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    Hanna - I too saw this - and I also lost a ton of weight when I quit AL. I also just lost that puffy look on my face. The only problem in that area was that I need up buying a lot of new clothes!I enjoy food far more than I did when I was drinking - and its great to not have constant indigestion from AL.


      Treetops, same as me.....I don't believe it was fat....I am seeing my face and belly going down....swelling due to alcohol.....looking back through old photos tells the story....some day I will reveal; my 40th....duh! Now... 10 times better!
      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


        Day 2, check! Whew. The posts today were exactly what I needed. The AL voices were screaming in my head. I can't wait for that to at least diminish. Funny thing is it starts right around 5 and tapers for the most part by 9pm. I think I am trying to tough it out to post that I made it. Tomorrow I'll try getting on around 4:30 or 5 and see if that helps. Thanks all for your help. This is hard, but that is all the more reason I need to be here. Sigh.


          I actually found myself having drinking thoughts earlier today. The idea that I needed to reward myself hit me - and I thought drink. Good think I know that drinking is not a reward and that I wouldn't enjoy it. Caveman brain talking to me. It's been awhile since the "you've been working hard" one came out. I really taught my brain to make some connections with alcohol that were false!

          Sleep tight all - I'm hitting the sack.

          Done. Moving on to life.


            thank you one and all for helping me through my "dilemma of the day" yesterday. Its funny, because I already knew the answer but my AV wasn't letting me see it. That is why posting and reading and posting again are vital and crucial tools for my sobriety. I couldn't do this without all of you. Each and every one of you is helping me recover and for that I am very very grateful.

            I am a little bit concerned that I haven't had a good night sleep in several days. I am falling asleep too late and waking up too early and then last night I woke up several times in the night as well. This is where HALT comes in. As usual, I have a jam packed day so taking a nap is out of the question. Next week, my boys have a week off from school so taking the day off today does not make sense. WAIT A MINUTE…..maybe that is exactly WHY i should take some time off today…

            why do even the simple things become such huge issues for me these days? I feel like I have so much to do that my mind is having trouble resting…..I just want to get so much accomplished now whereas 2 months ago I was just sort of on autopilot and didn't care.

            My saving grace is that today is Friday so I have the weekend to rest…..but will i? Or will I run around my house concocting projects that "must" get done. OK, I have rambled enough.
            I guess the good news is, I know I will be tired later so now I am planning what I will do when that AV kicks in…..and I would not be able to make such a plan without all of your posts these past 24 hours.… helped me see that my disease is trying to fool me.


              Good morning Nesters & happy Friday

              Sunny & 9 degrees here - that's cold!!!

              It's a good idea to keep your focus on you & your quit jennie - that's what is most important now!
              Don't allow distractions to throw you off your plan.

              Thoughts are just thoughts everyone & you don't have to act on them

              Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Originally posted by actiongirl46 View Post
                Day 2, check! Whew. The posts today were exactly what I needed. The AL voices were screaming in my head. I can't wait for that to at least diminish. Funny thing is it starts right around 5 and tapers for the most part by 9pm. I think I am trying to tough it out to post that I made it. Tomorrow I'll try getting on around 4:30 or 5 and see if that helps. Thanks all for your help. This is hard, but that is all the more reason I need to be here. Sigh.
                Hi Actiongirl,
                HUGE congrats on day 2!! You are on the way!

                What works for my 5 pm cravings is to have a non-alcoholic drink, club soda and fruit juice works great! Current drink is tart cherry juice, lime club soda with just a dash of margarita mix....which has the added benefit of being good for you!

                AND a small snack right after work. That seems to take the edge off and cravings become manageable....
                I still do that and I am on day 90 something, cravings are pretty much gone.....but sure don't want them coming back!

                Also, posting on the newbie's nest roll call is fun. You can watch the days add up! Good luck!
                Kicked AL to the curb November 9, 2014!


                  Morning, Nesters!
                  Friday the 13th! This is usually a lucky day for me so I hope that stands true today.

                  Jennie, I so related to your post about your mind bouncing off the walls with things to do. Our poor brains have been thru so much that it is just a miracle of miracles that we are able to heal. I think all of this increased activity is a sign of that's doing what it DIDN'T/COULDN'T do before! (string two coherent thoughts together). I don't know the science of it, but I will tell you that it is a stepping stone to healing. You are getting there! Things will even out very soon!

                  Keep up the great work, everyone. Keep matter what! Byrdie

                  Edit to add: This is what I was looking for the other day!
                  Last edited by Byrdlady; February 13, 2015, 09:46 AM.
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Byrdie, along the lines of your post, I saw something on Facebook the other day that I liked:

                    "The grass isn't greener somewhere else, it's greener where you water it."

                    Jennie, I am restless too - or maybe "overambitious". I tend not to give myself down time - and I used alcohol to quiet my brain after a crazy day of not stopping. One of the biggest gifts I have given myself is to relax at night instead of feeling like I have to work, work, work - though I have been doing this more lately. Your post was a good reminder to me that we don't need to be "doing" all the time.

                    Best wishes to everyone for a great weekend. I know I am excited for the prospect of some real sleep!!

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Day 349 for me and day 2 for my boyfriend. Really cold and snowy here today and possibly the whole weekend, plus I am very sick right now- sinuses/sore throat/cough/fever/body aches/ nausea the works. It seems crazy to me that the first thing I thought of to feel better was a drink! But I know it would just make it worse..

                      My boyfriend's withdrawal seems to be a little worse this time around but he is still using the valium to help with it. I just hope he can do it this time...

                      Hope everyone has a good day!
                      Last edited by Healthybutempty; February 13, 2015, 11:31 AM.


                        The easy way to quit drinking?:



                          HBE, hang in there! I used to tell myself that drinking had the antiseptic quality to relive sickness. I drank for cramps, headaches, and even with the stomach flu. It's funny, but since I stopped, I would say my illnesses from viruses (colds, flu, etc.) have lessened by 90%. In fact, though I have had a little of a stuffy head or minor sore throat, I have had only one illness in the past 9 months - and it was one day of stomach flu after my entire family had it. GREAT to be more healthy!

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            You know, Kensho, I caught more viruses the first year after I quit and decided that the high BAC must have been killing them off :egad:! It was kind of frustrating (and probably not even related...) but this last year has been great (touch wood)! I haven't been sick with a virus or bacterium at all and have even stopped taking antiimflammatories and antihistamines. Like everything else, some things take time and we all have different timelines.

                            Have a great weekend, everyone!


                              I still have serious allergies (I think it's my stupid cat :cat:, ..I'd get rid of it, but my kids seem to like him ) so when I wake up most mornings I am very congested, but I still remember how it felt after a night of drinking and it was like 5 times worse, so I consider that progress in my book.

                              Hope everyone (especially those living on the freezing U.S. east coast) has a sober warm weekend.

                              Edit: I notice I still have access to the "subscriber smilies" but to nothing else, even though they recently renewed my dues...I complained to RJ and others a few times to no avail, so I'm canceling my subscriber dues this month)
                              “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



                                Hello all. Just posted this link in the online media toolbox. Some excellent info/discussions. Def worth a look.

                                Here are another 30 interviews with recovery practicioners associated with the recent recovery 2.0 online conference run in the U.S.A. by ex addict and yoga teacherTommy Rosen. Free viewing until end of this weekend.

                                I've watched 4 of them and i reckon they are very much worth a look/listen. From trauma recovery discussions to yoga, meditation, mindfulness, relapse discussions etc. A Holistic angle. Requires email sign up.

                                If you're struggling this weekend, dig in.

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

