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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Keeping positive - buckle up everyone!

    Despite my fall from grace - I will strive to do better!

    How about an April challenge? A fresh month is nearly upon us. I think I will use the next few days to practice for an AF April!

    Anyone want to join in an April challenge?


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning all! It looks like everone had a good weekend for the most part.

      Lavende- This garden adventure is lots of work! Instead of coming home with plants, I came back with lots of bags of organic soil, mulch and a tiller. I found out I waited to long for brocolli (being that I live in south Texas). Maybe you can send me a piece of yours. :H

      Coco-Nut- The important thing is that you got right back in the game! Missed your post over the weekend.

      Sophie75- I'am glad you came back. My gardening adventure is turning out to be bigger than I thought! I haven't even gotten to the plants yet.

      Hippy Chick- I do feel good. I know I'am finally ready to live a life AF. Your right though, life isn't always easy and that is where the real test comes into play. Your cruise sounds exciting! Maybe it would help to write a new plan, just for the cruise. It might get you over any bumps that might come up.

      NoraC- I'am glad your hubby made it home safely. I'am sorry though that you are feeling anxious but it sounds like your utilizing your plan, thats great!

      Papmom3- Glad your weekend went well and good job on following your plan also!

      fennel- Good job on staying AF this weekend, you sound determined!

      KatieB- I'am so happy that you made it through court,(I knew you would). Remember your in all our thoughts! :l

      TranqWilly- Thats great on going 2-weeks AF! I'am not quite there but I'am trying to keep up with you and stay busy. I have 7-days AF!

      Mollyka- I get so tickled at your computer trouble. :hateputer: I know it can be a pain in the fanny though!

      Spam- I'am glad that your knee is going to get better and I'am sending you a little patience from Texas.

      mamabear- It sounds like you had a great weekend! Your post though, made me hungry :H
      The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


        Newbies Nest

        Coco-Nut- The important thing is that you got right back in the game! Missed your post over the weekend.

        I'm only "here" Monday through Friday - which is probably why my plunges into the abyss have only happened on Saturdays & Sundays... I'm going to try to do the whole of April - would you like to join me?

        Coco (humbled and dusty, but back in the Nest)


          Newbies Nest

          I will try too

          Hi Coco-Nut and Everyone

          Yes I will start practicing now for an AF April. I fell too but climbing back up.

          Plans. Make the plans.



            Newbies Nest

            Hi Coco nut I'm up for the April challenge - I too fell off my twig yesterday but back in the nest tonight.

            Hi everyone great to hear the weekend has gone well.

            Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


              Newbies Nest

              I think we need branches...not twigs!!!
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Newbies Nest

                [quote]Coco-Nut;830048 wrote:
                Originally posted by runningwind View Post
                Coco-Nut- The important thing is that you got right back in the game! Missed your post over the weekend.

                I'm only "here" Monday through Friday - which is probably why my plunges into the abyss have only happened on Saturdays & Sundays... I'm going to try to do the whole of April - would you like to join me?

                Coco (humbled and dusty, but back in the Nest)
                Coco-Nut, I'am right there with you, lets go take April on!!!
                The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                  Newbies Nest

                  Definitely with you Coco for April - whole new start and 30 days AF!! And Panno and Meech roll on Thursday morn!!
                  Runningwind - my 'computer trouble' as you so quaintly put it has now risen to crisis proportions, you have no idea!!!!he he!
                  I'm now exhausted so will say goodnight to everyone here and will talk to you all tomorrow
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Newbies Nest

                    What a busy day in the nest:goodjob:

                    Runningwind, sounds like great preparation going on in the garden. You'll have the biggest veggies in the neighbourhood!

                    Coco - nut best of luck with the april challenge. Cheering you on.

                    Fennel, well done on the ice thats something I'd love to try again. Would wear lots of bulky clothes I think for a soft landing

                    Hippy Chick, maybe you should start putting some of your old al money into a cruise fund; stop dreading it and imagine all the adventures you'll have with the hard cash Thanks for your kindness; nobody's fault I hid away, just an old habit of mine of not asking for help. Have got sense now though.

                    Molly, some of the puddles today were scary deep, hope you avoided them.

                    Spam ouch, be really kind to that knee of yours.. sit out in some of that lovely sun you're spoilt with and think of myself and Molly getting dripped upon

                    Papmom, sounds like you're having lots of fun; well done on sticking to your plan of action.

                    Lav, no more hiding, I promise. Thank you for caring as always.

                    Nora, hope you got your L glut restocked.

                    Ok, well I made a promise to myself not to drink in secret ever again and have stuck with it for 3 days now. Today I had 2 beers with friends and enjoyed them without wanting any more. Much better than hiding away. Thanks for all the support friends. :groupluv:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Sis
                      glad to see you posting
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Mama Bear, yeah I'm pretty great:H


                          Newbies Nest

                          I hopping in the nest!

                          Hi all,

                          I am back after a being gone too long. Ialready posted today in getting started and am on Day 3. Basically, my husband came home on Friday to find me very lit ... he had been finding me like that more and more... I left a very stressful job about a year ago (by choice) and made some stupid choices as I stayed at home. So, I am back and serious about getting myself back. I look forward to "meeting" everyone.
                          LT formerly known as stillcrawling


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            LT, welcome, glad you're here with us. Find yourself a nice twig & settle in
                            I have to admit, I did the same thing years ago after leaving a stressful job. I didn't realize at the time that I was as depressed as I turned out to be. Of course, self medicating with a bottle or 2 of wine/day was not a good treatment!

                            Looks like a few fledglings fell out of the nest this weekend, but coming right back is what's going to get you to your goals. Fasten your seatbelts now everyone

                            Well, I'm going to wish everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest - tomorrow will be here soon enough.
                            Greetings to my VP Tranq! The night light in on

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest


                              Welcome LT. Nice to "meet" you. We were talking about getting our old selves back (pre-AL days) recently. Some of us have to go wayyyyyy back!! Good luck with your journey.
                              Hi Runningwind - good idea to make a plan for the cruise. As I have already been on one I know what is available that doesnt involve AL. There is so much to do where I dont "need" to drink. However I know also how much does involve drinking on the ship.
                              This is not going to happen til January, need to live in today, not 9 months time!! Dont know why I am panicing.
                              Hey Soph - how you doing? A cruise fund sounds like a good idea. If I can drink half of $3000 in sixteen days on the previous cruise just imagine how many shoes and bags and clothes etc I can buy!!! I too, dont ask for help when I need it. That is one of my big problems. I expect everyone to be able to read my mind and my thoughts. Even when asked what is wrong I say "nothing". That is why AL was such a good mask for me. I am having an issue at the moment that needs to be talked about, but I just cant find the words. (AL always loosened my tongue). It's a long road........
                              Coco - I'm in for the AF April. April is a huge birthday month for me including my own so the temptation to drink is going to be strong. Not had a sober birthday since my last pregnancy 11 years ago! Even blacked out at my 40th so dont remember much of it!
                              My daughter is trying to make her lunch and is having a man-look for things she needs, so better go,
                              Have a good day and will catchya later.
                              I finally got it!
                              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Lav. We always seem to cross post. Hope you are doing OK.
                                I finally got it!
                                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah

