Of course, my inner Miss Science-Smarty-Pants had to know WHY. And the answer is elegantly simple: Our brains release chemicals based on the information that it receives. Any of you who were around in the early computing days knows this acronymn: GIGO Garbage In - Garbage Out. Well, these days, I prefer to operate on this GIGO basis: GOOD In - GOOD Out.
This is the kind of brainwashing I can get behind. I sure had a lot of gunk up in the grey matter from all the years of damaging it with alcohol and the subsequent negative feelings about being addicted. I read somewhere that we have up to 70,000 thoughts a day. That's a hella lot of mind-chatter. And I realized that MOST of my mind chatter trended toward the negative. Now, I work toward strengthening neural pathways in all ways possible - from what I fuel my body with... to the thoughts I think and the words I use to convey those thoughts.
It's not pop-psy - just basic human chemistry. And the outcome? It is possible to experience the kind of contented, natural brain buzz that we once looked for in a bottle.