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    Healthy one more thing about cravings- L-Glutamine.

    Any time a craving is coming on, tablespoon a few spoonfuls under your tongue and let dissolve. The cravings should go away in a few minutes. If not try more - this is an amino acid and so it is safe.

    I prefer the bottle powder version at home. You can buy it in capsule version as well, but I found them messy, having to open the capsules to sprinkle the powder. The capsules are handy when you are not home, because they are easy to carry. Finally, buy the best you can, hopefully from Vitamin Cottage, or similar. You can get L-Glut at most grocery stores, Walgreens, etc, but quality matters.


      Thank you guys for the responses to my post. Day 4 is behind me now. I absolutely anticipate having a craving at some point soon at or after 5 and before dinner, however I have found a small snack at around 3 really helps. Something I had never done before for fear of the calories. How insane. 100 calorie snack and then no alcohol calories...duh. I also am using the l glut but not sure if is having an effect. I think I have to remember to make that favorite drink of mine- diet 7-up and cranberry juice, and eat something again before I pick up alcohol, get on here etc., if the craving comes back at that 5pm hour.

      Anyway, could never have done the last 4 days without your support! Thanks all! On to day 5!!!!!


        so is L-glutamine for physical cravings when just starting off ?or can it help psychological cravings after a long time? i dont know much about it but im interested in trying it


          Healthy, I don't know anything about psychological cravings. My personal experience is just in blunting AL cravings.


            Kensho and Crokettaa – I have an annual trip with soul mate friends as well – I was worried about it the day I quit, and the trip was 8 months away! I worked on one day at a time, but as the trip got closer, I worried, fretted, thought about what would happen. I wasn’t worried that I would drink, but that somehow I wouldn’t be as much fun, or I would make things awkward for the others. Like Kensho describes, it was just another FUN weekend, and I got to hand out with good friends. Period. All that worrying for naught. They all knew I had quit by then as well

            Jennie – understand your feelings – I got mad at mine, too, just as I got mad that I was an alcoholic. Sounds cheesy, but cultivating a practice of gratitude really helped me with that. There is so much to be grateful about in my newly sober life that it became hard to be angry at “having to quit.” More like I was grateful for a new beginning. It really helped. I know it sounds corny and I didn’t believe it at first, but that was another of those willing moments when I listened to Lav and other wise sober people, and just tried it out.

            CONGRATULATIONS, Okoren! 180 days is just amazing. So happy for you, and your post was wonderful. So much gained and nothing lost. Maybe you could put that post in the toolbox.

            Ok, I have to run out and pick up my kids from late school events. In my past I would be very annoyed that I had to wait to drink until this trip, and I certainly would have had one before I left. Now I just had a nice quiet hour at home alone, and I am relaxed and excited to see them after a long day.

            Good night, folks.


            Edit to add: OMG, I wrote the above before I got to the end of the Nest posts, and what did I find but LAV talking about GRATITUDE!? Listen to her, peeps. She knows.


              Hi Everyone well, I am on the eve of my 7th day AF.. feeling really good, physically and mentally. That is really cool Pavati that you were talking about gratitude, when I was reading your post I thought you'd already read Lav's post and wanted to drive it home. I love it when that kinda stuff happens On the subject, I am grateful that I put a stop to my drinking before something really bad happened. I'm proud of what I've done with my life and it would be a disaster if I let it slip through my fingers because of drinking. I've worked too hard to sober up.

              I have some ideas on why I started drinking again, but each time I start to write. It feels too painful. So for now I'll just keep saying no to AL and checking in here. It's so easy to get distracted once the bad haze of a hangover is gone! I have a friends birthday party coming up March 28 and the invite reads. 'burgers and cocktails' I'll admit there was a few minutes today that I thought.. maybe I'll re-think my decision, or I'll make an exception for that night.. .. it's a long time from now, by then I'll be ready!?!.. etc.. blah, blah, blah..

              I played it out a few times... I'd go, everyone would have a cocktail maybe two. I'd be proud of myself for only having one, or two... (At the party) And, the party will be over before I know it. Everyone will be tired. Not me though, I'd be over stimulated and excited feeling ready to get started on all the emotions drinking brings up.. memories.. you name it.

              I would end up buying a bottle on my way home or really fighting myself not to.. And the odds of me buying a bottle sometime during the next week at some point are pretty good... so I could get myself good an numb. Because that's where I end up. Numb and in physical pain the next day.

              It might not be that night, but it would happen. I don't want to be numb or in pain. I am very thankful that I'm not numb tonight, and that I can go to work tomorrow without a hangover for the first time in a long time on a Saturday shift. So.. ODAT is my plan for the next 7 days... to get to 14. I'm also grateful that I have my health.

              Daisy, I'm so sorry about your niece.
              Last edited by choice; February 6, 2015, 06:28 AM.


                choice - i do a gratitude list every morning. I simply jot down 3 things to be grateful for. I also meditate….Lav is a big meditator too…..If you were to ask me a few months ago if I thought something like those two things would help keep me sober I would have laughed. But they really do help….not instantly but slowly things start to feel better. You have done this before…2 years is impressive!! My impression from your post is that you may have some unresolved issues that are causing you a lot of pain which is compelling you to numb it away….i know I have something similar. I also know that if I am going to stay sober, I need to come to terms with my pain. Have you tried AA? the 12 steps require work, but it is the kind of work that helps you get through any pain you have….I have found the meetings very helpful

                wishing you the best…..


                  Good friday evening from Oz Nesters.

                  It's the weekend, but that don't mean a ticket to boozeville. It can mean freedom. The freedom to be who we are, to live our truth, to spend time with loved ones, spend time with ourselves just being, knowing we have the power within us to do anything and be anything. That's a special feeling. I sure don't want to waste any more precious time numbing it.

                  Take it easy and congratulations to all the milestoner's. Youse raawk. Bravo! G

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Good morning Nesters

                    Tis another cold super chilly morning here

                    G, have a healthy Friday night & don't do anything I wouldn't do, Ha Ha!!!!!

                    I'm glad to see so many talking about meditation, gratitude & other important tools that we all have at our disposal. All you have to do is choose what works best for you & keep at it forever more. Small price to pay for your freedom

                    Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Good morning Nesters

                      A quick check in before I have to get the boys ready for drop off.

                      Originally posted by Hanna View Post
                      When I get in that space in my head, my defense against the drink just sucks.
                      I never had to deal with this 'witching hour' thing because I would start drinking whenever. First thing in the morning on weekends. In light of that..I was thinking that looking forward to that special hour would make it harder sometimes? I mean doing whatever it takes is key ( eating at 3 instead of 5 like you say ). But I agree with should check in here first if the feelings get too strong. Its not like you have to go alone in this. Your doing good..

                      Originally posted by enzo'smom View Post
                      (snip)...Then I got really mad that I am an alcoholic and don't drink anymore…(snip).then I started romanticizing about have a glass of that chardonnay...
                      Hiyas EM. I dont think this sounds 'insane'.. more masochistic than anything . Kinda like a hemophiliac addicted to cutlery stores. Im sure some of those others that partied were feeling Great when they got home..hung over the toilet bowl. Then waking up feeling even better with thumping heads and dehydration sickness ( we all know about them good old days ). Sounds like you realize what part of that situation is unhealthy. I dont think its about being an 'alcoholic' and not being able to drink..Its about Liking alcohol too much and making a decision not to have it in your life. It destroys on all fronts..mentally,physically and emotionally. To think players like Budweiser can affiliate pretty horses and cute puppies to social well being is reprehensible ( "please drink responsibly" my ass ). Your fine. Im sure some of us would like to 'have a few' with their friends ( I for one dont ). I like to jab at them when they start acting stupid..and take a few more at them the next morning lol "How you feeling Bob ? ..good times last night eh?" ...

