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Newbies Nest
so they have finally identified all who died in the crash….two are from my town. I do not know them or their families. But feel very sad and am sending them my prayers….the driver worked in my town so my town lost 3 people…..but today I am better able to put things in perspective….I am full of gratitude for many things and I am ready to face the day with a smile on my facejenniech
Good morning Nesters,
Day is breaking here & snow is falling, oh well.
Choice, glad you were able to get your car unlocked quickly! Why do kids do that stuff? I transport my grandkids a lot & am always telling them not to touch anything
Hello & welcome back to Crockettaa! Get your plan updated & settle in for a while!
Wishing everyone a good AF Thursday!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Good morning nesters
Welp I'm right as rain today. Most of the stress has abated I think due to this big paint job. I over think things a lot and allow unneeded anxiety into my mind. Granted having your own business has its rewards..but now its all on me. I have tons of other work that I can do with my eyes closed now that this big project is out of the way. Im sure that will make me feel even better. On a side note.."Petey" the cat has already warmed up to me and the boys, but for the first time he came out and started to play with his toys this morning. You know..jumping around tossing the little mouse around..having fun. Good to see him start to relax in his new home ( I desperately need to trim his claws but didnt want to totally freak him out quite yet..and get torn to shreds myself).
Originally posted by choice View Postjust a quick question. How do I get my avatar photo bigger? Thanks
It will let you resize a pic to any pixel x pixel. Find out what the max size allowable here..and Bobs your uncle..
Originally posted by Lavande View PostWhy do kids do that stuff?. Its no wonder my mom got grey hair early in life.
Im off to tackle some work and look forward to MY weekend with the kids starting today.
Be good to yourselves.
DaveProgress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
AF: 9-10-2013
Hey all...didn't get a chance to post yesterday; spent a long time going back and reading posts of mine and how I felt mid-drinking and up to now......really worth looking at how the thinking changes. Had one of those paperwork/phone call days yesterday...stressful but satisfying when done.
Went to the gym last night after the kids went home....exercise is definitely helping me sleep better.....
Spent a lot of time yesterday trying to get a cliniic for eating disorders for my niece...had a really good talk with her and she realises she needs help. She is still losing so trying to speed up the process to getting help.
Also got in touch with an accountant as I need one for my childminding business.....my head is fried with the paperwork but she really helped talk me through it all.
Today my girls are away to their dad so after the kids go (early today) I will have some free time...looking forward to it.IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
Hi everyone, crazy busy packing for ski trip this weekend. Just wanted to check in. Trip will be a challenge because we used to always drink like fiends up there. Send lots of will power brain waves my way! I think we'll have wi fi up there so will try to keep up with the nest.
Hope everyone has a great day, and so sorry for those of you near that train crash. We know some people who ride that commuter line. Take care everyone!:new:
Hi Gambler Dave! Glad to see you back and still alcohol free. I was wondering where you were and how you were doing. Congratulations on Petey! Give him a scratch behind the ears from me. You will love him. I love cats. I have three. I want more, but my wife won't let me. She's afraid I will turn into the crazy cat guy. She's right, I would adopt them all if I could.11/5/2014
[moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse]inkele: :applause2: :yay:
Heading home. Can't wait to share my experiences at this company meeting. All good here. So glad I am sober! Byrdie
Sorry Jennie. Sad news. Daisy - how stressful! You would have regretted drinking, and you know it wouldn't have made anything better.
Crockettaa, how about we make a deal - you don't drink this weekend and I don't drink? We leave tomorrow to snowshoe in for our annual trip with friends and no kids - in years past it became an excuse to drink more than normal, starting with taking shots in the car or on the trail. In addition, one of our friends is the one person who has ever challenged me about NOT drinking (he drinks several drinks per night, so I think he has a little problem too). I am actually excited to experience the crisp air, sled runs and games sober. These are really good friends - the soul mate kind - so it may come up for discussion and it would be liberating to explain how I'm making better choices for myself these days.
I really don't view not drinking as a flaw or problem - and I'm not ashamed of it. It's like the opposite for me - I am proud that I am taking care of myself and my family and business. How could anyone not respect that? I became addicted to an addictive substance that was basically spoon fed to me from childhood. Sure, I might have a brain or personality that made me more likely to be addicted - but it is no more my fault than if I were to have a nut allergy. It WOULD BE my fault if I continued eating nuts, if you know what I mean.
SO - you and I will be the sober ones, OK? Because we don't drink. You can know that there is someone else in a similar situation NOT drinking - and having fun nonetheless!! We can talk about it on MondayLast edited by KENSHO; February 5, 2015, 10:18 AM.Kensho
Done. Moving on to life.
Miserable day here today. if its not snowing its rain or freezing rain!
hope everyone is doing well today. woke up after having a vivid dream about drinking, so of course i woke up cravin it >< but I am about to go to an AA meeting in a couple minutes so im sure that will help. I have not been to a meeting in a long time, so i havent gotten many of my milestone coins, so maybe ill get them todaywishing everyone a happy alcohol free day!
Thanks for the kind wishes I've received for 180 days.
I was thinking about this lately. I have compared what was going through my head, oh, about 181 days ago vs. what is going on today:
Suicide-before I quit I thought about this a lot. 1) What is the best way to do it, I hate the sight of blood, 2) When should I actually do it? 3) What would happen to my family (duh!!- what did I think would happen to them? ) The day I quit is the same day I ceased having these thoughts.
Mornings- now my most favorite time of the day. Especially when I first awake. Before, I hardly ever scheduled an activity, a meeting, conference call, etc. very early because I was never quite sure what kind of shape I would be in.
Feeling Good- I will surprise myself now, with these increasing feelings of, "Boy do I physically and mentally feel really good right now"! My competitive cycling as gone to new levels.
I Like Myself- I formerly thought that I was a spineless mess, and simply had no self control. I didn't think I was very virtuous.
Now, when I get up, I don't have that immediate self-hate feeling. And, of the seven virtues, I am now surely living at least one virtue; temperance. And, I am making good progress in some of the others, such as; charity, fortitude, faith and hope.
Others-my relationship with my wife is at an all-time high. Same with my adult children. It took some time for them to really believe this (my sobriety) is real. But over Christmas, I spent time with all them, and they are really proud of their father (THAT is worth tons to me)
Whew! That felt really good!
Thanks again, MikeLast edited by okoren1; February 5, 2015, 10:27 AM.
Good morning nesters...well almost afternoon. I am on day 4 and actually slept well last night. Felt so good when I woke up this morning. It was pouring down rain here, and I didn't need to go to my office until noon, so I considered turning over...was so cozy. But I got up and went to my work out. Now at work. Got a solid plan in place today. Can NOT believe I am on day 4. Haven't done this without the help of antabuse in a long time. And haven't felt this good about quitting ever. I have been struggling for so many years. I really hope this is it. I keep telling myself that I don't HAVE to drink again. That is empowering.
Well, have a good day all. I will be checking in throughout the day
Hanna, Hanna, Hanna... another edit for you :wink:
I really believe this is it
Congratulations on 180 days, OK, and thanks for that post. It's pretty amazing that a life can be changed so much in a mere 6 months. I'm so happy for you!
I'm with you, Kensho. I'm not at all ashamed not to drink and while I don't go around bragging about it, I'm proud to be making a choice that is the right one for me on so many levels. It has been said before how odd it is that alcohol is about the only drug people feel the need to explain not consuming. It just shows you how powerfully indoctrinated to see alcohol as a benefit most of us are.
Have a great AF day!