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    Congratulations on 1500 days AF Byrdy!

    Thanks for just being you. :flowers: G

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Hope date night was great, G-man! :star:
      Sober for the Revolution!
      AF & NF July 23, 2011


        Byrdie, what can I say - but huge congrats. You are such an inspiration.

        And thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Originally posted by Turnagain View Post
          Hope date night was great, G-man! :star:
          Touchdown! :lucky:

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
            Touchdown! :lucky:
            Happy for you, G! Let's not carry this abstinence thing into places it doesn't need to go, eh? :congratulatory:


              Good morning Nesters & happy Saturday to all

              Sunny & freezing cold here in my end of the nest - still hoping for a sign of Spring!

              Congrats on the TD G!!!!!
              Hope your luck continues

              What is everyone doing to stay busy & out of trouble this weekend?
              Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday!!!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


       1 again. The thoughts got me. Ready to do this again


                  It is great you came right back, Hanna :hug:. Can you lay out what went wrong yesterday and how you can change your plan so it doesn't happen again?


                    Morning Nesters! Thank you Over-it-still, you gave me some good things to ponder. In the light of day i am feeling much better and am looking forward to a day of shopping and lunch with my oldest and youngest daughters.

                    I wish everyone strength in their own journeys. Congrats Brydie on 1500 days! amazing!
                    AF/SF - November 23, 2014


                      Happy AF Saturday, no PAWS here.....

                      Happy sunny AF Saturday. Still frigid, but at least the sun is out and today is the last day of February, so Spring is in sight.
                      I changed my avatar to Lady Spring in preparation!

                      The little flat period I had last week is gone....left as suddenly as it arrived.
                      It seemed to go away the moment, I identified, or noticed it....and said "Hey what's wrong here?"

                      Not sure if it was PAWS, the head cold I have been having, or just sick-of-winter-itis......or maybe even a combo of all 3....maybe even brain healing?

                      I think it is important to be aware that there ARE flat periods, and that they will PASS - they are NOT PERMANENT, this is not what sobriety is all about....and laugh at the AV when he wakes up and says, "this is no good,you don't feel wonderful, might as well have a drink! "
                      Kicked AL to the curb November 9, 2014!


                        Good Morning, Nesters!
                        A beautiful day to be free! The sun is out, but we are still in the freezer.

                        Lav, I am trying my hand at a 5 layer cake, 6 inches in diameter. It will be my first try with fondant. I'm a little skeert! What's the worst that can happen? Back in the day, I would never have attempted stuff like this, at 10:30 a.m. I would have started drinking, and praying that I could keep it steady and not overdo so my hubs wouldn't notice. I wasnt even driving on weekends there at the end, what a prison I was in.

                        G, you nut! Glad you had a nice time! Did you go gambling? Ehehe.....

                        Hope everyone has an easy Sattidy. Seize the day! (And don't let AL seize you). B
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Hope everyone has a good Saturday, I made it through my Friday without drinking. Saturday's I work early and the first thing I noticed this morning was that my breakfast didn't make me feel sick since my stomach wasn't all jacked from the night before.

                          On the flip side I hurt my back with my workout till I drop strategy, I've had a herniated disc for a while and it acts up whenever I get stressed and workout a lot simultaneously, don't know what stress has to do with it but I can barely walk. This would typically be a time I get down on myself because I hate not staying on my training schedule, and push me to drink more since I can't move much anyway. Here's hoping I can get through work and the stress and not drive by cvs.

                          As always love reading your guys post whenever I have a free moment and my cravings are strong, constantly reinforces my desire to not start drinking again. I know if I can get through this weekend I'm off to a great start.


                            Originally posted by Hanna View Post
                   1 again. The thoughts got me. Ready to do this again
                            Good luck Hanna, I know I have started and stopped so many times, as long as we get back on the horse all I can figure is we are stronger than the last time we tried right? At least that's ehat I'm going to keep telling myself haha


                              Originally posted by Dutch1988 View Post
                              Good luck Hanna, I know I have started and stopped so many times, as long as we get back on the horse all I can figure is we are stronger than the last time we tried right? At least that's ehat I'm going to keep telling myself haha
                              Hi, Dutch. I think you're stronger if you use the experience to evaluate what went wrong and make any necessary changes. Simply repeating the experiment over and over doesn't work and the fact is, there is a very real risk of an epic fail, which is how scientists describe the experimental outcome when too many animals or participants in the study die.

                              There have been a couple heroin overdose deaths in my fairly small community this week. My tendency is to think of "them" as being much different from me. But the fact is, being legal doesn't make alcohol less of a drug and in fact, it is responsible for many more deaths each year than so-called illicit drugs.

                              Sorry to put a damper on the nest on this fine weekend morning but the fact is, this is serious business and anyone who makes it to this website needs to take it very seriously.

                              Take care of yourselves, NS


                                Good morning! Looking around and taking a head count.

                                Dutch-you are amazing! The good feelings and then things that you notice will get bigger and better!

                                Hi to Hanna and ADP. I'm sure I'm missing even more. Yes, the nest is bustling with good vibes this morning. And G! Holy cow!

                                So, I slept in, after a GREAT nights slumber. I hit the gym. At one point I looked in the mirror and thought "girl, you are 6 days sober. There is no more AL in your body, you are free of this, and got this." I was watching some people drag themselves in, I'm sure a lot had the GSR brothers tagging along. I almost felt like "flouncing" but I didn't.

                                I hope everyone has a great weekend. Dutch, stay busy and stay close.

                                Where is Fin? Byrdie.....I can't see around you, move over.......ok, well, I hope he checks in soon.

                                Everyone have a great day. I know I will because I just don't drink anymore. :thumbsup:
                                The easy way to quit drinking?:


