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    Happy 1500 Days Byrdie - that is such a biggie. I bet you are fluttering those wings right now.


    and THANK YOU for all your support and kindness you spread here. The nest is a cozy place when we know you are here.



      Tatoo on the bottom, T-Byrdie? Might've done that on a drinking binge back in my dark ages! Actually, I have thought about a tat commemorating freedom from addiction. You know what comes to mind? The image that has welcomed and encouraged so many of us along the path to freedom.


      Congrats on 1500 days, precious Byrdie! I am so grateful for all your support and friendship.....
      Sober for the Revolution!
      AF & NF July 23, 2011


        Originally posted by A new page View Post
        Thanks, TJ. I think it helps to be aware of PAWS' existence, and also to watch out for it. That way it becomes explainable, and if one is experiencing odd feelings, maybe it is not as scary as the complete unknown, and the possibility that the oddness is going to be forever!

        Congrats, New Page, on your growing AF tally! I'm with you on the power of demystifying the unknown. It was one of the core reasons I was able to successfully navigate the earlier days of detox and brain recovery. In fact, knowing the FACTS and learning from the experiences of others makes all the difference in dealing with cravings, stresses and triggers. They will happen. They aren't fun. But they are normal and it is within our power to not just endure, but to meet these challenges and become that much stronger knowing that this part of the healing process.
        Sober for the Revolution!
        AF & NF July 23, 2011


          Hi Folks,

          Day 87 and a cry for help. I'm feeling so vulnerable right now. I HAVE TO MAKE IT THROUGH THIS NIGHT! The cravings have been so intense and that voice is saying, "oh you can..."

          Sorry for just jumping in here in a panic, but there it is.
          Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
          Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

          Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

          Go forward boldly and unafraid


            Hey Fin.... what's up?? Don't forget there are 2 sides to that argument!!! the other side that says "NO WAY YOU BASTARD!!
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Hey Fin - thanks for shouting out.

              Whats going on?

              Go forward boldly and unafraid - you can do this. Make sure there is no AL around. Find something else to do... pull out all the tricks to rewire your brain right now.


                FIN! Do you have someone's phone number? hang in there buddy, please
                The easy way to quit drinking?:



                  Our arms are open for you. Just fall in and take deep breaths. Don't drink. 87 days is a fantastic, marvelous, be-darn-proud achievement. The only thing better? 88 days. Well carry you friend, hang on.
                  Mary Lou

                  A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                    Don't do it, Fin! I almost always get that way around 90 days, it's the witching time for me...get past it! Be my hero!


                      Hi Everyone! Checking in on day 6! Had a bit of a stressful time at work today, plus it's friday, so it was a bit difficult coming home and pouring myself a cran-raspberry and sparkling water at by gosh it tastes good! I've been having trouble with coming awake at 5:30 a.m. the past few days, not sure what to do about it for now, but I know from experience that my biorythms return to normal eventually. So all is well in Banana-land, though still frightfully cold. Going to snuggle in with the fam tonight, have a nice easy dinner on. Best to everyone!


                        Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                        Holy Moly, Turn!!

                        I don't say that to scare anyone, but it is important to remember WE ARE NOT NORMAL, we have this disease/condition/situation, whatever you want to call it that requires it or not.
                        Byrdie I agree, WE ARE NOT NORMAL. WE ARE SPECIAL.

                        My wife and I were at a friends ranch with a number of other couples over New Years. Lots of AL being consumed by most everyone. However, one guy, good friend of mine, noticed I just drank water or soda the whole time. Finally, a day before we left, he asks "Are you one of us??"

                        Wow, I knew immediately what he was asking. I come to find out that he and his wife have been sober for +5 years. I instantly had a special connection with them. I thought them to always be good people, now I know they are great people. There is simply something outstanding and very attractive about people who have received the graces and have the internal "right stuff" to overcome this issue in their lives.

                        I have thought about this a lot in the couple of months since New Years. Any former thoughts about shame, woe-is-me, why was I given this cross to bear, are now replaced by feelings of gratitude and thankfulness. I am proud to belong to this club and now associate with these kind of people.


                          Banana44-I have a favorite NA drink also. I don't allow myself to have it at any time OTHER than the witching hour or witching situation. That way it always hits the spot and it is my reward!:exclaim:
                          The easy way to quit drinking?:



                            Thanks, ALL. What's triggered this all of a sudden is the fact that my wife is away on a ten day trip. When the cat is away...

                            Alas, I will stay close to the nest tonight and read and read and NOT drink.

                            Love you guys/gals,
                            Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                            Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                            Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                            Go forward boldly and unafraid


                              That's a great idea Overit! Thanks!


                                it's time to play that mando relentlessly now!!! When my wife is away the fiddle case stays open. Enjoy your music!
                                Liberated 5/11/2013

