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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Third time trying - I have written MONSTER posts and they are all down some big black computer hole!!!!! If they ever all turn up I'll feel like a right wally, anyway - memory again.
    Afternoon to everyone who has posted and will later - that covers my ass a bit!!
    Tranq. glad to know even IT men can cock up ( actually its only when IT men are around at work that the system let me think? he he!)
    Welcome to Skybluelinda and Time, best place to be, keep posting and reading.:welcome:
    Spam you'll have to stop swimming and having such a lovely time cos you're making me dead jealous.
    Hi Mamabear, how's lovely Florida today?
    Now I've reached the stage where I'm tempted to go back on the thread - but I'm not goin to so check in again later
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Newbies Nest

      Hey Gang.....just finished more yard work......raking and bagging leaves...argh...time for a manicure...
      eating freash avocado and tomatoes grilled chicken....waiting on Papa Bear to force him to watch "New Moon" with me...he will roll his eyes......
      Welcome SkyBlue....come cuddle in the nest right next to me....
      order the Starter pack and the MWO book...I am also taking Topamas...I am folllowing the guideline EXACTLY as laid out in the book...not as great about the excercise as SPAM is, but.....
      the topa is has helped me cut back, but not AF yet....
      I am redneck from Florida so I am a beer drinker.......or whatever is put in front of me!!!!!
      See Ya'll Later....

      Smooches from overcast but warmer Florida
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Newbies Nest

        A big welcome to Skybluelinda and Timetostop, great to have you here. It's a warm and friendly place to be. Keep posting no matter what. Don't be like me and hide away when I mess up..have learnt my lesson there, thanks Mama Bear for not letting me away with it..don't mess with Mama:l

        Anyway, hi to everyone else too.
        Runningwind, hope you got some nice plants. Lav, did you cook up a storm?
        Papmom, I love your list of positives of AF living. Well done.

        Ok, over and out and take care nestlings:h


          Newbies Nest

          Morning everyone.

          Got up extra early this morning so I could come visit and get me morning fix without having to rush.
          Welcome Blueskylinda and Timetostop. If it is time to stop, you are in the right place. We are all in the same boat as you, so please dont ever feel like you cant ask us something or cant come back if you "cock up" (I like that term Molly). We are here to help each other and that's what we do.
          Soph - I'm sorry you felt you had to hide away. You know we love you warts and all....Dont quit quitting!
          Hey Molly - what about opening a word document at the same time as MWO, type your post in word then cut and paste over to here? Then you can keep MWO open and go back and forward like you need to, but you will also have somewhere to take notes. I see in your moods you are lonely. We are all here for you , even us crazy Aussies on the other side of the world. Take care. x
          Runningwind - you sound good, very positive. I think this is going to be a lifelong lesson on how to live sober.... I'm still learning when life throws things at me that I havent had to deal with sober. Cant say I like everything that I have to deal with but I think that is REAL life, not the fuzzy, half life I was living.
          Katie if you pop in. hope your birthday weekend went well and good luck with the court today. Stay focused and strong. You can do it.
          Take care everyone, have a good week. Short week this week as it is a public holiday Friday YAY!
          Hippy Chick.
          I finally got it!
          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Everyone!!
            I'm finally home after a jam packed day. I had a nice time at the obedience/rally event that my potential new dog club put on today. I saw lots of people that i know and love and met some new very nice ones. I got my fix of puppy kisses and breath (there were 10 there !!) and of course watching all those gorgeous paps strutting their stuff in obedience and rally was just a feast for the eyes! My only regret is that I couldn't stay long enough to watch the novice dogs in rally and that I didn't bring at least one of my dogs with me to be fawned over by everyone there. He is so oversized he gets tons of attention at pap events. I definitely want to start training at least 2 of my dogs in rally so there goes another free night and weekends LOL!! See, I'm going to be so darn busy I won't have time to drink :H:H

            My nephew's 18th family birthday party was very nice and very low key. Lots of illnesses going around this time of year so it wasn't a full contingent. I got there a bit late as I stopped off at the mall on the way to return something and ended up buying some shoes and earrings. Anyway, the food was great- all italian - and the cake and cannolis were just what a recovering person with alcohol dependency wanted and needed !! I am very proud of myself for following my plan almost exactly (didn't get home to walk the pups) and it worked!!! I took my L-Glut and sups when I got there and headed straight for the cranraspberry juice and lemon seltzer which was very refreshing!! We ate soon after and even tho the PG was opened, I really didn't feel like I wanted it or needed it and didn't feel deprived at all. When it was time for cake I brewed myself a nice cup of tea and sat back and relaxed as my nephew opened his cards (too old for gifts now). We all chipped in so he can buy an electric guitar and amp to bring to college next fall (I'm not sure his roommate will appreciate that but what the heck it's what he wanted). He's in a local band and they've actually produced a CD and have a FB page.

            I feel very fulfilled (and full!!) tonite and am getting a bit tired. I'm still having a really hard time falling asleep and it's wearing thin. I can't find the supplement Lavande told us about (Mellodyn) locally so I guess I'll have to order it from the company.

            :welcome: BlueskyLinda and TimetoStop. You'll find this nest very comfy/cozy and just the right place to be as newbies. Please don't be afraid to post and ask questions. I wouldn't be doing as well as I am without this nest of fine feathered friends. This is not an easy journey and you absolutely cannot do it alone. We're all here for you.

            I think I'll say goodnite and climb into bed early so I can get closer to finishing my library book (then I can start Allen Carr's book!!).

            Have a great rest of the night/morning. Will check in tomorrow.
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              Got the cookout done just in time - it's raining & quite chilly now! Still looking for that REAL Spring feeling

              spam, hope your day was a good one!

              runningwind, I picked up a bunch of broccoli plants yesterday to drop in my garden (if & when it ever stops raining)! Did you find anything good?

              molly, computers can be a pain in the a$$ but without them we would never have met

              Mama Bear, I've never associated red necks with Florida. I think most of them live up here closer to me!

              Sophie, no more hiding, deal??

              HC, life does not become perfect but it does improve vastly, doesn't it? We still have to deal with the things that we never did have control over - such as other people's mood swings! I'm referring to my daughter who was not very nice at dinner tonight - oh well!

              papmom, queen of the puppy breath - just kidding!!! Glad you enjoyed your rather full day!
              As far as I know you can only purchase the Mellodyn directly from the website. They are very good to deal with though & ship quickly. I allowed myself to run out a few weeks ago & boy was I sorry for a few nights, won't do that again

              Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest.
              Greeting to my VP Tranq!
              Leaving the night light on.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Dropping in to say goodnight nesters. Sorry I haven't been around. I'll fly back in tomorrow to catch up on the nest. I've been restless and anxious all day. Ran out of L-Glutamine today. Going to have to get some more of that right away.
                Has anyone heard from Katie how the court date went?

                Welcome Newbies!!!!! Welcome regulars!!

                Catch you all in the morning.....................
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning All
                  Seems to me HippyC you and me are the only ones in today everyone else still going to bed!! Good plan with the Word Doc (which of course I'm not doing now but you are still on the same page!) I actually will give that a go. Not so much lonely today more exhausted, had a bummer of a night last night, after all this time had a craving beyond belief for booze and could not see ANYTHING else in the whole wide world that would be better than alcohol. Really made me feel alone that after quite a stint AF that I could still feel like that. Anyway onwards and upwards and still dry PTL! (Mamabear taught me that one).
                  Lav, yeah suppose computers do have a purpose, where would I be without this site.
                  Papmom - whats a PG? Glad you had a lovely day and stuck to the plan
                  Nora, meet your sister - anxious grumpy cow (me, not you!!) it all seems ok the next day.
                  Morning Sophie, will be back later to see how everyone is
                  Have a nice day/night/morning jeeeez why can't y'all come an live here, at least we'd all be at the same time he he!!
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi all.

                    Hey Moll, what does PTL mean? Probably something really simple. Usually I ask my 10 year old for abbreviations and how to do things on the computer....

                    Sounds like Katie did really well. Hope you are proud of yourself.

                    Just been on line looking at a cruise I want to book for January but I am scared. The thought of a cruise with no alcohol is terrifying me. I will be a whole year sober but just booking it now frightens me.... (We went on one two years ago and spent AU$3000 in 16 days on AL.)So maybe I can look at how much money we will save this time which I will be able to spend on pampering in the spa, shopping, food........

                    Anyway, just wanted to check in on Katie and she sounds OK.

                    Will catchya later.
                    I finally got it!
                    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning Everyone..... It's rainy and nasty this monday morning but im sober, lets all get another day and add year's to our life. BE GOOD YOUR SELF! Trucker123


                        Newbies Nest

                        PRAISE THE LORD Hippy PRAISE THE LORD ( apparently in the States they are known as the PTL brigade, don't you just love it!). I loved when my kids were 10 they were so helpful, now my youngest is 15 and they all pretend they know nothing so they won't have to do anything!
                        I have spent my life wanting to go on a cruise and now yeah Mr Awkward (I'll never go on a cruise) Husband has just agreed to go on one aaaaaaaaarrrrgggghhh, like you it scares me a bit, all that booze really would be in your face wouldn't it? Like you say tho you'll be a year sober so its probably a completely different mindset from that viewpoint, don't know, you'd have to ask some of the olbies that one!!
                        Katie sounds like she did great - good on you girl:goodjob:
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Newbies Nest

                          Rainy and Nasty here in Dublin as well Trucker but at least we haven't hangover as well - you're right!
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Newbies Nest

                            PS just working it out - 11AM in Dublin must be AWFUL early in States?? You another insomniac?
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Mollyka It is early, I had to drive a friend to work... Im sleepimg much better..And your right soooo much better to wake uo feeling sober and ready to face the day have a good day. Trucker123


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello All,

                                A late drop in today. I'm off for an early night soon as I've been tired all day.

                                I saw a better doctor about my knee today who didn't just fob me off. He explained what was going on and sent me for a x-ray. Basically, there's a lot of soft tissue and nerve damage (amongst other things.) Looks like my ice-skating career is over :H

                                It will get better but I need to be patient - not my strong point.

                                Molly - Life here is WONDERFUL. I am from London and lived there and in Kent until 5 years ago. It's always warm and sunny here and there is so much to do. Have your clocks changed yet? If so, that means were 9 hours ahead of you.

                                I'll catch up in the morning.


