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Newbies Nest
Good morning Nesters,
Early mornings can be quite nice Jennie. Nothing wrong with watching a sunrise once in a while
I have a super busy day ahead. Glad my granddaughter is still asleep while I figure out how I'm going to feed & entertain all three grandkids today. Grateful for the clear head
Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Originally posted by Pavati View PostHi,
Way to go, Beth! Next time take a bottle of something for yourself. I like to bring the grapefruit Perrier. Delicious, low cal.
This has happened several times, and is particularly the younger generation, in their 20's that seem to be passing on the AL! Of course this thrills me, as I think they are not quite as "fooled" by the glamour of AL as my generation, the baby boomers :exclaim:Kicked AL to the curb November 9, 2014!
A New Page, I had to laugh and shake my head in agreement! I take caffeine free diet coke to gatherings and other people drink it!!! I'm thinking 'All this other stuff here and they are drinking MY diet coke???!' You just cant make this stuff up!
Good Sunday morning to everyone! Do whatever it takes to get thru this day AF! Byrdie
Had a nice day with my son....bowling, eating out and cooking. Didn't get home to near midnight.
Gonna have a very lazy day today. Think I'll pop to the shops for supplies for a dinner for one and book a few movies. My girls are away for the day. With a busy week ahead, I like to get some 'me' time in.
Have just started reading a book on Lucid Dreaming....looks interesting.
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
Good morning all!!!
Well after some difficulty falling and staying asleep last night, I slept until 10 am this morning, and feel so absolutely wonderful! I have not done that (sober) forever!
Thanks for the advice Pav, about bring my own drink. I never realized how much this little thing meant to me ( who would have thought it was bothered by there not being NON alcohol drinks someplace lol.
Pepper absolutely sounds like we have a lot in common. We must share stories someday soon!
Lav. Enjoy those little ones!!!! Grilled cheese and playground, or arts and crafts perhaps? Lol
I am so excited to have a week tomorrow :yay:
Have a great day everybody!
Good morning everyone.Hope everyone is doing well.
My boyfriend bought beer today and is drinking.but he says he gets his new prescription filled tomorrow so today is the only day he is going to drink. I hope that's true. Today is day 344 for me. I woke up feeling a little down and anxious today. Tomorrow I think I am going to go to Mental health services and find some help for how ive been feeling lately. The fact that I get worse the longer I am sober might be a signal there is something else going on, and I am kind of scared about what they might say. But I can't go on feeling like this any longer or it is only a matter of time until I make a mistake I will regret.
Hope everyone is having a great day
Hey Hanna! I wanted to congratulate you on your 7 days!!! Around here, we like to show appreciation for a job well done, here is a Full Moon for you! :butt: You have conquered every day the week can throw at you! No BUTTS about it, the worst is behind you! Well done!
HBE, Im sorry your BF chose to drink. I know that doesn't help your efforts at all. This is one heck of an addiction, and its pull is mind1boggling. I said MANY times 'today is the only day I will drink'. Unfortunately, that was never true for me. I must ask why didnt he get his prescription earlier, or even today? Not sure where you are located but here in the US our pharmacies are open on Sundays. Im sorry to be asking the hard questions but if he is serious about quitting, it takes 100% effort, as you well know. Did you say what type of support he has or what sort of plan he has in place? Do you know what your plan is? Getting additional help is a great idea to get you over this rough edge. Do you and your BF live together or do you maintain your own place? It may help you to get a little space from HIS quit and focus on your own. Just a thought. Can you identify WHY it is that you are shaky now? Write it out, that helps. Again, I may have missed this, but what support have you been using up to now? I hope you feel stronger soon!
Have you seen the Rain in My Heart documentaries on this site? They are a sticky on one of the sections...I will have to see which one. There are a series of 10 of them and they are 10 minutes each. Seeing what AL does to us was really helpful to me! I saw TOO much of myself in those films! Whenever I have felt wobbly, I headed straight to those clips. Also remember the hypnosis CD's available here, too! And then there is the Tool Box! This is your laser guided missile to head off those thoughts! Stay glued in here!
ByrdieLast edited by Byrdlady; February 8, 2015, 03:47 PM.
He couldn't get his prescription until tomorrow because that was his refill date and he was taking more than prescribed to try and manage his withdrawal symptoms. He went to detox but started again a few days after he got out and he left early. I started going to AA again recently and he came with me a couple times and yes we do live together.
I don't know what it is lately. I have been getting really paranoid/ anxiety attacks/ depression/ suicidal thoughts/delusions. Where I am still getting worse even though I have so much AF time so Im starting to think I have an entirely separate mental issue that is at the root of my addictions.
Even with all this I am not going to give in to alcohol. It would just make things worse. and I will continue to try and get better before I go back to school..
yes I have watched rain in my heart and it was difficult to watch....maybe I should watch it again sometime to remind myself of what I was like....
Thank you everyone on this site for your support....I really appreciate it I would never talk about my life to people face to face. I am too ashamed. It helps alot.Last edited by Healthybutempty; February 8, 2015, 04:53 PM.
Originally posted by LillyE View PostRain in my Heart
Also, who mentioned this? Thank you. I watched some of it last night - sobering and eye opening. I recommend it for anyone who needs a jolt
Rain In My Heart Full Documentary
KittyKatLost - please go view. I suspect you might need to see something like this right now to scare you a little into why what you're trying to do is so worthwhile. With all due respect :h
The only problem with things like this is I think it can make people like me think "Oh, well maybe I'm not really an alcoholic then as I'm not *that* bad. I've never drunk a bottle of vodka a day etc" But it's still a sharp and scary look at the damage alcohol can inflict on the body.
Finally found these documentaries! They are not where they used to be! Hope they help!!
Good evening Nesters,
Ah, what a busy day for me & it's not quite over yet.
Just have to get my granddaughter to go to sleep then I can chill for a while
HBE, I really hope you can get to see someone to discuss your mental/emotional well being, It almost sounds like a biochemical imbalance of some sort & that can be treated. You can't go thru life with all the unresolved anxiety & depression. You'll be doing yourself a big favor by talking to someone. I'm sorry your boyfriend decided to drink. Apparently he's not quite ready to quit. Please focus on yourself & your quit first :hug:
Hanna, awesome on your week tomorrow! It's such a great feeling, I remember
Greetings to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
I was just researching Methadone withdrawals....take a look at this list!
Methadone Withdrawal Symptoms: List of Possibilities
Included below are some common symptoms that people experience when they withdraw from Methadone. Keep in mind that everyone is affected differently and that you may not experience all of the symptoms on the list below. I already wrote a post detailing “Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms” that you can also reference for further information.
Anxiety: For some individuals, Methadone helps keep them calm and anxiety at bay. When the person withdraws, they may experience severe and/or intense feelings of anxiety and panic. The panic is likely a result of the person feeling and experiencing all of these withdrawal effects.
Body aches: It is common to feel aches throughout the body when you withdraw. These aches may be mild or intense. Just know that the achiness should gradually improve and become less intense after you have been off of the drug for awhile.
Chills: You may feel chills throughout your body when you stop taking Methadone. This is a common experience that will usually last a couple of weeks.
Concentration problems: Not only will you likely have an array of physical symptoms to deal with, your focus and concentration will plummet. This is because your brain is trying to function without stimulation from the drug. Your focus should gradually start to return after a few weeks.
Confusion: Many people report feeling intense confusion when they quit this drug. This is a result of them experiencing so many effects both physically and psychologically upon withdrawal. The cognition of the individual that withdraws is likely to be significantly reduced.
Cramps: You may get cramps throughout your entire body when you stop taking this drug. Most people report severe “abdominal cramps” when they quit. These cramps can be painful in their own right – so do your best to fight through this pain.
Cravings: If you were addicted to opioids, it is extremely common to experience drug cravings. Not only can a certain level of psychological addiction be created, but physical addiction occurs as well. During withdrawal, you may have intense cravings for this drug and/or other opioids. Do your best to fight through the addiction and avoid going back on the drug at all costs.
Depersonalization: You may feel depersonalized when you quit taking this drug. This means you may feel unlike your natural self and feel as if you have transformed into a zombie or alien. This is a result of neurochemistry changes and physical changes that your body is enduring. This feeling will go away following an extended detoxification period.
Depression: Some individuals have claimed that Methadone works to treat depression. Clinical evidence has found that drugs like this one have been used with success at treating refractory depression (i.e. Suboxone for depression). Since most people receive feelings of pleasure and/or an antidepressant effect from taking this drug, it is no wonder that they experience depression when they withdraw. The depression may become very severe because not only are neurotransmitters in a state of chaos, endorphin levels are likely to be lower than average.
