?:


