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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    Just a quicky as I am off to the nursery to get some more aquatic plants to finish off my masterpiece I started yesterday.
    I have been really struggling the last two days. Really wanting to have a drink. I even broke an l-glut under my tongue yesterday afternoon to help. Cant believe I have had 80 odd days without a drink and now I am wanting one. How crazy it this addiction!!! But my determination is stronger than the desire. So I WIN, not the beast! Haha...

    Kitkatz - I know what you mean when you talk about how hard it is when your husband drinks. I find I have to ignore him and try not get sucked into arguing with the AL. I feel rude when I ignore him but for my own sanity and sobriety that is what I have to do.
    Well done Pap - sounds like you are winning.

    Anyway off now to the nursery and the we are going to the movies. Mama - I loved the movie Blind side too. When I grow up I want to be just like Mary Ann...
    Take care everyone. xx
    I finally got it!
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


      Newbies Nest

      Hello you busy Nesters!

      Where did the day go? Went by so fast - geez!

      I've been getting ready for my annual Palm Sunday cookout! It's a strange tradition I started many years ago due to shift work lives......someone always had to work on Easter Sunday & would miss the festivities. I'm just going to keep the tradition going as my son will be working on Easter this year. It is rather chilly in these parts right now so we will be cooking outside but eating inside I'm sure

      papmom, you have a good plan for yourself - hope all goes well for you!

      Mama Bear- you mentioned feeling edgey & grumpy not drinking.........actually I haven't felt that way since I quit. Never gave that a thought until you just mentioned it. Hope things settled for you.

      OK fledglings, wishing you all a safe & cozy night in the nest - I'm leaving the night light on even though my VP Tranq has already checked in

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Hi HC - cross post
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hey Nesters - Quick Peep! Hubby got home ok. Had some stress and body went immediately into the old mode of 'let's drink to deal with it'. I am so glad that I am taking Topamax. I did not drink. I don't know if I would have been able to handle it without that. i am working very hard on recognizing these triggers and devising ways to develop healthy ways of dealing with these stresses. I drank lots of water. I took L-Glutamine. Lots of deep breaths. Talked instead of holding all my anger in. Slowly calmed down. I'm learning.
          Anyway.....I'll be back.

          BIG HUGS KATIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Newbies Nest

            Oh my Nora, where did the week go??? I'm sorry I sent good wishes for dropping hubby off instead of great wishes for the homecoming!! Glad you were able to get through the spell without AL. Everyday, every minute is a battle isn't it??? When will we be able to get through a day without planning how NOT to drink? I don't plan how NOT to smoke-I just don't anymore (it's been 30 some odd years) and I don't even wish one second for a cigarrette. I want it to be that way with AL!!
            I do have Allen Carr's book but haven't gotten too far as I have one more library book to read before the due date. Then I'm all his ha ha!!
            Have a great day/evening everyone. I've got to get my RIG and start my jam packed day!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Newbies Nest

              Good Evening All,

              Well, I didn't have a hangover or any guilty feeling about the wine shared with hubby last night.

              After a couple of cups of coffee this morning, we headed off to the beach. I have not gone down a size in swimmers yet but I didn't have a muffin top. And I kept having to pull my board shorts up! I'm still 15kgs overweight but I am feeling better.

              The beach was great. Swam, looked in the rock pools, played in the sand. Then went off for ice cream before heading home.

              I had a strange feeling on the way home. I DIDN'T want a drink - the thought of wine made my teeth go on edge but I felt obliged to buy some. Does that make sense? I suppose it's habit that after a good day, I finish(ed) off with a bottle of white. Anyway, I did want my L-Glut. I have the powder here so I may have to think about having a small amount with me. (Also, an excuse to but another Tupperware container.)

              Got home, had junk food and fizzy drinks for dinner before putting Master 10 year old to bed.

              Back to being busy tomorrow. I am going to have my knee x-rayed. It's been a week since falling over at ice skating and the swelling and bruising are still bad. Also, if anything or anyone touches my knee, I end up rolling on the floor, screaming in agony.

              Catch up tomorrow,

              Spam xx


                Newbies Nest

                bravo Nora.....I am proud of you'
                spam....lose some weight for me k???
                have to go get my boys to church.....will check in later....
                and don't worry...spammo....I am fine
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  Newbies Nest


                  Mama Bear said I was welcome here, so here I am.

                  Posted my story if you want to look it up. if you don't that's fine as well.

                  Today is day 1. Long journey ahead



                    Newbies Nest

                    HI BABY......
                    You have found the right place.......just wait and see.....:welcome:
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello Time,

                      You are MORE than welcome here. Pull up a twig, settle in and have a chat.

                      I have read your story this evening. You've had some tough times and it looks like you still have more to come. Unfortunately, there's no magic pill. I can promise that things are easier to handle without AL (alcohol). It's better to deal with the bad stuff with a clear head.

                      Come back soon. Ask anything! Read and post as much as you want.

                      Spam xxxx


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi I am new here. I need to stop drinking as I suffer with depression and keep have made outbursts when I abuse the drink then try and end my life. I have been in hospital 3 times now. Is there anything my GP can give me to take the cravings away?


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters,

                          Clouds but no rain yet in my end of the Nest - hope some of you are seeing the sun!

                          Hi & welcome to the Nest Timetostop! Grab yourself a comfy twing & settle in with us

                          Nora, good to hear you are handling your triggers - that's progress! It will get easier, I promise!

                          spam, we do so much just out of habit..........the trick is to substitute new, healthier behaviors where we used to drink - that does get easier as well over time Hope your knee improves very soon!

                          Mama Bear, how are you getting along?

                          I need to get busy in the kichen, get food ready for our cookout!
                          Wishing everyone a superb Sunday!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi & welcome skybluelinda,
                            Glad to have you here with us. Find a comfy twig & settle in.
                            Have you read the MWO book yet? You can download it from the Health Store here on the site. It is full of information about the program. You really should talk to your Doc re a safe way to detox. He/she may very well want to order a Rx for you. You are going to have to learn to deal with cravings, we all did.
                            Look in the Tool box in the Monthly Abstinence section for good ideas to help you make your plan.

                            Wishing you the best on your journey - you can do it

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello SkyBlueLinda,

                              A visit to the doctor sounds like a good idea. There are many meds available depending on where you live and what your doctor is like. Go anyway - you will not lose anything.

                              There is a section here on the various meds available.

                              This site is amazing support to lots of us. Some people here have 1 - 2 years or more under their belt alcohol free (AF), others are just starting.

                              Personally, I have cut back drastically since 25th Jan. I was on two bottles of wine a night. Now I don't drink that in a week.

                              Keep reading, posting, talking and asking.

                              There's also some supplements available which help. These are in the MWO book. I only take L-Glutamine (for cravings) and that's easily available in health food stores.

                              If you have specific questions, you can open a new thread. You'll get lots of support and feedback.

                              Welcome, once again, and good luck.

                              Spam xxx


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters,

                                I hope everyone's saturday went well! I have been on this site since Febuary 22nd of this year and have learned (and still learning) valuable ways to start living a different way of life.
                                Saturday, I got up, looked over my plan and applied it to my day. I cleaned house, made dinner and watched a show with my husband.
                                I have to tell yall, it wasn't the most exciting day but it was one of the best days I have had in a long... long... time!
                                Today I'am going to the nursery, to see what I can plant in my garden now.
                                Hoping that yall have great day!
                                The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)