Diarrhea: It is almost guaranteed that you are going to have pretty intense diarrhea during your withdrawal. This diarrhea may strike early within the first few days and may be pretty severe. The best way to cope with this is to go get some Imodium (available over-the-counter). While on Methadone, you may have easily become constipated – during withdrawal, the opposite happens.
Dilated pupils: While taking any opiate drug, your pupils will contract. When you stop taking it, your pupils will naturally become dilated.
Dizziness: The dizziness you experience may be incredible and tough to deal with. It may feel as if you have no balance and/or your motor skills are affected by withdrawal.
Fatigue: Do you feel excessively tired after you quit Methadone? If you feel tired, lethargic, fatigued, etc. – this is because your body is trying to heal itself. It recognizes that it is no longer receiving the drug and is resting in order to restore natural functioning.
Headaches: A side effect that most people experience during drug withdrawal is that of headaches. If you are experiencing headaches, just know that this is part of the withdrawal process. Working to rest, relax, and stay properly hydrated can go a long way in helping manage these.
Insomnia: Some people report intense sleepiness, but insomnia is also very common. You may have both sleepiness at times, and insomnia at others. If you are unable to fall asleep at night, this may also have something to do with the anxiety and symptoms you are experiencing. Your best bet is to fight through these symptoms and focus on relaxation if your insomnia is caused by anxiety.
Irritability: The irritability that is experienced during withdrawal is pretty difficult to tame. When you are being irritable, recognize it as being a withdrawal symptom and try to not let it get the best of your character. It is a result of the depression that you experience when withdrawing.
Lightheadedness: Another reported symptom is that of feeling lightheaded. This goes hand in hand with feeling dizzy. You may get surges of extreme lightheadedness that prompt you to lie down and rest.
Mood swings: The moods that you experience when coming off of Methadone may feel totally out of your control. One minute you may feel extremely depressed and like crying, the next you may feel angry and irritable. Eventually you will see the light at the end of the tunnel and your mood will begin to improve and stabilize.
Muscle pains: If you were taking this drug for pain management, you can expect a lot of the pain to return. In some cases the pain you experience will be even worse than before you started. This is because your body’s natural painkillers (i.e. endorphins) have been depleted by the consistent use of this drug. It will take awhile for your body to re-establish proper endorphin functioning.
Nausea: If you feel nauseated you are certainly not alone. Many people feel extremely nauseous when they first quit Methadone. The nausea may be intense enough to cause vomiting. Realize that this is your body’s response to coming off of a powerful drug – it will fade.
Restless legs: It is common to experience restless legs during withdrawal. In other words, your legs may constantly shake or appear restless. This is a symptom that may take a couple of weeks before it starts to subside.
Runny nose: Another common symptom to experience is that of a runny nose. Although this will eventually dry up, your nose run like a faucet. You can prepare for this by keeping extra tissues around.
Shakes: Your body may shake in an almost uncontrollable manner and this may be uncomfortable. Although this is going to be uncomfortable and the shakes are difficult to cope with, they will eventually subside. Give your body time to work out these withdrawal effects and it will eventually begin to function without shaking.
Sleepiness: Most people report feelings of excessive tiredness and sleepiness. During this time your body is trying to recharge itself and re-establish drug-free functioning. This sleepiness may be intense during the initial couple weeks of withdrawal. Over a period of time, your energy levels should return to normal.
Suicidal thoughts: Both the physical and mental depression can become so severe during withdrawal that you may become suicidal. If you are having constant suicidal thoughts, be sure to seek help or talk to someone about it. Realize that these thoughts are not normal and will not last forever – they are merely a result of withdrawal.
Sweating: Many people report profuse sweating throughout the day and while they sleep (i.e. night sweats). If you are sweating, just know that this is a very common symptom and it’s your body’s natural way of detoxifying itself.
Vomiting: Some people report intense vomiting when they stop taking this drug. The vomiting is a result of the person feeling nauseous and sick because their body doesn’t know how to cope without the drug. If you are vomiting and feel sick, these symptoms should go away within a week or two. END QUOTE
Yikes, these sound intense! The only way out is through! Hugs to you, B