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    You are 100% right. I could kick myself for moving all that crap down into the basement to begin with. I knew better. Thanks for the suggestions. I know at least one person I can call who will likely take most of it off my hands. Shits weighing me down!

    On the subject of Trader Joes...i imagine it's a pretty large number of people that shifted into higher gear thanks in part to to the convenience and cost of 2 buck chuck. At the store I went to, cases were kept along the front wall of the store. At check out, you'd just tell them what you want and into the cart it went. I did 2 cases at a clip, and of all the liquor stores I shopped at, it was there that I felt the least guilty. It was so damn efficient. Getting rid of the bottles, now that's another story all together. Talk about a full time career. Ooooof

    Love and strength to all
    AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


      Hi Everyone,

      Good to see Jane posting again. Hope you are freed from all the troubles.

      Planning a vacation next month with family and kids ...
      Rewiring my brain ... done ...
      Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
      Rebooting ... done ...
      Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


        Hi Nesties! Quick fly by here. A client booked my entire week and my free time is spent cooking and with kiddos. Will have time to read back tonight. No booze desires here - just solid work. No time to think of that or much else.

        Stay strong and I look forward to catching up later.

        Done. Moving on to life.


          A quick one for me also.
          Busy day with appointments - then work the evening shift (so little non related work computer )

          All is great. I can feel spring. I can see it in the people outside, the birds chirping, the small buds on the trees, the crocuses.
          I can feel it in my soul... maybe thats spring fever?


            Hi all - Just have time for a quick check in. Byrdie, so glad you are feeling better. That did not sound good! Thanks for sparing us the details. Yuck, sorry you had to deal with that.

            Hanna - great job! Lots of learning going on, for me too. I am actually looking forward to my son's band concert at 7pm tonight instead of resenting it. Also, who did I think I was fooling with the gum?

            Stevo - any word???

            More later - Action


              Hello everyone.
              I had a similar experience yesterday. My boyfriend and I were at the mall and on the way out he stopped at the liquor store for a case of beer (which I was not happy about) so of course I went in with him( couldnt tell you why...). I ended up grabbing a bottle of cider but once we got to the checkout and my boyfriend paid for his beer I told the cashier that on second thought I didnt want it. I was so relieved when I woke up the next morning that I didn't get it.

              On another note, I think I have been clenching my jaw/grinding my teeth at night because of the recent stiffness/pain in my jaw from the RA, so I am considering getting one of those mouth guards you can wear at night to prevent that. I think it is making it worse and it is getting harder to eat.

              Hope everyone is having a great AF day! Don't get buried in the snow!


                I am having so much anxiety today and yesterday. I havent gone to work in 2 days and my husband is out of town. My marriage is on the rocks. we have three kids. I am having a hard time keeping everything together. The main thing is I will quit drinking for 2-3 weeks and then I will drink only when my husband goes out of town. Valentines day we decided we were going to go out and we drank all night...then for v day he bought tickets for me and my friend to go see 50 shades so our big idea was to bring wine and rum into the movies then went out for margaritas after wards. Well then I pretty much came home and went to bed. Monday night I didn't drink but I woke up feeling so much anxiety, so I took the day off of work and that night my husband went out of town. It was also my step daughters bday so I went and got her balloons, watched her son while she went to work, made her favorite meal and started drinking wine...a bottle and a half and I just feel I killed my dog kind of horrible (I didn't really kill my dog), but ya know what I mean. I just feel like so guilty and sad and scared and worried. I know in realtiy I have done nothing but drink. I wish I just wouldn't drink or think about drinking or need to think I need to drink. I hate how I feel it needs to be a part of my life. This is the last thing I need...I took a xanax (dr perscribed) but it does't help much. I just want it all out of my system. I know I am better than this. Someone please talk to me.
                Honeysoup :heart:



                  Matt - good to see you check in. I miss your posts - anything else going on? Remember, participation in a community is very important to sobriety. I can't remember if you go to meetings or not, but we're here for you - don't forget

                  Remember - don't drink, no matter what.


                  Thanks Pav and you are right on! I try to tell everyone here to check in, post etc, etc. I have been going 90 to nothing lately, and will get in hear and read many times a day The main thing I do now when I get so busy, is to increase the frequency with my " online MWO" sponsors, if you Will. I have a few tenured members in here that I check in with regularly, or they will stalk me, which is what I need. With that being said I also know how important it is to share my experiences, strengths and hopes in these rooms as to keep me honest and help others. Wholeheartedly believe that
                  the mentality and behavior of drug addicts and alcoholics is wholly irrational until you understand that they are completely powerless over their addiction and unless they have structured help, they have no hope. Because I know there is a 100% chance , I can't do this by myself!

                  Thanks how everyone is doing well!
                  AF 08~05~2014

                  There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                    hi honey. Anxiety is horrendous. i suffered terribly from it over my drinking career and i blamed everything and everyone on my anxiety. The fact was it was al. i still get anxious at times but no where near as bad as my drinking days.

