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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning everyone.
    Just got back from the gym and am ready for an italian espresso please Nora. Feeling on top of the world today - love waking up from a party (Lav's) with no hangover....
    Not quite a swan - I said cygnet not ugly duckling.... Cygnets are lovely and fluffy - pretend to think positive and you will be surprised how your real thinking will turn around from negative to postive. x
    Molly - I love the way you talk. (Are you Irish? One of my besties is Irish and she also has a lovely descriptive vocabulary....)
    Planning on a weekend in the garden. I have been ripping out plants from a garden bed and going to put in a water feature with water lillies (and maybe some fish so I wont have to feed the cats!). Am really looking forward to getting stuck in as I love gardening but when we planned our garden we decided to go low maintenance which was (unfortunately) a success. So now I wait for the weeds to grow just so I have something to do. (Yes, I know, I'm strange).
    Hope everyone stays strong over the weekend. Keep coming back here if you are struggling.
    Bye for now.:wavin:
    I finally got it!
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


      Newbies Nest

      Hi, been reading for an hour or so, thanks to all the people here, I am still trying to find my way round here. I don't really have much to say just now, this is the first Saturday morning in ages I have woken up without a hangover, very tired as found it hard to sleep, but logged in late last night and found so much comfort. I am definitely going to stick around, best wishes to all.


        Newbies Nest

        I've had a good day today. I have had some wine though.

        The day started off with an eyebrow wax (ouch). I really think men should go through waxing just so they know what it's like.

        Then a haircut. I consider it my "new life" haircut. I had shoulder length hair, in a bob, and have been getting it cut a little shorter each time. Today I have had a layered bob (think Posh Spice Pob). It just comes down to the bottom of my ears and I LOVE IT.

        After the haircut, we went off to a kids party where the age group was 5 - 13. All the parents, including dads, stayed and we sat around, chatting and drinking soft drinks whilst the children did their thing.

        This afternoon was lazy. The TV was on Disney Channel and we all watched and dozed.

        This evening we went out for Chinese and Hubby and I shared a bottle of wine over a couple of hours. I'm happy with that. Usually, I would down a bottle, on my own, in an hour. I'm home now with a glass of water beside me but as soon as I feel less full, I;m going to have a cup of tea.

        We had a funny evening. Son, Hubby and I just laughing, teasing and enjoying the food and the company. Also, I wore some clothes that I have not fitted into until today. So, with the eyebrows, haircut and new (smaller) clothes, I felt wonderful.

        Sharing the wine was OK and I don't feel bad. I think that's what normal people do - share wine over a meal every now and then but I realise I have to see how the next week pans out now I have had a drink. I have already decided not to drink tomorrow as it will be a "school night."

        Think it's time to put the kettle on now.

        Night all



          Newbies Nest

          Can't believe it! Just wrote a big long post goin backwards an forwards and feeling really proud of myself - and there it is -GONE!!!!
          I hate computers sooooooooo much.:crap:
          Ok back to (undrinkaddled brain) memory
          Yes HippyC I am Irish, sometimes worry that nobody (except my british cousins cos their so used to us) here understands a word I say!
          Lav delighted you enjoyed your party day! Will we have another one, one year and one day? Maybe not - you'd be knackered!
          Runningwind - you a useless computer creature as well? I work in a place that has people coming in to use the computers and when they look bewildered I hide behind a shelf in case they ask me what to do!!!
          Papmom - All those things you've mentioned at the end of your post I felt in spades a few weeks ago but I reckon old age is setting in and everything is going downhill again!
          Dinnysis - keep posting and reading - it really helps me - I feel a new lease of life after being on here.
          Spam - Glad you had a lovely evening the main thing is you are happy to get back on the wagon today/tomorrow
          TranqW - love your posts and the way you remember everyone
          To everyone else have a lovely day will check back later
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters,

            Sunny but chilly in my end of the nest today!! Slept like a rock last night - the all day party wore me out yesterday Had a lot of fun though!

            Greetings to all of our regular Nesters! Keep moving forward, you're doing great!!

            Hi & welcome to dinnysis glad you found us! Please just find yourself a comfy twig & settle right in with us We're a pretty nice group, looking forward to getting to know you!

            Have some chores to tend to today - did next to nothing all day yesterday but what the heck? I had a perfectly good reason for slacking off, right?

            Wishing everyone a terrific day.
            I will be back later!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Good Morning Birdies....
              Spam...I cannot wait to see the new you.
              Hope you had a wonderful party a truly an inspiration.
              Welcome to the Nest Dinnysis
              Hi pap, Hippy, Mollyka, and Runningwind
              I lazed around this morning and watch "The Blind Side" again....and decided I want to be just like Mary Ann Twoomey...she is so energetic and driven and loving and SOBER...what a great movie...
              and I want to KILL Jesse James for breaking Sandra Bullock's heart.....
              anyway...I am about to drag Papa Bear out into the yard....I have an evil plan he does not know about yet....
              had a few beers last night and don't feel bad....topamax is working but i still want to get AF....
              Smooches from Sunny Florida
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Newbies Nest

                Hello lovely nestlings!

                Have been quiet for a few days as have been drinking every day and didn't like to post. I reached my goal of abstaining for 30 days and since then have been drinking in exactly the same way as before..not drinking to get very drunk mostly but drinking secretly and in the morning and just being ridiculous

                Anyway, enough about me..

                Lav, big congratulations to you are wonderful:waving:

                Spam, happy new Haircut you slender little thing

                Mama Bear, hope Papa Bear met your demands in the yard

                Dinnysis, welcome on board, looking forward to chatting:welcome:

                Molly hope you are having a happy saturday. Went for a lovely walk today in the sun; looks like spring is here to stay.

                Hi to everyone else. Hope the weekend is a jolly one. Chat later


                  Newbies Nest

                  Sophie......maybe moderation is not for you baby......???????
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi guys,

                    How is everyone? Congrats to all of you for hanging in there and welcome to the other newbies.

                    Checking in on day 8 AF. I got through a Friday without drinking a drop. It was really tough. A few times I felt like giving in but I did not want a hangover this morning. It felt so good not to wake up with one for 8 days in a row!

                    But, my husband did have 3 beers and you know what? I really don't like him when he's drinking and I'm not. Even after the first beer he was getting argumentative about every little thing I said. So, I just quit talking to him. He was basically being a jerk. I felt like I needed Al just to tolerate it.

                    Well, moving on and moving forward one day at a time. Took 3 grams of glutamine yesterday before the witching Friday hour and I'm not sure if it did any good or not.

                    Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

                    NF since January 3, 1998
                    AF since March 20, 2010


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning nesters......sorry but no time for breakfast. I overslept. Eek. I need to leave for the airport in an hour and a half and I'm still in bed. I knew I should have done my chores last night.
                      So, I'm up and moving now. Welcome to the nest newbies. Hang in there everyone. Some days aren't as easy as others, I have found. But, the bright side is.....other days are better. :l
                      And with those convoluted words of wisdom, I am off..........(as if you couldn't already tell..:H:H)
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi again everyone
                        Kitkatz, I'm not too keen on my hubby either when he is drinking, I don't think its him really I just find people with drink taken when I'm sober really really foolish. Here's me on my high moral ground - reckon I'm gettin pay back time for all the people I have bored and irritated for all those years!!
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Newbies Nest

                          Well done Kitkatz. Hope the rest of your weekend goes as well.
                          So Mama Bear, what evil plan did you cook up for Papa Bear?


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Everyone,
                            Busy Saturday for me!! Had an event this morning at school and then errands on the way home. Really wanted to stop for a bottle of wine as part of my errand run but resisted the urge. got home, ate a very late lunch, took my sups and then the pups for a very cold walk. Now it is evening although the sun is still out-yea!!- and I feel I am settled in for the night. Whew!!
                            Hey Kit-congrats on your day 8 AF!! :goodjob:
                            Mama Bear-can't wait to hear all about the evil plan
                            Sophie-glad you joined us again-please stick around and let us help you get AF again or moderate if that's what you want to do. Keep reading and keep posting your thoughts and status no matter what!!
                            Nora-how are you doing today? You had to take hubby to the airport right?
                            Hey-has anyone heard from Katie B and how her outing to the aquarium with her son went? Hope everything is alright-she's been absent from the nest for a day or two I think.

                            tomorrow I'm heading out early to a dog performance event to watch and hopefully get sponsored to join the local breed club. It's a combination Obedience and Rally-O trial and I'm excited to watch the Rally event as I think I want to do that as well as agility with one of my dogs.

                            After the event I head up to my sister's for my nephew's 18th birthday party. I'm really apprehensive because my booze brain keeps telling me that I've been so good I deserve to have ONE glass of wine tomorrow JUST at dinner. And it can be red wine (which i really don't like). My real brain tells me I don't need it, don't want it and no one is even going to notice if I don't have it-there are plenty of people who will be there who don't drink at all. The only thing anyone will notice is that I'm not slurring my words and I'm not going for yet another glass of wine instead of coffee/tea with the cake.
                            Here's my plan of attack:
                            • Leave the dog event early enough to come back home to take the pups for a walk before going to the party
                              • Take my L-Glut right before I get there instead of after lunch
                                • Chew gum on the way over
                                Immediately upon arrival get a glass of cranberry selzer with lots of ice
                              Stay far away from the wine table!!!

                            I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow night when I get home. :fingers:
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey Gang....
                              evil plan worked....made papa bear get off the couch and trim lots of dead bushes...he only grumbled a little....
                              I am not drinking tonight but feeling very edgy and grumpy
                              Just started reading Seven Weeks to Sobriety....kind of scary stuff about what AL does to your body and frequent relapse is.......kind of scared straight right now...
                              Hubs is grilling steaks and then we are going to watch a may settle me down some.....good night all
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Everyone!

                                Runningwind - Thanks for asking - I'm doing well. Keeping busy as always. No drinks since my trip two weeks ago. I'm not missing anything either. Just waiting for spring to pop here. Your post sounds great too -- how are you doing?

                                Yay Dinnysis! No Saturday hangover is great! Glad you're here!

                                Spam - sounds like a nice evening with the family. I've come to putting many af days between drinks. I think it helps keep the focus on enjoying life without al "enhancements". I think that's what normal people do too! ;}

                                Mollyka - thanks for the compliment. I've lost messages here too -- and I'm an IT guy.

                                Hi Lav. You did have a reason for slacking. You sound like you're still glowing though.

                                Hi Sophie - since you did 30 days af, you clearly know how "not" to drink. Take advantage of what you learned over those thirty days. Yes - do keep posting no matter what.

                                Hi Kitkatz - I never found l-glutamine to be a 'magic pill' for urges either, but then I never tried putting under my tongue as some suggest. But I still take it on a daily basis. I do think that doing the supps consistently was/is helpful as a facet of just taking better care of myself, and giving my body what it needs. I learned that hunger and thrist are huge triggers for me, so food and water became attidotes too. I don't have an antidote for a drunk hubby for you though.

                                Nice words of wisdom NoraC - I like that!

                                MamaB - it is evil rousing Papa from his hibernation. A steak sounds nice - I think a nice meal can be relaxing and grounding. Enjoy the movie.

                                KatieB - Thinking of you. Hope you pop-in when you can!

                                Take care everyone.
                                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -

