My doctor prescribed me valium for my anxiety but I was i little worried about starting to take it, but yesterday I started because I started scaring myself with my thoughts. I just hope it works. I need to find ways to keep myself relaxed and distracted. I bought the new issue of grapevine, so i made a hot cup of ginger green tea and am now reading through.

I think part of the reason i get depressed is because i see people i went to high school with and knew years ago that have careers, children, married, etc and i feel left behind almost...if that makes sense...i feel like drug and alcohol addiction had put my life on pause...
my boyfriend is on day 2 sober, so that has made it alot easier for me to stay strong aswell. I hope he keeps it up. I'm worried because it seems like he was more so trying to do it for me than for himself, and it didnt seem like he wanted to quit sometimes...which scared me...
I love him so much but I also love my sobriety....
How is everyone else doing today?