                      I have to go soon..but I wanted to tell you something that happened last night. You know how I was saying that I was getting lonely and all..but didnt want to go out and meet new people ( lack of time thing ). Well I went to the video store for a movie and when I get to the counter my heart stuttered. While she is telling me about late fees and special promotions Im just standing there thinking " yea's my card..Hey..would you like to go out to dinner sometime ?". very observant..and in between checking out her clean ring finger and her cleavage ( Hey..she put them out there..and Im a guy..and..) there was just something about her to me. Even walking back to my car Im thinking "why didnt you ask her" .. " Im gonna tell MWO about this and what will they say ? ". I guess Im ready to meet someone..or Im horny. I would think the first..

                      Welp took too long and gotta to you later and be good to yourselves.

                      Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                      AF: 9-10-2013


                        Originally posted by Lavande View Post
                        All you have to do is choose what works best for you & keep at it forever more. Small price to pay for your freedom.
                        After you integrate it into your daily life, it isn't even at a price!

                        I was a complete skeptic but like Pav said, I had just decided to check my ego at the door and do what the successful people were doing.

                        My "gratitude practice" isn't at a set time of day - it is part of my "running commentary" on my life where I'm very conscious throughout the days that every little thing is better (even if it's not great, it's better!) than it would have been if I were drinking. Other practices - yoga, meditation, hypnosis, exercise - are very rewarding and I really look forward to doing them and how they make me feel. Sure, they take time but a whole lot less than acquiring, consuming, and disposing of the trappings of addiction.

                        Our brains need "time off" and that is becoming harder and harder to get unless we provide it. Alcohol is admittedly a quick and easy route but as we know, does much more harm than good. These other techniques take more effort but are so much more rewarding in the long run.

                        Have a great AF weekend!


                          gambler: you need to live up to your moniker and GO FOR IT


                            day 342. Good morning everyone. Feeling alot better than I was yesterday and alot more optimistic about being sober. I have to stop thinking of it being a punishment or else I will never move past it. The hardest part is learning how to deal with life without substances.

                            hope everyone is having a great day
                            Last edited by Healthybutempty; February 6, 2015, 09:11 AM.


                              Trying to catch up, the nest has been a beehive of activity this week!
                              Everyone is sounding GREAT! I am here to tell you, at first, it is NOT all rainbows and unicorns, but anything worth having is worth fighting for...stick it out and you will be SO THANKFUL!
                              Will do a proper shout out later....but so proud of everyone!! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                HealthybutEmpty - learning to deal with life without substances is very doable! Some of it is being willing to face things and speak your truth. This gives you confidence, and it gets much easier. Time helps so much - just keep at it and you will find yourself on the other side!

                                To Guitarista's point Gambler - LIVE! Go for it - whatever be your reason

                                NoSugar - you struck such a chord with me! A BIG reason I drank was to give my brain "time off", and yes - AL did that quickly and effectively. Then it didn't. I didn't consciously realize that I was finding alternate ways to do this during my healing - but I have been. Makes such sense now.

                                Leaving in an hour or so to hike at 10,000ft. to a hut. I'm excited! I've never done one of these trips sober. I am not feeling worried - as I really don't want what alcohol offers me - a numb head, stupid behavior, headache, bad sleep. I would rather laugh and play sober. It will be interesting to see if it comes up. I don't think I will have wireless service up there, but I might.

                                Crockettaa, we are checking in Monday am - ok? You can do this, and so can I!! My plan is to remember the big picture and long term, and not get swept up in a moment. Also I will think of how much better of a mom and person I am without AL - man life is SO much better without this crap!

                                Keep up the work this weekend everyone! I am so proud to be a part of this group of such great people who want to turn their lives around and help others do the same! Hugs!

                                Done. Moving on to life.