                    2 to 3 weeks of not drinking is great and it sounds like you put a pretty big binge on when hubs is away. Can you put a plan, however small into place for these times that hubs is away, like get all the al out of the house, change your routine?

                    We are all better than al but it seems to have a terrible hold on us and our lives. its not easy to stop and stay sober and this is where you need a plan. When i decided to stop drinking after 20+ years i told my children, posted on here like a lunatic to be accountable, went to work, came home, showered and stayed put. i ate what i wanted and slept when i was tired, read a lot and watched documentaries on drinking. i also took valium for the first few days to help with the anxiety as to me my anxiety got worse before it got better.

                    no one will do this for you honey but the good thing is the people on MWO understand and have been where you are and know how you feel. keep on here, you can do this.
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Hello Nesters near and not so far.

                      Spot on as usual Ava. Hi Honey. I was the same when drinking. Anxiety, depression, low mood, zero self esteem, zero self confidence, and zero self respect and self care. The only way it stopped for me was to remove booze totally from my life. No halfway measures, no shortcuts. I had to set myself a date, work out a little plan i could handle for those early days and weeks to keep me distracted and my mind off booze. I believe Ava's idea's in her above post is a good place to start from.

                      Take back your precious life and self respect. Try to love yourself again no matter who, no matter what, because you are worth it.

                      Go for it and don't forget yer toolbox

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Glad you are feeling better Ms Byrdie

                        Matt, are you calling me a stalker? Ha Ha Ha
                        I've been known to push a few people into compliance but only because I think they secretly wanted me to give them a nudge

                        Honey, I'm glad you're posting again & here's a gentle push for you. Stop drinking!
                        You've been a member here almost 3 years now, think about what you've read & what you've learned!
                        Get a brand new plan together for yourself, cover all of your drinking triggers. The anxiety will go away when you remove AL completely from the picture. Please don't keep doing this to yourself & your kids.

                        Wishing everyone a warm & safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Honey. There is a ton of information on anxiety and alcohol use. All of it points to a greater dependence on alcohol with little relief from the underlying anxiety. In short overtime things get worse not better. I know there is a social stigma concerning psychotherapy but I know that a good therapist can help far more than alchol. My daughter was severely depressed during her early teens and her decision to get help saved her life. Just a thought.
                          Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                          William Butler Yeats


                            Hi all

                            Bird, sorry you had a tummy ache, and glad you are feeling better!

                            This afternoon, I was once again in a bad place. Just cranky, and thinking about AL. I emailed with someone, which helped a lot. I also realized that in the last couple of days I was coming down with a cold, which finally blossomed. So, I imagine that has been playing a part. Soup and warm PJ's help a lot. Amazing how just being the least bit off, and I think I need a drink!!! I am so glad I didn't, of course, and I need to remember two things next time 1) I will regret it later and 2) moods change, and rapidly most times. So, I am learning a little every day.

                            Action, so glad you are continuing to be strong!

                            Night all


                              Lav~ Call it whatever you want, just please never stop! So "stalker" in this instance Has a truly positive meaning. And I thank you.

                              Hanna~ You are doing great, you were struggling today and reached out to someone, I can't stress the importance of this enough. Feel free to Message me and I'll give you my contact info.

                              Byrd~Stalker#2 hope you feel better soon. <3

                              Ava~Stalker#1 great post, and I'm glad you have gotten to know me.

                              Hanna~Stay hard, stay connected and do not take that first drink before talking to one of us first!
                              Love you freaks!
                              AF 08~05~2014

                              There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                                G'day to everyone in here.
                                I think it was actiongirl who asked if there was any word yet and the answer is no,but I am not expecting to hear anything for a week or so.
                                It has been a fairly cruisy day here for me although a cyclone is about halfway up the Queensland coast and expected to make landfall sometime tomorrow.I am quite a fair way south but it is already raining here and we will see floods and the like.They have already shut a lot of schools down for tomorrow in the area where I live.
                                I quite like big storms,there is something about the power of nature that I find awe inspiring in a macabre sort of way.
                                I realised this morning that I am only 6 days away from 2 years without getting drunk.My sober date was 25 of February 2013 until I drank 2 beers in a drug fuelled psychosis on the 29 of January last year.Due to this I had to change my sober date according to AA culture.Which I am fine with but the truth is I only ever drank to get drunk and it is almost 2 years since I have done that.I am not really interested in the celebration of milestones but do understand that it is an important part of recovery culture.For me it is one day at a time and just for today.
                                Anywho I just thought I would drop the nesters a line and say g'day.
                                It is great to see all the posts that talk of hope and strength,and to see that you guys are hanging in there.
                                Cheers Stevo.
                                Last edited by Stevo; February 19, 2015, 01:22 AM.

